Going slow so I kicked it up a few.


Active Member
Tuesday Update new pics omfg these looks so sexy. And bonus of my Barny Rubble toes.

Enjoy This is white castle and White widow from nirvana.



Active Member
Ok guys I would love to post more pics but at this point I am waiting for a new camral battery. As sson as I get it I will post new pics. Sept 20th will be 8 full weeks of flowering time. I belive the white castle will good to go but the Widow I think may take another 1-3weeks. It just seems to be staying white were as the WC is turning more and more red orange everytime I look at it.


Active Member
Anyway here is the White Castle update. I got enough of a charge for a few pics. The First 2 are White Caslte from nirvana they were put to flower on 7/20/10. The next 4 pics are WHite Widow again from nirvana and again put to flower 7/20/10. I think and you should clearly see the WHite caslte is about 2-3week ahead on the white widow. Enjoy


Active Member
Wanted to give you all some pics so you can get a feel for how big these colas are on the White caslte. I toped it b4 flower and ended up with 4 colas all about the same size.


Active Member
Here are the White Caslte and White widows at 8 weeks into flower. If anyone could give some input on ripeness it would be could. I am a pot head please be clear.


Active Member
Still got a week or two in her, I would say. As long as fresh new pistils are coming through in numbers your buds will keep growing, I would say keep them on water only and see how they look in 5-7 days. Maybe extend the dark period by an hour, not something I do personally but have read good things about it.

To be fair, pic 3 looks about ready to me, based the above opinion on the first 2 pics.


Active Member
I went and bought a 30X jewelers eye piece and between 75-85% of the trichs are milky white cloudy so I am going to be harvesting tonite I have had them on water only for the last week