going to Cali need hints on how to "spot the right guy",

the russian man

Active Member
Hey guys so its bina while sinc ei updated you guys, unfortunately due to earlier in the year (feb) one of my teeth started acting up and got infected and my whole left chin swole up bad, to the point were i couldnt swallow things without it hurting, i went to the dentist to pull out my tooth, i had a to get a lil surgery and spent about 900$ and then i had to buy a new cellphone and lil b lil my money was gone, not to mention that my GF kept bugging me about ym trip, she was agains tit, and then my step brother from Cali came down last month and told em all about it, i just found out how to use Silk road, sure Cali is cool but i think i would rather go out fo country if i want to go on a vacation, like amsterdam for example, thanks for all of the sincere advice however im going to start visiting shows here in FL, we have EDC coming in nov 8-9 so im going to try and make it out there.


Well-Known Member
Amsterdam or bust, huh? I would go to Greece right now. Bring some LSD with you and trip out in Greece. It is where philosophy was born and it is absolutely beautiful. Plus, their economy ate shit big time and you can get amazing deals on the best hotels they have to offer. Amsterdam seems like it would be too crowded for a good trip on shrooms or acid but I've never been.

the russian man

Active Member
iwow i wish i knew about the road earlier, back when bitcoins weren't almost a 1004 a piece.. Greece sounds like its awesome, my parents were talking to em about going a on a cruise, if i were to do that i would definitely visit, hawaii and jamaica, not only because of the herb, but also because i've done al ot of research on those parts of the world and i like the weather there, its similar to where i live (FL) plus my stepdad and y mo have bin to jamaica and hawaii and other lil islands we have south of here and they took lots of pictures.. oh and not to mention the all you can eat service the cruise offers :] lobster tails and fried grouper, yumm those delicacies we have down here to but we usually have to go and get them ourselves, like the lobsters (longest) are found in the keys, grouper i spearfish whenever i go to the beach here, i love FL and all of the things you can do here, swim in the nice temp ocean and have nice winters, except the fact that it gets really really humid and hot, and has A TON of tropical storms..


Well-Known Member
While items are bought and sold in bitcoins the prices are generally set in us dollars so you get the same amount of drugs for the same price now as when bitcoins were worth pennies.

the russian man

Active Member
oh i see it now, i saw that methylone was pretty cheap and started researching the stuff, it turns out half of the area im in was getting sold Methylone as "molly moon rocks" what a shame.. but i like the price of real Molly on there paying 15-30 a Gram is better than 50-120 a G, i really want to order some Dee Em Tee however..


Well-Known Member
If i was you, I would just (not look like a cop) and go find a homeless guy someplace give him some money and ask a few questions, They pretty much know where everything is 99% of the time.