Going to England for a trip how can I sneak weed?

skunk around here is very good weed.
sounds like it is bad in the UK.
we dont have sumalians. we have mexicans.
and LAX is the scariest place in the world to have weed.
i could never even consider holding in the airport.
maybe if it was the 60's.
I read where Steve-O from Jack ass was putting his bud in a condom and swallowing it then digging it out his crap.I would not do that or sneak any period.

I am going to England for a vacation trip next week and what would be the best way to bring it on a plane not being able to smell it or any of the dogs be able to smell it.

im from the uk bring hash not weed put it in a tube of toothpaste works for me:eyesmoke:
just swollow it or stick it up ur arse, or even simpler way, buy it over here, cheap and you cud probly ask the first kid u saw and he wud be able to get it 1 way or another!!!!
coming to the uk eh? u coming for tea and crumpets with the queen or to see big ben? nice weed in uk but itll b hard to find someone to sell it to you, we aint into that on the corner shit like u americans lol. bringing ur own is possible, they dont usually have dogs in uk airports, play it cool though dont act nervous or youll get spotted, seal it in a cuple bags and compact it as small as possible (maybe grind it then compact it) take the air out then stick it in a bottle of shower gell or something symilar (bottle of dense liquid) maybe suncream but itll look wierd bringing suncream to england lol.
put it in your bag that goes in the hold not on you. when you coming n where u going to in england? if its anywhere near me ill sort u out
where in england are you going? if u going to London try to fly in at Gatwick Airport. stay away from Heathrow Airport they are crazy there so many people come in to that airport they are always looking for drugs and such. and just so you know if u get busted in england it just as bad as getting busted with crack or smack. When i go to england i fly in to Manchester much more chill there. you walk in hello passport please ok thanks have a nice day. i cant say the same for Heathrow first time i went to england i came in to Heathrow i almost didn't think they would let me in the county.and i didn't have anything with just coming to see my dad.
There are two ways i have learned one is to buy some food to take on the plane with you. one of those things should be peanut butter.what u do is open the peanut butter be careful to pull the seal off clean so you can put it back on and does not look like you have opened it.scoop out a hole in the peanut butter so that you only take out the center of it just so you can put a very well raped bag of you fav herb in the hole u made then put it all back together. the X-RAY can see throw the peanut butter.

The other way i know is that you can fill little gel capsules with keif or fine ground weed and fill them up put the capsules in a vitamin bottle and put them in your bag to check they will not say anything.on the down side it will take some hours to fill them all or a few good friends.lol

no matter what anyone tells you the uk justice system is probably the most leanient in the world, i got caught with weed on me once back in school and just got a warning. ive seen dea on tv and theyre so much more alert than english police, also sentences in england are way less than us, most of the time u dont go to jail if its your 1st offence(depends how serious it is) if its a small amount and u do get caught just say its personal use and i doubt youll get done too badly. will ruin your plans for a few weeks though if you get caught as the system is so slow in england. you should be fine though just follow the advice given in this thread (apart from the guy that said to hold it lmao) absolute must - put it in your check in bag not on you as you and your personal bag are scanned way more coz of terrorist threats.
pack it before you leave and try to forget you even have it with you, keep a cool head and act as if you havent got anything on you even if you get a search.

good luck, post when your through or back otherwise we'll think u got busted lol
This method has Always worked for me on the way back into the uk from the dam get Your bud bag it up put it in a dirty sock with a bit of an aroma then put it inside a GLASS , CUP OR TANQUERED then stick it in your luggage NEVER FAILED ME YET LOL :)
nahhhhh sorry english people here, but i spend all my summers in england with friends blazing drinkin and skating, and your weed aint that great!
its all so damn DRY! i dont know why you all seem to break it up. and its not just me running into shitty dealers, i got on the "peng" shit too, dont get me wrong its fairly potent, and yall roll spliffs, sure it works. but DAMN i miss the big juicy buds that roll into uncomarable blunts when im home!

man just stick it all in soe little airtight container and put it in the middle of socks. ive never done it before, but as long as its not in your carry on luggage im sure you'll be fine!
The correct answer if it hasn't been stated yet,(not bothering to read all this) but it is not so much what you put it in to mask smell it's how long ago you put it in there, theres science behind it, everything is porous so smell goes thru it, for example if you plan to get over Mexican border with ten birds,(kilos) don't package them and hide them 2000 miles from the border you wait til your just off the border then put your extra wrap of Reynolds wrap, candle wax coffee bean whatever your using and then store it, if you use the same vehicle over and over agin you will be caught no matter how you package it, I have friends that happen to know things..
my friend fly from amsterdam and put 2g of hash in his mouth ) He safely pass security and landed))) mb it's a solution for u, maybe not )