Going from auto to photo


Active Member
Hey guys,

I've grown a couple of autos and they're a delight. The problem is I never really delt with 12/12 plants. Other problem is that I only have very small space, and so I can grow just one plant at a time from seed, so if I screw up - gotta start from the scratch
Few days ago I planted a seed and it just broke ground. Two tiny green leaves.

Last time I've gone whole grow with single fertilizer(1-1-1), this time I'll start with it and switch to like 1-1-3 or 1-2-2 or something when it'll start to flower. I grow in soil-based mix. It worked those few times.

So is there anything special that I need to look out for with the photo plants? Or are they pretty much the same, with the exception of that I decide when to flower?


Well-Known Member
Light leaks..photos are way more light sensitive than autos in the sense that you need to make sure during dark hours
its really dark. Like cant see your hand in front of your face dark. And if you have limited space..LST the shit out of it. Working with limited space is the lock and LST is the key. Yeaaah. Morning analogies.