God's Pissed.


Undercover Mod
673017e49393.jpg I just think that it won't be as huge event as people make it out. It is moving faster because it may reset? But there is no evidence that it won't be any more chaotic than usual of floods and what not that is already happening.


Undercover Mod
Or for as long as people have been on this planet it has always been near the end times. People are so pathetic just like your life. As far as you know you could be run over tomorrow. If our universe collapsed you would never even know it.


Well-Known Member
Years ago there was a movie called the Jupiter Menace. Basically about how the world would end on May 6, 2000. Didn't happen.

The premise was that the polar caps build up ice (oops, climate change, there goes that theory) and cause a wobble in the earth's spin. That, coupled with a grand alignmenet including Jupiter, and..pole shift. The poles become the equator, and vice versa. The movie presented proof that it has happened several times in the past, and that it happens quickly. For example, a fully intact, standing whooly mammoth encased in ice with tropical vegetation in its mouth.

I'm just saying what was in the movie, not trying to sell it lol

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Here's how it will go.

I'll hit the lottery on Dec. 20th, 2012 and the magnetic fields change Dec. 21, 2012. Thus ending the world before I can cash in the lottery ticket.


Well-Known Member
Magnetic north has shifted too.

I've not ever heard of that happening. But it must have done that before. Just an odd occurance.
The shift in the earth's alignment changed the Zodiac, too. They added a 13th sign.

Here's the new line-up:

Capricorn - Jan 20 to Feb 16
Aquarius - Feb 16 to Mar 11
Pisces - Mar 11 to Apr 18
Aries - Apr 18 to May 13
Taurus - May 13 to Jun 21
Gemini - Jun 21 to Jul 20
Cancer - Jul 20 to Aug 10
Leo - Aug 10 to Sep 16
Virgo - Sep 16 to Oct 30
Libra - Oct 30 to Nov 23
Scorpius - Nov 23 to Nov 29
Ophiuchus - Nov 29 to Dec 17
Sagittarius - Dec 17 to Jan 20

I missed being an Ophiuchus by one day.

One freaking day!




Well-Known Member
Actually here in the Western world we observe the tropical zodiac, which was not affected by the recent....adjustments. So it said in the news anyway.


the magentic poles shift every one and a while its normal but there will be a climate shift (if you havent already figured that out! freakin 110 outside!)