Going coco and in need of advice


Active Member
Hi all! This is my first time here on riu, been reading the threads for many years but I've always been too paranoid about joining up haha.

Okay, I've been growing on and off for a few years now and decided I want to go coco but never really used the stuff beside feeding it to my redworms which I use for bait when I go fishing.
I've done some research on coco but i would like to have a better grasp and understanding coming from someone who's experience or had any experience with it.
Any input would help tremendously, please and thank you

Here is my setup
4'x8' flowering room
4'x4' veg room
1000w led
Nutrients ??? (Haven't decided but love to go organic)
Welcome to RIU!
Get a set for hydro and coco - Are you in an area that has hydroponic stores?
If not guess you'll have to depend on aquiring materials via your wheels or internet...

Which nutrients to use? You gotta read up on it and make give it your best educated guess!
There are a zillion different reasons to use product = A B C & D Or product E F G H & I
It all comes down to - You have to pick your own poison... Best of luck - Seriously!

Don't forget to give those ladies a lot of fresh air, circulation, exhaust, and temperature control.
Good luck and I hope you make it to the finish line!
Thanks, hydro store is not a problem at all around here
Anyway how would you go about feeding in coco? Would you do it like how you would do with soil? Will it dry fast and how often to water?
Don't get me wrong, I've done a lot of research online but its hard to narrow things down when there's so many methods, how would you go by this? Given that you're in my situation?
I use coco/perlite mix with canna coco...feed once a day by hand flush every 4-6 weeks. If using tap and canna coco probably won't need Cal mag tap water+canna have mag in them. Think hydro...not soil. You can do it like that but imo it wouldn't be worth it.
Would say start with what you think you will like if your wrong try something else lol. Currently switching from DWC to COCO DTW drip system. Like the thought of my nutrient solution not drifting as much. Know you need CalMag or some calcium supplement with COCO as it leeches calcium as for delivery method of nutrients they all seem to have about the same results. Can hand water, Drip system, Flood/Drain. Sure there are others

Flood/Drain seemed good to me but I want to try drain to waist and didn't seem like a good way to go about it. Hand water ya no thanks plus i want to set things up were the plants get feed at the same time every day. Drip system and drain to waste sounded like a winner to me we will see how it goes. I have always had a mold gnat problem were I live, so not sure how that's going to go. I got rid of them in my DWC with azamax thought they were gone but was one on my little coco experiment today. So i now have azamax in my nutrients for my seedling in coco
That's another thing I heard about growing in coco, pests like gnats, are they more compiclated to troubleshoot then say aphids or spidermites?
Mold gnats are easy to get rid of use azamax gone... I just need to figure out how to keep them from coming back or find where they are coming from.

Have read that Flood/Drain solves the gnat problem in COCO because the top layer is too dry for them. Not sure how true that is and i don't want to recirculate my nutrients so probably wont be finding out.

gnats are way easier then spidermites or aphids and not really to harmful to your plants. But who wants a bunch on gnats in their house not me!
I hear you there, I mean I would think despite it being watered from the bottom I would think the top would be wet still from the medium absorbing that moisture like a wick, but then again its not like feeding from the top where you have to saturate the top, I was thinking feeding by hands until maybe I could get some type of drip line going on
Drip line is easy hose is like $10 for 100' can get an adjustable drip head for like $8 some pvc and fittings few $ pond pump $30 res for nutrents and one for waste or even better if possible just run waste to a drain. Think flood/drain would be a little easier and cheaper but not by much

adjustable drip head $5.81 http://www.midlandhardware.com/8964...ZgkQwpwiEoJrK1-VkDvumLTbus6x39xEWwaAhQg8P8HAQ
400 Gal/Hour pump $20.69 https://www.1000bulbs.com/product/9...dqdwvbXnAKGbBn9qVHUHsr2Pf5R0TmwokwaAq2e8P8HAQ
1/4" poly tubing $4.84 https://www.dripdepot.com/item/poly...eIZ_iEa_hZNcfB9d-CtVO10ptaukv5EtHEaAs7R8P8HAQ

Just need your tray and reservoirs pretty simple and cheap.
My setup uses the pump to mix the nutrients wile feeding or will in theory lol. Only have one test subject in COCO atm and using the system seems excessive. Also using a premix COCO ReadyGrow by botanicare i'm lazy will see how it goes
Currently have Alien OG in my DWC system & bag seed in the COCO lol first time with it don't want to waste good beans. Although there is about a 20% chance the bag seed is holy grail so could still be good. Could also be some really good green crack i had or strawberry cough but leaves look wide like indica so thinking probably the holy grail or hoping?
Nice, hope it turns out for the best for you, I got 2 different strains waiting to go into the flower room but my lights aren't even ready yet cause I just went from hps to led
And still haven't even begin to build the lights yet lmao
But luckily I have time cause I still haven't transplant them yet cause they're still clones although rooted and ready
Time ya i got plenty of that lol working on getting new lights for my 5x5 but probably not going to build going to get my buddy to assemble or go threw timber not sure yet. But also want to get my 2x4 upgraded that's were my drip system is going still need to build the system for my 5x5 but need my dwc out of their and ya lol cart meet horse. So have about 90ish days to figure it out...