God's Gift


Active Member
8)I just flushed my Old Timer Purp and am ready to pull it. Im starting with a well rooted Gods Gift clone and I am transplanting it from a soil container into the hydro system today. I think this will go well as my Purp came that way as well.

The Purp was my first successful clone in this new 2 plant setup. It only grew 15", but I was aiming for a smaller plant as I no longer have room for a large setup. My harvest will be quite small.

I was aware that the purp was a small yield plant. I am also told that Gods Gift will also be a shorter, less yield plant. Any suggestions on how to increase the yield of this plant without growing it too much larger would be great. I am only working with a max of 3-4 feet between hydro system and light.

I am using a 100 watt MH Light; Gen Hydros Flora Bloom, Grow and Micro; and a ventilation system.

Today: GG - 5 1/4"

Pics to come:-D


Active Member
Purp harvest - 32 g wet; 7.2 g dry; 22.5% yield

Well, the GG took off and started pushing more leaves this week. I had another GG that I thought would not live, but its pushing out leaves as well.
So, it appears I am now growing two plants this round. (God, I miss my greenhouse:( )

GG1 will be the plant I thought would die, and the other GG2 (listed above)

GG1 - 5 1/2"
GG2 - 8"

pH - norml : changing water this weekend

Both plants are healthy: No yellowing, no shriveling