Going downhill fast

Third week into flower, and most of the larger leaves started to yellow. Seemed pretty normal, so I clipped them to maximize airflow, since we are experiencing rather hot humid days. It seems that every day produces more yellowing, on both new and old leaves. Today I had a hard storm, so I went out after to check everything, and found rot on a few small buds, that looked like it started at the stem of the bud. I’ve never seen mold throughout the grow. I cut out everything that was affected. I’m worried that the combination of problems will lead to irreversible damage, or a complete loss. Some background, the strain is crossbred by a professional, but the guy I got it from is too burnt to remember what it is. My two clones were the first two cuts from the mother. I dug five gallon holes, and filled them with sweet frog soil, and have used aerated earth juice tea exclusively. I know that’s not a ideal situation, but it is what it is for this year. I tried supercropping for the first time with this one, and ended up with one spot that the stem started to rot, so I cut it off. I have been overrun with leaf hoppers for the entire season, with minimal damage. My leaf stems have been red for months, so I don’t know if it’s due to genetics or nutes. I also have one main branch that is producing purple buds and leaves. The mother nor the 8 clones cut from it produced any purple, except for this one branch. My base stem is nice and fat, and up to this point, everything has looked great. Do I cut my losses, or stick it out?


What is there to lose by waiting ? They don't look too far along yet . Things could get better . Keep an eye on them and decide further along if it's a total loss .
I think I read too many articles about bud/root rot, and negativity is my go to emotion. It seemed that the common response to bud rot was, cut them early or watch them die. I will definitely be watching over them closely. I’m at the point where I believe that they need a response from me, but I’m afraid my response could further their decline if I’m not on point with a solution.
After some much needed research, I believe all of my problems are due to leafhoppers. This late in the game, I’m just going to hope for the best, and keep a close eye on them. Next season I will initiate a preventative pest schedule, to better avoid it.



Well-Known Member
purple shit is from leafhoppers i used to get it alot before i covered all the grass with mulch which got rid of the leafhoppers