Going to do first ever grow ,need a few answers please.


Hi.I am planning my first grow ,i have already bought the seeds so i just need to get the lights and i'm ready.I have a few questions relating to my specific circumstances that i'd really appreciate some answers to.So here is my main one.

How much taller will an indica get after you start the 12/12 light period?.I mean will they tripple in size or more.?

I am going to be doing a stealth grow of 2 plants inside a big box.It's a little less than 2 feet tall so when you add in the height of the pot and the space at the top the light will be taking..i need to keep the plants to around 1 foot tall.Is this possible?? if so how can i keep them this short?

Thanks for reading and hope you can answer me.

violator kush

Active Member
hey Dbag hold your horses, how big it gets is genes and what u let it do, if your useing a cardboard box, not smart but cfl light would be the best


I know i know man, for all the knowledgeable folks here sometimes they are slack on responding or simply won't respond at all.

If I'm not mistaken it really balls down to genetics of the particular strains you have seeds of to grow. A general rule of thumb is that cannabis may/will double or triple it's size so if I were you I would begin the flowering(12/12) cycle when the plants are 9" tall or you can look into pinching or LSTing the plant to make it busier enabling for growth of more tops while maintaining the height you desire before you begin to flower.

I hope this helps man, if you have any more questions then feel free to inbox me.


If you want to grow plants under 2 feet, you need to start them in a 12/12 lights on / off cycle from the start, with a rich blue light spectrum.
Kushs will stretch very little as a rule. But the key here is to start the (stretch) that comes with flowering earlier, not later. Also consider, super cropping them, after they have three sets of true leaves.
Growing such short plants will keep yields down, but super cropping helps. Having the blue spectrum light does also.
Now some guys on here will scream a HPS is the only way to go. It's not, CFL's or MH's with a very blue spectrum work well. They will keep plants shorter / wider. HPS lights cause plants to stretch, because their very red spectrum is not natural, in comparision to the spring time sun.
Just mimic nature, more blue in the begining, a little more red towards the end (with reduced lights on time).
To make the most of your small space, I'd run auto flowering strains like MasterLow, or EasyRyder in small pots (1/2 gallon sized), as this will also help keep them shorter. You can still get a 1/4 to 1/2, from these in small pots. But don't super crop them, it will actually lower yields on auto flowering strains. With auto flowering strains, keep the lights on 16 hours a day (min) but no more than 20 hours on.


Active Member
Hey guy's since that dude left you can certainly help me. I am starting out and have about thirty regular seeds that I am germinating. I doubt they will produce anything spectacular since they were not purchased to do that, but I want to practice on something now and don't have the security of buying seeds any other way. Should I keep my hopes up for what might come out of some reg seeds or should I work quickly to getting something decent?

Any advice is appreciated and I hope to be the BEST GROWER EVER!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guy's since that dude left you can certainly help me. I am starting out and have about thirty regular seeds that I am germinating. I doubt they will produce anything spectacular since they were not purchased to do that, but I want to practice on something now and don't have the security of buying seeds any other way. Should I keep my hopes up for what might come out of some reg seeds or should I work quickly to getting something decent?

Any advice is appreciated and I hope to be the BEST GROWER EVER!!!
Hey, welcome to the forum! Go ahead and work your seeds - you can certainly get good bud out of it, you're talking about bagseed yes? It's a great idea for your first grow or two - work out your own "growing pains" on something cheap, before spending money on an expensive strain. If you give it TLC, the bud can even be better than when you got it.:peace:


BadFrog, Some of the Dankest strains on earth, have come from that one special bag seed. So, give it a go.
I think it's wise to start with seeds you don't have big money invested in. There is always a learning curve.
Also if you want to grow on the cheap, go to the Organics threads and look for posts by Ohsogreen.


Active Member
Hey guy's since that dude left you can certainly help me. I am starting out and have about thirty regular seeds that I am germinating. I doubt they will produce anything spectacular since they were not purchased to do that, but I want to practice on something now and don't have the security of buying seeds any other way. Should I keep my hopes up for what might come out of some reg seeds or should I work quickly to getting something decent?

Any advice is appreciated and I hope to be the BEST GROWER EVER!!!
good genetics (seeds) is the way to go if you can get them it's hard being a newbie dont stack the deck against you even more with bad seeds, the time this suiff takes is a mothr fucr dont waist it but you also have to be patient.might want to try some autoflowering.


Active Member
Great replies thanks guys. I grabbed a bag of soil mix at the store and some peat discs for germination. I picked the bag for seed starter and growth. When I move into the vegetative stage in about 4 weeks or so should I consider changing the soil, or should I just add the nutrients through fertilizer? I plan to use worm castings if I can get some I have read they are the best fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
Hi.I am planning my first grow ,i have already bought the seeds so i just need to get the lights and i'm ready.I have a few questions relating to my specific circumstances that i'd really appreciate some answers to.So here is my main one.

How much taller will an indica get after you start the 12/12 light period?.I mean will they tripple in size or more.?

I am going to be doing a stealth grow of 2 plants inside a big box.It's a little less than 2 feet tall so when you add in the height of the pot and the space at the top the light will be taking..i need to keep the plants to around 1 foot tall.Is this possible?? if so how can i keep them this short?

Thanks for reading and hope you can answer me.
most plants double or triple in hight when put into flower. to keep them short read these. https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=category&id=110
you have to give it time for other members to read your questions or read the grow faq. we all need sleep more so after many bowls of our owen top notch buds. if you can't waite to get answers then you shouldn't be growing both are a waiting game. good things take time. so don't get your swhorts in a bunch. if you wern't so lazy you could have found the answer to your question! you should read the grow faq.i might sound harsh but so is life and bad bud. your second post was uncalled for. plus once your here for a wile you will realise that the same questions get asked over & over. if you don't want to do what it takes to find the info. then you probly don't want to do what it takes to grow now ponder that for a few mins.


Well-Known Member
I would start with bag seeds to begin with to make sure you can get the basic techniques down. When I did my first grow, I screwed up big time with 4 Blue Ryders and yielded a little over a quarter from 4 plants. My mistakes included over-watering and over-fertilization. Also, if you have questions most of them can be answered by using the search function on these forums. Lots of helpful reads.


Hey look guys i retract my assholes statement.It was basicly aimed at the 25 people who had read my post and not said anything,Obviously if you havent seen my post yet you can't be an asshole for not replying.But it's weird how i wait 2 days and get nothing until i said that.I am sorry,i have been reading every FAQ i can find and couldnt get the answers i was looking for.yes i read about topping and training but i can't figure which technique to use or how so thats why i turned to the forum here.I got a little upset that everyone else was getting replies and mine had none and had been moved to page 3 :-( .So again sorry and thanks to those who made the effort.