• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Go Maine


Active Member
WOOT first medical marijuana patient to post in the Maine forum!!

Don't be scared by the police in the state of Maine, its the law and no matter how long the legislation postpones the decisions on the rights of mmj patients, we still won the battle and expect ID cards to be in effect in July.

Right now, the state of Maine, is trying to charge a non-refundable fee to start a dispensary of $15,000, but they are only allowing 8 statewide, and trying to restrict the public from opening their own by pushing for state-run dispensaries.

All I have to say is, if there are any of patients in Maine on this site, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE attend the meetings at University of Southern Maine in Portland, there are numerous meetings discussing our next plan. Also, there also are legislation meetings up in the state's capital, Augusta.

If you need any information concerning mmj in Maine, even becoming a prospecting patient, follow the link to this website: http://www.asamaine.org/

It's a link for Americans for Safe Access Maine branch, they are an awesome organization helping to protect our rights as patients. So please, if you can, help contribute to protect our rights as human beings; the outlook throughout most of the world on marijuana is ridiculous, and its time for a change.

I am a caregiver living in Maine, willing to help any patients that need it. I am a designated state caregiver for my fiance who hit a tree skiing at 70 mph when she was eleven, and now 20 years old, suffers extreme life debilitating migraines. But, thanks to the amazing people of Maine, we are able to try a safe alternative for her migraines, which helps her to achieve all of her goals, even her career goal of becoming a pediatric surgeon. None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for medical marijuana and the awesome voters of Maine, so thank you all very much.

I hope that many more suffering people are able to find their life saver, and be able to pursue their dreams.

live long, and happy growing!

P.S fuck the police, big headed nimwits who arrest Maine legal MS patients and threaten their doctors. Sounds almost legal and moral right?


That is awesome Maine has moved forward.. I agree the state shouldnt run a thing...


Active Member
I'm a caregiver for three patients here in Maine. My concern is allowing us to continue doing so without having to go to a dispensary....None of my patients want anything to do with them.
Maybe we should meet up and compare meds.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Ive been a caregiver for myself (Degenerative arthritis) and a friend (Muscular Dystrophy) for years now, always on the hush. I wanna "come out of the closet" and get registered, but we are both having a hard time getting OK from our doctors. Mine approves of my MMJ use but is AFRAID to sign the form. Kind of angers me, he'll give me a 50 pill prescription for Vicoden, Percocette whatever painkiller I want (I never use painkillers, I use MMJ), but he deathly afraid to sign off on it.

If you guys have any suggestions for a more open minded doctor I and mt friend would appreciate it, please feel free to PM me if you wish to keep any doc. recommendations private. Id like to stop being a "criminal" and not have the worries always hanging over my head. Im in York County.


Well-Known Member
next year i might have a job in main tending to someones plants

whats the limit per patent and how many people can a caregiver supply? this person wants to grow an acre of plants, but i told them there prob only gonna be able to get away with 6 flowering plants unless they become a caregiver


Active Member
can only grow 6 mature flowering females. have to be flowering, and atleast 12 inches in diameter to be considered a plant. ink the world: you should print out the mmj law and bring it to your next appointment, as well as the mindset of,"if you don't prescribe me what I need then another doctor will" attitude. it's not only the law but our right as paying patients.


Active Member
seasmoke: as a caregiver you can grow for up to 10 patients, but if you grow for more then 2 expect routine searches from DHHS.


Active Member
Thanx clasonde...so dhhs gets a record each person who has a presciption? I haven't any contact with them.


Active Member
We don't have to report our synthetic drugs to DHHS when we get a percription, why would this be any different? I mean, isn't oxy, morph and percadan...codone,percoset or other pain meds much more dangerous than weed? I've seen so much abuse with those drugs, and people get addicted so easy, that it makes me leary about using them...

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Clasonde, thank you....I have to admit I am leery about the program as is my doctor. My doc's concerns is 2 fold
1. The feds and his license
2. He says the law is too vague and the "chronic pain" part is something that can be called into judgement. He said "there isnt a single mention of Arthritis specifically"

He knows that I smoke instead of taking pain meds, he understands and is OK w/ it, its all about the fear we've all lived with over the years. I guess that fear and paranoia can be hard to completely shake, I have to admit Im still somewhat apprehensive about registering w/ the state; like somehow later on down the road it will be used against me.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the ID cards and the State.
People should have listened a long time ago......now you got it.
I personally will not register after hearing the new law. Fuck them.
I dont get taxed for growing my own garden of veggies and helping those who are hungry.

I personally think it should have been a co-op ideal, with the co-op owner regestering the patients and himself and keeping journals and one grow room that can be inspected like truckers on the highway....whats in there and whats going out. Patients would pay their caregivers whatever they could possibly afford to help with operating costs...and thats it.
Friend of mine just got his doc approval2 months ago....3 weeks ago he had his house full of cops and they took al but his legal amount. granted...he was over....but he has been over his "legal" number for years....but once he was in the system....pow.

I always wanted to be legal.....now....no.
I had an appointment June 1st and Im cancelling it. Between the price of the doc....registering...and paying the dispenseries.....we have lost our freedoms.
Ill stay underground....its cheaper...even if you get caught.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I mean, isn't oxy, morph and percadan...codone,percoset or other pain meds much more dangerous than weed? I've seen so much abuse with those drugs, and people get addicted so easy, that it makes me leary about using them...
Dead on reasoning there, that I can attest to personally. I had a major injury 15 years ago, almost lost a limb. I had 4 surgeries and had 22 months worth of PT 5 days a week. During that time my doctor was more than happy to write up a running prescription of Percocette for me. I ate those things like they were freaking Tic-tacs after a while. I started to feel like I was getting hooked and stopped using pain meds. I tried MMJ and prefer it to ANY other pain meds, i wont touch painkillers now. Havent for 10 years. Shit, I passed Kidney stones without any painkillers, but I smoked a joint the size of a Gorilla finger as soon as I left the ER. :-)

Fuck the ID cards and the State.
People should have listened a long time ago......now you got it.
I personally will not register after hearing the new law. Fuck them.

I always wanted to be legal.....now....no.
I had an appointment June 1st and Im cancelling it. Between the price of the doc....registering...and paying the dispenseries.....we have lost our freedoms.
Ill stay underground....its cheaper...even if you get caught.
Like I said once I heard one of the meetings on the states website, it was a joke. The intent and spirit of the law went right out the window. Its all about a few people making a lot of $, some of the proponents had personal gain as a motivation.
The other side never wanted MMJ expanded and did everything they could to basically keep it that way. Sure the law WAS expanded, but its nothing like it was supposed to be. SO they achieved their goal by limiting access ( 8 dispensaries to cover 33,265 sq mi, thats 1 dispensary for every 4,185 miles), installing high fees that most cant afford and by adding all the regulation that few people will bother to deal w/ it all.

I guess im w/ you, Im gonna sit out the system until its a little more reasonable to be a legal caregiver.


Not sure where you all are getting your info but in Maine you can only care for 5 patients, 6 plants each. Someone above noted 10 patients and that is not correct. Please, do yourself a favor and go to the DHHS website and download the rules and the patient and caregiver registration forms. Each caregiver will pay $300 per patient to grow, 5 patients $1500. They must be in a locked secure area, no outside grows (greenhouse OK if it meets their (DHHS) security requirements, but it must be secure.

-Anyone that grows for more than two patients will be inspected by DHHS.

-You cannot use any pesticides.

-You will be required to provide soil and product samples to DHHS for testing.

-Plants are defined as females with flowers, greater than 12" tall or 12" wide (not both). The real question will be if the dim-wits from DHHS consider a cutting with pre-flowers to be a flowering female? You could easily have a cutting get to 12" tall or wide and not really be in flower yet but still be considered a "plant".

-Dispensary applications require a $15,000 fee, $1,000 is none refundable if not selected.

-There were 8 dispensaries authorized but you will not see eight in Maine anytime soon. There are several jurisdictions that do not have enough of a population to support a dispensary. The reality is that you need 150+ patients to make it profitable. And remember that no one owns a dispensary, they are "controlled" by a board of directors because they are non-profits. So anyone that thinks they will get rich is dreaming, Maine controls non-profit compensation and you are looking at around $60k as a director with everyone else falling below that pay scale. If you already have a good job you better keep it.

-Jan 1st, 2011 there will be no more unregistered patients in Maine. You will also loose your legal right to smoke under their rules if you are not registered. Sure you may fight it in court but they have much more money than most of us for this stuff, tax payers are loaded remember?

-You cannot sell extra marijuana, you can donate it to a patient, caregiver, or dispensary. Dispensaries are restricted from selling donated marijuana, they can give it away to low income people.

Please, any Maine patients that are here take the time to read the rules, they will protect you from prosecution. I totally agree there are things to change; patients should never have to divulge their medical condition to anyone. DHHS is requiring to know what you have been diagnosed with, your treatment plan, and your doctors estimate for how long you will need to use medical marijuana. People need to think about things before jumping in head first. You have a house, live near a school, can you legally grow in your home if your within 1,000'? Are you willing to risk loosing your home? Because if they are able to question the legality of your grow, maybe a form isn't complete, maybe a patient lied and forged his paperwork, whatever the reason, if they prove an illegal grow all the other rules under DHHS are out the window and your on your own. So make sure you have the right answers to the right questions.

For the individual that was looking for a doctor in Maine try the following; DUSTIN SULAK, Hallowell, Maine (207) 313-3339

Hope this helps! Any patients in Maine that need service can look up the organization listed below. We have the best prices in the state and can service most areas.

Managing Director, Maine Grass Roots


Active Member
me8980109: i am a caregiver for a maine patient who received a suggestion to use mmj from her neurologist. I, being disabled and on a fixed income, can only use doctors who accept mainecare, and I was wondering if you knew any pcps or drs in maine that do accept mainecare?


If none of you have heard yet, Maine DEA and the state police raided four patients last week, legal patients in New Vineland, Maine. They had below the state limit of plants yet DEA took the plants, lights, and seedlings. Later they returned the mature plants but not the equipment used to grow them or the seedlings.

No charges filed. This is a sign of things to come, the state can't handle having to implement this law and is doing everything possibly to force patients and caregivers to use dispensaries. Total BS and scare tactics! I am commited to providing for my patients however it is not an "at all costs" thing. I do not need my name, address and other crap in the local paper or news even if they do refer to it as a "legal grow". My fuck'n neighbors don't want to hear that crap, they do not want this in their neighborhood and most of use would rather they didn't know.

Now thanks to the Maine DEA regular law abiding citizens will have a front page spread in the local paper inviting the criminal element over to be robbed and have family threatened. Thanks a lot Maine DHHS, the DEA, and the state police for making the lives of a few patients crap now. I wouldn't be surprised if it results in the loss of a job for one or more of them.


Well-Known Member
I want to know how the DEA is getting their info so quickly. A friend who just recently got approval was popped....and now the New Vineland patients......Do they have access to our docs records or is the dr handing these over to people who hand it to law enforcement? Be nice to know.
For years Ive known great quiet growers here in Maine....smokers not patients....and they say theyll never get a refferral or id card. Why raise your hand in class if your wrong?
Have a great summer folks...:)


They certainly are active lately, we have had more "medical marijuana" raids this year than in the last ten. They are simply trying to convince the public that what they voted for is bad and we are now seeing the end result, more arrests than ever before. Scare tactics for the public, you need moritorums and bans, zoning rules to keep them out of town, anything to give this a bad rap.

What's fuck'n amazing is that Attorney General Mills stated that she believes Mainers didn't know what they were voting for. Can you fuck'n believe that??? Of course we are plenty smart when we vote to approve a much needed bond for the new school, or for public works like upgrading the water supply. Fuck Mills! We can read and we know what we voted for, your the ignorant one in the room. She and her husband are douche bags!

I submitted my paperwork, I find it a little discouraging when the patient representative to the Task Force tells you "good luck" because you registered, like people really have any choice?? Let me see, what's worse, get arrested for 30 plants without a recommendation, or have your home searched and nothing taken because your legal and the law protects you from seizures if your within your limits. I'll take the 2nd door please. Better to try and defend a position authorised by the state which includes legal inspections by DHHS, than to try and butt heads with them.