I don't think there is anything wrong with religion except for those using it for their own personal gain. I find it amazing how close some of these religions are to each other(christianity, islam, buddhism...). There are alot of gaps in the bible that are hard to explain but the scientific "big bang theory" does not really do it for me either. The bible is 66 books written by 40 different people over 2000 years, and has some great consistency to it. Nothing wrong with believing in God, I guess if your wrong you did nothing but try to live a good life, If your right eternal happiness.
Just wanted to add that the "Big Bang" is a extremely plausable ( moreso than a fictional faith) theory in science. Moreso, its a model for Black Holes, which are facts of Physics. Its just one of the possible ways of earths creation through a Black Hole. Mr. Hawking has successful proven the beginning and development of Earth through a Super Massive Black Hole about 13.7-9 Billion years ago. These models which prove the creation of Earth through a Black Hole, which in my opinion, has alot more credibility to it than a book written by 40 different people over a period of 2000 years. The holes and inconsistencies of the bible are very much so less plausable than laws of Physics. It all started without any doubt in a Super Massive Black Hole. How it took form out of these Massive Black Holes still has some realitive inconsistencies but very much so plausable theories such as the Big Bang. There are other theories that work in conjunction with Black Holes, but in my opinion, and in great consideration of the laws of Physics....I believe that a "Big Bang" out of a black hole makes the most logic as of yet. In most scenario's of Physics, when there is energy( especially large amounts) there is spontanious creation and events(effects of mass energy)
Even in light of the acceptance of Black Holes and such, one is not to say that Black Holes are not godly creations. One who perhaps controls all creation in all galaxies, regardless of finites. However, along with Mr. Hawking, the probabilities that a "god" created Black Holes and formed Earth and its creatures is Zero. Laws of Physics create Black Holes...Not a "god", is my view. Especially a god that waited some thousand(s) of years to appear before man on earth to preach and save his children from the earth he created. Which is doomed in more way than one. If god is perfect ( which most religions say he is) than why make a world that is not perfect and has a doomed fate. Planet Earth is doomed in many many ways, and who knows which one will take its toll first. Regardless, I applaud the laws of Physics that show Earth and Sun destroying one another over the faith that some sort of Holy Armageddon is awaiting or approaching before all other doomed fates take effect.
Lastly, I agree with you to a point. There is nothing wrong(although there is some harm in degrees) with believing in a "God". However, I believe its more beneficial to believe in the Laws of Science over fictional ( as of yet) faith.
I think that following a faith just to lead a "good life" is a waste. We each have to face death. We all only get one life. I would much rather be myself and find out for myself than let some book tell me what happened( that was written by 40 different people) and what to expect, just to have it all be false. I personally dont want to live a "good life"...I just want to live my "own life"....which has its place as far away from religious belief as possible. Also, if your "wrong in faith"....IMO, one just wasted his whole life for the sake of mankinds false books that preach to know all the awnsers and all of mankinds fate. To me, thats a utter waste of life.
PS...Here are the 7 Accepted FACTS of the "Big Bang Theory"
- The universe is 13.7-9 Billion years old
- All the matter in the universe used to be very close together (very dense)( as in a black hole)
- The universe used to be a very uniform cloud of energy/mass despite it being very clumpy today (galaxies being those clumps)
- Space began to expand and pushed matter apart
- The expansion of space is accelerating
- In the beginning the universe was so hot all the universal forces (gravitation, electromagnetism, etc.) were one force
-The accelerating expansion of the universe will one day spread galaxies so far apart we will not be able to see them because the light leaving them will constantly have new space created in front of it
... thats seven =)......There are 221 Laws and/or Models of Physics that support these 7 facts