Going flowering, need help on how to make the transition


My plants been receiving 350 ppm steadily for 3 weeks, they are large enough to be going flowering, would this mean that I would feed them 550ppm of flowering and increase 200 ppm every week from then on?


Active Member
Nope do not switch to straight flowering nutes just yet , you have gradually work it in and never jump that high in ppm. Its not the nutes that make them flower its the hours of light they recieve.. Good Luck


What are you referring to, CO2?

Nutes? Which nutes?

Details man, details :D

Advanced Nutrients
Cal Mag

Well yea, I've been vegging for 3 weeks under 350 ppm of Advanced Nutrients, and I want to change it to flower regime now, because they are in 2 gallon pot and they are very big, I don't want any root bound to happen.

So then I was wondering if I would feed 550ppm of Flower Nutes ( Sensi Bloom ), because I've read to jump 200 ppm every week.


Well-Known Member
I don't ever bump up the strength of my nutes...the plants get the same throughout pretty much...very very little the whole time..with a lot of skips with just water in between...There is not reason to keep upping the nutes...these plants don't need half what we give them...
And remember an underfed plant will beat the pants off of one that is overfed...so keep that in mind...


Well-Known Member
If you have been giving them nutes in the water while vegging the first thing to do is flush everyone getting the lights changed.
Out with the old before you even look at the new, eh?

After switching the lights I use regular water for a few days before I start in with the flowering nutes. In my mind that keeps from confusing the plant.
Then again, maybe I'm the one confused.



Active Member
All nutes are a little different. i like to flush for a day or so before i switch nutes, just to help with transition. and I say you should refer to the feeding chart for your nutes, whay is it saying?

Irie Genetics

Active Member
I usually feed BudIignitor 7-10 days before switching my light cycle. This makes the plants transition more quickly. My bud sites develop in 7 days.
During beginning bloom I use 50percent veg nutes to keep the nitrogen high for the rapid growth flowering enduces and 50 percent bloom nutes to encourage healthy flower production. After 2.5 weeks I am fully using bloom nutrients with a high amount of P and K to incrrease flower size. After day 30 I focus on sugar and essential oil production. Leanr the lifecycle of your plants and learn what they want thru the bloom phase. PPM is important but WHICH nutrients you feed are MORE important.


Active Member
i would switch the lights and just slowly work your nutes up better not enough then to much off the start!! i never had much success using nutes myself always burned them up or had some kinda problems and lockouts..
i use my homemade liquid seaweed extract, molasses, and banana peels during flower all in a top composted manure with peat moss and black earth soil!!! makes beautiful buds, no worrys of over doing anything with nutes..
feed your soil and it will feed your plants!
i have friends using nutes some are doing ok others are doing sadly its alot of work feeding a plant, and guessing how much of what it needs and what it wants..


Active Member
I use advanced. for the first 10 days in flower I use veg nutes with bloom additives..Your plant is still in a veg. state so the extra Nitrogen for the first 10 days with the veg nutes in flower seems to help them.I also slowly increase my ppm's through flower and then start bringing them back down the last 2 weeks. All strains are different..Some can handle a lot of nutes and some burn easy. Only way your gonna find out is slowly increasing your ppm's each week and a cpl grows of that same strain. If your going to increase your ppms every week only add extra 75-100 ppm more..that way if you start to notice nute burn you can back off. Otherwise if you jump up to fast or to much it can be a long road. I like to do a feed,feed,water every week in flower.. first week of flower for me I feed around 800 ppms...and my highest is around 1300ppms. But I do 2 feeds each week with 1 watering..So if Im running 800ppms for the week..I will feed twice at 800 ppms during the week and then a watering..Works for me fellas...Just go slow and dont jump to fast. But if your plants are healthy I dont see anything wrong with starting flowering feedings at 500ppm