goGnats for fungus gnats


Active Member
just went to my local hydro shop and got some goGnats. been battling fungus gnats for a long time, neem oil and the layer or sand method failed me. this goGnats stuff cost me $23.50 for a 16 ounce bottle. even cheaper than what im seeing on ebay. actvive ingredients are[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] 33% cedar oil; 1% sodium lauryl sulfate

anyone got any input on this product? i will keep posted on how its working. i also have the fly paper rolls up all over as another line of defense.


Active Member
last night i didnt see a single adult gnat. all plants had their top layer of soil replaced so im sure that got rid of a shit load of larva. i did see some of the small ones in the soil though. those little bugs before they grow wings. i used about a fl oz per gallon of water. then made some extra strong, mixed in a spray bottle, and sprayed the top of the soil. i really hope it kills these fuckers. if not i think im just gonna mix some dish soap in water, drown/suffocate the fucking cocksuckers. then water a shitload to dilute the soap.


Active Member
had enough so a few nights ago i just mixed some dishsoap with the gognats. watered a shit load then watered with just water to dilute the dishsoap. then i watered more with a little gognats and no soap. did a check last night and i see no gnats anywhere. not even a single larva. i cant say if it was the soap or gognats. whatever it was, i think this did the trick. i just hope any eggs are also gone. i put up fly paper around the soil just to verify the adults are gone. if any survivors or any eggs are still good, i think im just gonna have to start over. new veg room should be done shortly anyway.


Active Member
Go buy some spider mites and put them in your garden....they'll eat up the gnats
why in the fuck would i want to do that? then fucking cocksuckers gave me enough problems in the past. not only with weed plants but house plants as well. and why would you buy spider mites? just get a cheap walmart plant and chances are it will be infected.


Active Member
Go buy some spider mites and put them in your garden....they'll eat up the gnats
There's always a smart ass fool (spider mites) .
I had problems with gnats for years but they never hurt the buds. Sand method worked for me very well, Lady bugs would work too if you can get your hands on some. Good luck to you!


Active Member
There's always a smart ass fool (spider mites) .
I had problems with gnats for years but they never hurt the buds. Sand method worked for me very well, Lady bugs would work too if you can get your hands on some. Good luck to you!
i tried the sand method and it did help but there were always larva still and watering was always a pain. i dunno maybe i didnt use a thick enough layer. we have lady bugs in my area but dont seem to be around as much. we also have these look a like lady bugs called asian beatles. the cocksucking dumbasses at the DNR in upper michigan actually brought these over here to help battle aphids. the thing is these 'asian beatles' spread like wildfire through the area. it's gross, peoples houses become infested with them. they are harmless but it's kinda disgusting when they're all over your house and kitchen and they seem to be more resistant than other bugs to pesticides. people actually have told me that they bite but i have yet to be bitten. they also have a good defense mechanism. they spit out a orange colored chemical when in danger. tastes unpleasant to anything that tries to eat them, kinda like grasshoppers. any idea if these things eat fungus gnats as well? i actually put one in my grow tent a month ago but found him dead 2 days later. if i see any of them bastard gnats come back, maybe i'll try unleashing a swarm of asian beatles.


Well-Known Member
this goGnats stuff cost me $23.50 for a 16 ounce bottle. even cheaper than what im seeing on ebay. actvive ingredients are[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] 33% cedar oil; 1% sodium lauryl sulfate

anyone got any input on this product? i will keep posted on how its working. i also have the fly paper rolls up all over as another line of defense.
Interesting, and to think I only spend $3 on vinegar and baking soda to get rid of my gnats.. lol


Well-Known Member
damn, seriously? how did you do it exactly? the vinegar isnt to acidic? just dilute with a shitload of water after or?
Yeah kinda funny cause an old thread resurfaced after someone tried it, check it out


I get a lot of feedback and its always good seems to be a good home remedy

Its not baking soda lmao was thinking about home made Co2 (sorry im high lmao) its just vinegar and dish soap Sorry cant help im a stoner :D


Active Member
Yeah kinda funny cause an old thread resurfaced after someone tried it, check it out


I get a lot of feedback and its always good seems to be a good home remedy

Its not baking soda lmao was thinking about home made Co2 (sorry im high lmao) its just vinegar and dish soap Sorry cant help im a stoner :D
oh i see. reminds me of the trick i use to get rid of fruit flies in my house. get some wine and put out a glass and they will get drunk and drown themselves. only thing is make sure it is potent wine. not no cheap bullshit 6% alcohol boonesfarm. replace the wine every 2-3 days cause it will quickly lose potency. your method sounds cheaper though. so this also works for fungus gnats also? i know its great for fruit flies because they're attracted to the fruity smell. but i have fungus gnats not fruit flies. if those bastards come back i will try this method for them. as far as fruit flies, one plus of the wine method is you can get a little alcohol buzz while you're at it.


Well-Known Member
You just said your method is for fruit flies and i was responding to gnats not fruit flies. So yes it is for gnats, Ive used it for gnats and never fruit flies. :-P


Active Member
You just said your method is for fruit flies and i was responding to gnats not fruit flies. So yes it is for gnats, Ive used it for gnats and never fruit flies. :-P
oh sorry, i was reading too fast and misread it. think i need to go get my first buzz of the day to slow me down a bit. passed 5 oclock so it's about that time! thanks a bunch! i reped u earlier too