Going to a shroom hunt today...

grow space

Well-Known Member
SO high:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:....Lil drunk...

Still, I aint going to eat no shrooms cas too many things are bothering my mind, and I aint sure.......Need and shrrom expert whom i can send a sample.....maybe.....Different climates and shiiit.....Smoke on ppl...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie....Hunt shroomies:mrgreen:...

Thanks for all the good ppl this experimental thread....Much love...:peace:


Well-Known Member
With 20 year picking experience I can tell you they are NOT liberty caps. I can see at least 3 varieties in you pile, one of which, the 'death cap' is highly poisonous. I will just check my encyclopaedia to give you the names of the other varieities.


Good save Woomeister... Picking mushrooms is extremely dangerous unless you know exactly what your doing!!! Even though experienced mushroom hunters can usually identify mushrooms by sight, The only true way to identify a mushroom is by taking a spore print and examining it under a microscope. I have been growing mushrooms for awhile now. I have read many books and know what many types of psilocybe mushrooms look like. But I would not trust my eye on field identification and would not advise you to either..! If you want to eat mushrooms, Spores are legal in most of the US. Do your research, order some spores and grow your own!!! It's safe, rewarding and a blast!!! Good Luck...
The only mushroom that above mentioned that even remotly looks like a Liberty cap is the

Panaeolus rickenii

Panaeolus rickenii

location: Europeedibility: Ediblefungus colour: Brown, Grey to beigenormal size: Less than 5cmcap type: Conical or nearly sostem type: Stem much longer than cap diameterspore colour: Purplish to blackhabitat: Grows on the ground, Found in fields, lawns or on roadsides
Panaeolus rickenii Hora Wiesendüngerling. Cap 1–2cm across, convex to conical with prominent umbo, dark brown and striate at margin when moist drying pale buff or tan, flushed tan towards centre. Stem 50–100 x 2–3m, pinkish brown or tan with paler apex. Flesh thin, tan. Taste not distinctive, smell mushroomy. Gills adnate, grey soon becoming black. Spore print black. Spores lemon-shaped, 13–16 x 9.5–11um. Habitat in damp pastureland. Season summer to autumn. Frequent. Not edible. Found In Europe.

And even then you can tear the gills on the liberty cap when there fresh and you will see a layer of film like substance that would positivly identify if it is a true liberty cap. Look it up


Well-Known Member
The only mushroom that above mentioned that even remotly looks like a Liberty cap is the

Panaeolus rickenii

Panaeolus rickenii

location: Europeedibility: Ediblefungus colour: Brown, Grey to beigenormal size: Less than 5cmcap type: Conical or nearly sostem type: Stem much longer than cap diameterspore colour: Purplish to blackhabitat: Grows on the ground, Found in fields, lawns or on roadsides
Panaeolus rickenii Hora Wiesendüngerling. Cap 1–2cm across, convex to conical with prominent umbo, dark brown and striate at margin when moist drying pale buff or tan, flushed tan towards centre. Stem 50–100 x 2–3m, pinkish brown or tan with paler apex. Flesh thin, tan. Taste not distinctive, smell mushroomy. Gills adnate, grey soon becoming black. Spore print black. Spores lemon-shaped, 13–16 x 9.5–11um. Habitat in damp pastureland. Season summer to autumn. Frequent. Not edible. Found In Europe.

And even then you can tear the gills on the liberty cap when there fresh and you will see a layer of film like substance that would positivly identify if it is a true liberty cap. Look it up
The rickenii doesnt actually look anything like the liberty cap, it grows side by side though along with the other mushrooms. Also people dont realise how different mushrooms look with different weather conditions and at different times of day, the liberty cap for instance looks similar in colour to the rickenii when wet whereas when dry looks very similar to immature common ink caps. The point you seem to be making in bold red is only valid if you know what you are looking for...
So in other words the Panaeolus rickenii does look like the liberty cap, but then some times not? depending if it's wet or dry... the only thing im gonna include is that from the three mushroom species listed, wet, cold, dry, damp, night, day out of every scenario you could possibly think of These mushrooms the Panaeolus rickenii looks similar to the liberty cap then the other three mushrooms that were previously listed the other two the Hygrocybe calyptraeformis and Mycena sanguinolenta can very well for the novice be able to tell the difference that these in no way shape form height width whatever scenario do NOT look like liberty capps and the Lister of this thread does not have any of those in his first pic in hands. However... it is nearly impossible to tell from the pic of them drying weather or not he has liberty capps or any other species of mushroom out there.

grow space

Well-Known Member
So in other words the Panaeolus rickenii does look like the liberty cap, but then some times not? depending if it's wet or dry... the only thing im gonna include is that from the three mushroom species listed, wet, cold, dry, damp, night, day out of every scenario you could possibly think of These mushrooms the Panaeolus rickenii looks similar to the liberty cap then the other three mushrooms that were previously listed the other two the Hygrocybe calyptraeformis and Mycena sanguinolenta can very well for the novice be able to tell the difference that these in no way shape form height width whatever scenario do NOT look like liberty capps and the Lister of this thread does not have any of those in his first pic in hands. However... it is nearly impossible to tell from the pic of them drying weather or not he has liberty capps or any other species of mushroom out there.
Yes, very interesting point Buddy Poterson.

so baked right now....hehehe....:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
So in other words the Panaeolus rickenii does look like the liberty cap, but then some times not? depending if it's wet or dry... the only thing im gonna include is that from the three mushroom species listed, wet, cold, dry, damp, night, day out of every scenario you could possibly think of These mushrooms the Panaeolus rickenii looks similar to the liberty cap then the other three mushrooms that were previously listed the other two the Hygrocybe calyptraeformis and Mycena sanguinolenta can very well for the novice be able to tell the difference that these in no way shape form height width whatever scenario do NOT look like liberty capps and the Lister of this thread does not have any of those in his first pic in hands. However... it is nearly impossible to tell from the pic of them drying weather or not he has liberty capps or any other species of mushroom out there.
People like you are the reason that people like me think 'why do I fucking bother?':roll:


Well-Known Member
The rickenii doesnt actually look anything like the liberty cap, it grows side by side though along with the other mushrooms. Also people dont realise how different mushrooms look with different weather conditions and at different times of day, the liberty cap for instance looks similar in colour to the rickenii when wet whereas when dry looks very similar to immature common ink caps. The point you seem to be making in bold red is only valid if you know what you are looking for...
learn to read...looks similar in COLOUR, it doesnt say it looks similar...and to the trained eye you can quite easily see the burst of orange at the top of some of the drying mushrooms he had which are rickenii and amongst the others I can see what I have listed. Why in the hell would I waste my time listing names of mushrooms that I cant see????????? Also the pics with hands are from the web you fool not from him...
So it looks similar in colour to the liberty cap while wet, non the less it still looks similar to some degree to the liberty cap blah blah blah. Also who the hell said the hands pic was NOT off the web numdnutz, and people not like you are why people like me mess with you cause your a jackass. AND must i say again, i said the only mushroom YOU LISTED that looked like liberty capps were the rickenii AND the others did NOT LOOK LIKE LIBERTY"S and in the first pic with the hand, did not have ANY of the mushrooms you listed, the only thing that you have said that beats me is why you would waste your time looking up names of mushrooms that YOU can't see, do what you want with your time, here's an idea do the truffle shuffle to your mom while playing Michael jackson just BEAT IT !!!

grow space

Well-Known Member
Chill out ppl....Take a toke...Will be hunting soon again, his time I try to find some real ones..But hte ones i had had a blackish like i already said-blackish spore print...And the nipple was so like the liberty caps, even if you cant clearly see from th epics(fucking 2 megapixels)......

Blaze on...



Well-Known Member
So in other words the Panaeolus rickenii does look like the liberty cap, but then some times not? depending if it's wet or dry... the only thing im gonna include is that from the three mushroom species listed, wet, cold, dry, damp, night, day out of every scenario you could possibly think of These mushrooms the Panaeolus rickenii looks similar to the liberty cap then the other three mushrooms that were previously listed the other two the Hygrocybe calyptraeformis and Mycena sanguinolenta can very well for the novice be able to tell the difference that these in no way shape form height width whatever scenario do NOT look like liberty capps and the Lister of this thread does not have any of those in his first pic in hands. However... it is nearly impossible to tell from the pic of them drying weather or not he has liberty capps or any other species of mushroom out there.
You refer to the first pic as if its not off the web right here...doh!


Well-Known Member
Seriously.... that guy is a fucking KNOB.
Anyway here's to youbongsmilieto finding the dankest mushy's around :peace: :peace: :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
He told grow space what he needed to hear...and you're jealous because you're not wise enough yourself to figure it out? Wow...just because you weren't right doesn't mean you have to make an ass hat of yourself.
