Going to Dubai, toughts!!


Active Member
Hi guys, Was planning if Im going to Dubai whats the best precautions to take, coz it seems quite paranoid...about this news...


I wonder how they found it:shock::shock:? and there are also cases saying that they can find it in the bloodstream...:?
creepy as stuff..

Im even wondering how a tiny speck could be used as evidence :? LOL!!
lived there for a long time long ago, never know things have escalated so much...

Valuing your opinions guys
I just read the article and it seems so ridiculous--such minute amounts and given these people YEARS!! behind bars is frightening. That is one place I will never be traveling to, but in your circumstances, if you want to go I would be really, really, sure that no reside or specks of "cannabis" are anywhere on your person, luggage, etc....and if you do smoke regularly maybe even give it a break for a few weeks before traveling--frightening article--I had to ask myself this is the year 2011, isn't it?
watch midnight express, then think about it. apparantly its like a giant armani shop in the desert, run by one familly
I know, cmon just a bloody speck doesnt make sense, fkn hell, I wanna know if dry cleaning will atleast work and putting them away ?!? :?
Ouch that sounds bad :/ I'm lucky they didn't search me that thuroughly when going through an Australia customs officer.. The dog smelt the bowls I had smoked before I got on the plane in the U.S.. They had to search through all my shit, if I wasn't honest about smoking before getting on the plane then they would have had the fuzz come and strip search meh :( xD
I can't think of a good reason to go to Dubai. Unless its a business trip or someone else is paying.

If you want to see some cool big buildings, go to Tokyo or New York, If you want some nice hotels, go to Vegas if you want a nice beach go somewhere in the Caribbean.

Dubai needs to loosen up on this kind of stuff if they want western tourists. There was a story a while back where they arrested a couple for kissing each other on the beach.
Why would anyone want to go to dubai, it's a giant ghost town in the desert, built on speculation.
Naa mate, just got relatives there...thats why, or even if Im using transit in other cases ;?
Crazy Avatar Mr boots :lol:
yah, i like to do a lot of travelling myself, but fuck if you'd catch my ass in dubai, i say it all of the time too.. no fucking way..
ever heard of the british couple who were put in jail for kissing in public?? yah, fuck dubai, lol.. or the british dj caught at the airport with some crazy ass small amount of bud on his person and was sentenced to a few years..
i didn't read the link yet as i wanted to post first, but i've even read that they can throw you in jail for having weed in your blood, fuck that place...
i once had a thread about the ten worst countries for possession of our favorite plant, dubai was on top of my list of don't visit places..
Dubai sux... Been there plenty of times. its a concrete jungle and a fake place..... Don't worry about the news article, just act and look normal and you are good.
I say we just get all the stoners int he world to go to Dubai and see if they can arrest us all :D

lol, i think i'll pass.. prisons and jails in the us are bad enough places.. don't need to be finding out what jails or prisons are like in other countries, thank you very much...
klller Idea dude :lol: Even Lebanon Iran and most other Arabian countries APART from UAE (Dubai is a city) and few grow weed for commercial purposes and for resources, Even Morocco got killer hash and is predominant muslim country, but I think UAE is over doing it, and its so full of crap they got so many underground brothels and shit...WTF
i'm a huge formula one fan, and they have recently started to race in abu dabai, and after each race they spray champagne up on the podium in celebration of the top 3 finishers.. in dubai, they're not even allowed to spray champers on the podium after the race... it is extremely crazy over there for sure in my views..
fuck that country. dont go there and dont buy anything from there. dont do business with any companies from there and if you have relatives there then help them move. that place is just a bubble waiting to pop. their oil is gonna run out and then well see how far their tourist industry goes with this kinda bullshit. fucking backwardass people.
Tourists warned of UAE drug laws

Dubai is popular among tourists and businesses

Travellers to the United Arab Emirates are being warned about its severe drug laws which have seen dozens detained for apparently minor offences. Fair Trials International said arrests were being made over tiny quantities of drugs and over-the-counter medicines.
British tourist Keith Brown was sentenced to four years in prison after Dubai customs officers found a 0.003g trace of cannabis stuck to his shoe.
Fair Trials, a legal charity, said it has seen a steep rise in such cases.
Golden beaches
Possession of painkillers like codeine and some cold and flu medication could result in a mandatory four-year prison sentence, Fair Trials International said.
In one of the most extreme cases, it reported a man being held after poppy seeds from a bread roll were found on his clothes.
In recent years, chic hotels, skyscrapers and golden beaches have turned Dubai and Abu Dhabi into popular tourist destinations.
Many have no idea what risks they're taking or their vulnerability to this very strict approach

Catherine Wolthuizen, Fair Trials International chief executive

Businesses too have flocked to the UAE, which promises a high standard of living because of its oil wealth.
However, while it is considered one of the most liberal countries in the Gulf, the Muslim country's drugs laws are severe.
Last year, 59 Britons were arrested in the UAE on drugs-related charges, according to the Foreign Office.
Keith Brown, 43, Middlesex: Four-year jail term for possession of 0.003g of cannabis
Robert Dalton, 25, Kent: On trial for alleged possession of 0.03g of cannabis
20-year-old, West Yorkshire: On trial for alleged possession of 0.02g of cannabis
Tracy Wilkinson, 45, West Sussex: Held in custody for eight weeks for possession of codeine before release
Swiss national: Four-year jail term after poppy seeds found on his clothes

Source: Fair Trials International

Catherine Wolthuizen, chief executive of Fair Trials International, said customs authorities were using highly sensitive new equipment to conduct thorough searches on travellers.
"So many people now travel to Dubai and, as we're seeing, many have no idea what risks they're taking or their vulnerability to this very strict approach," she said.
"If they find any amount - no matter how minute - it will be enough to attract a mandatory four-year prison sentence.
"What many travellers may not realise is that they can be deemed to be in possession of such banned substances if they can be detected in their urine or bloodstream, or even in tiny, trace amounts on their person."
Jet-lag tablets
Keith Brown and his wife had been on their way from London to Ethiopia when they were stopped and searched at Dubai airport.
At first customs officers found nothing, but then a roll-up cigarette was spotted caught in the tread of his shoe.
The 43-year-old, from Middlesex, was charged with possession of 0.003g of cannabis and was sentenced to four years in prison.

I suppose there's a sense of disbelief more than anything else

Cat Le-Huy, held in Dubai

British resident Cat Le-Huy was arrested in Dubai for carrying Melatonin jet-lag tablets, which are sold over the counter in the US and Dubai.
Mr Le-Huy told BBC News he was forced to sign a document in Arabic and was refused a translator.
He said once the tablets were proved to be Melatonin, police took what he described as dirt from his bag and said they were now testing it to see if it was cannabis.
Speaking from inside the prison, he said he knew nothing of any drugs in his bag.
"I suppose there's a sense of disbelief more than anything else. I miss my friends and family back in London and I'm also aware of the other stress this is causing to friends and family.
"As far as my welfare, I'm being treated relatively well and I have to go through the system and whatever path that takes, I'll just have to deal with it."
Bread roll
Aside from illegal substances, travellers have also been held for possession of prescription drugs.
Tracy Wilkinson was held in custody for eight weeks before customs officers accepted the codeine she was carrying had been prescribed by her doctor for back pains.
Meanwhile, a Swiss national is serving a four-year jail term after three poppy seeds from a bread roll he ate at Heathrow airport were found on his clothes.
Fair Trials International has published a full list of banned substances on its website.
The Foreign Office is advising all travellers carrying any prescription drugs to take a doctor's letter detailing exactly why they need the medicine and the exact dose.
The UAE Embassy in London said it would not comment at this stage.

i'm never going to the UAE. they like taking 'corrupt westeners' and locking us up for stupid shit....
