

Well-Known Member
So, what do you guys think about god?
As far as what the christian religion percives as god?
Real? Not real?
If he is real, why do you belive that.(besides the obvious answer of faith)
If he is not real, why do you belive that?

What do you belive in?


Well-Known Member
christianity, just as judaisim, has lost its way and has become irreversibly corrupted from its true form. while there may be individual practitioners who maintain the truth of the original tenets, both religions as a whole have been damaged to the point as to cause the permanent loss of billions of souls.


Well-Known Member
one could argue that all religions are corrupted by the simple fact that they involve man, which as we all know is inherently flawed.


Well-Known Member
i think much of the ideas connected to christianity today are actually very bad rules to base one's life around. same goes with judaism and islam. the whole idea of worshiping is seems needlessly demoralizing to me, and the moral system that has grown from these traditions is quite contradictory at times

traditional monotheism can make sense to people that accept reality's face value as their ground of existence, but it is a step in human development that we should all grow out of

atheism is often the next step people find themselves in after following a mythic dogma. it allows for an essential regrouping of one's individuality, but if one stays too long in this stage the ego controls far too much of one's perception

the key is to include oneself as being part of the divine, but to also transcend the idea of personal identification. letting go of ownership and control, and accepting the core value of awareness itself, is an important phase we should all find if we ever hope to evolve as beings