Going on holiday need advice.


I have been using medical marijunana for approximately 3 years but have been smoking daily for about 6-7 years. Not only does it help with my chronic pain but it also helps me when I have insomnia. I can not remember a day in the past 6 years that I have gone without. We have never vacationed far from home (canada & us) so I have always been able to bring stuff with me. My parents are treating us to an all expense paid trip to Mexico next month the celebrate our 20th (and their 40th) wedding anniversary. As the time gets closer I have been getting more and more stressed about the prospects of going without for 10 days. I have tried to cut back but it's difficult, I can take some pills from my Dr to help with the pain but I get so nauseous and I can't sleep at all when I don't smoke. The though of feeling super shitty while on my first real vacation ever doesn't excite me much. My Dr percribed me Cesamet a few months ago and they didn't help with anything, she is now suggesting that I could take some Sativex with me when we go. I have not been able to find much information from actual patient experiences. I am hoping that maybe someone on here would be able to give me any information or personal experiences. I have also ordered some Cannitrol off amazon but haven't tried them yet. If anyone has any experience with that any info would be great. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the board!...unfortunately I think your hooped....even if the pharma shit works for you, you need to make sure it's legal in Mexico...I personally won't leave Canada for that reason, unless I know where I'm going has easy accessibility..like Colorado...

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Be careful in Mexico with any weed...Your a gringo and they want your money. They know busting you will pay well.
And welcome here as well.


Thanks :) I have been a member for 4 years but this is my first post. From what I have read online Sativex is approved in Mexico, I don't intend on bringing any weed with me at all.


Well-Known Member
Wife tried sativex... She couldn't stomach it. I would however choose it over risking trouble with Mexican law.

Travelling is tough for mmj patients. My wife and I have given up hope on leaving the country until there more global movement on the issue.


Well-Known Member
Travelling for work across the US for years, I'd jump in a cab in a new city. The conversation went like this.....

Where to?

You tell me.....

Once out of about 40 times the driver couldn't help me. I simply exited the cab and tipped him. Every other time was a score. Some better than others, but often cabbies would give me their number for future calls. Now Uber? Not sure how that would work theses days. :)

Sativex I have only heard negative things about.

Good luck in your travels, I hear Mezcal will help with pain in a pinch too. ;)


Well-Known Member
Ask Cab drivers. Don't expect anything other then low quality outdoor bud. Anyone offering it outright on the street is probably a cop or working with them. Smoking on your resort is the place to do it. Be safe. Have a single $100 U.S. Bill tucked away on you to pull out if you are arrested. Everything is negotiable even arrest.


Well-Known Member
We have similar stories so let me shed some light. I too was invited with family to go to the Bahamas for 10 days. Its hard not to chief for that long when you have done it for years but take my advice. You have the opportunity to enjoy a once in a lifetime opportunity, just suck it up and go a week + w/o blazing. When I was there I went to a flee market where at one part they sold pipes etc. I asked where I could find some green. 20 Minutes later I got a handful of black looking see weed. Was the sorriest excuse for trees I have ever seen. Have a good time, let your tolerance build up so when you come home you can't pick your ass up off of the couch. If that dosnt work just get drunk every night. That should help you sleep, I mean it is vacation right?


Well-Known Member
Lol, the Bahamas was one Cab ride I'll never forget. Once the cabbie knew what I was after, he picked up 4 natives for a ride home on me. Kept pushing white, but all I wanted was green. (Said that's all the people on the cruise ships/casinos are after) My patience paid off with dank nugs + I got to meet some real Bahamians. Win win in my books.....


Well-Known Member
Lol, the Bahamas was one Cab ride I'll never forget. Once the cabbie knew what I was after, he picked up 4 natives for a ride home on me. Kept pushing white, but all I wanted was green. (Said that's all the people on the cruise ships/casinos are after) My patience paid off with dank nugs + I got to meet some real Bahamians. Win win in my books.....
Nassau was easy to find Weed. Was approached at the beach. Over and over and over.


Well-Known Member
Just don't forget you will probably have to follow the laws of 3 countries
Because you will fly over or change planes or refuel.

That being said in Jamaica I went to the flea market around our resort
Scored fucking killer weed .... one huge bud.... rolled a pin joint and smoked it
2 tokes I was baked couldn't get off the bed for about 10 mins
No doubt just some old Jamaican home grown


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah don't forget to bring some edibles with ya on the flight in Canada
Eat them before ya land that should get ya tuned till ya can score.