If I had land to play with the ground is always better I think anyways. I wouldn't bothet with pots or bags.
Grow em on the cups until they are rootbound and of still not ready put em on bigger containers. Honestly I put mine outside in the day and run the lights indoors for a few hours and turn em off. But others with more experience may have a different technique but that works for me.
Guerilla growing in fl. I know a little about! Done it for many years. Would start my seeds by Feb. indoors. April they would go out into my 10'x10' greenhouse with a light on a timer that would come on every 2 hours for only 5 min.. Note: by then my girls were in 3gal pots. In April I would "pre-dig" my holes at my already selected locations. Would let the hole sit empty for few days because wild hogs are attracted to fresh dig. Then add my soil and amendments, giving them a month to cook, if no rain I would lug water out/wet/stir and lay carboard on top. The earliest I'd placethe girls in woods was May 10th. The latest recorded "freezzz" in Ocala, Fl was May 10th that's why I would never put them out before then. When they go into the woods they are in 5gal peat pots that I poked holes through side walls to make it easier for the roots to break through. This way I wouldn't have to run a bunch of empty pots out of the woods. Would top dress the plants a few times. I would do 65 of them but every year would lose some to weather or rippers. I've harvested 55 on a good year and year rippers found all but 9.
Living in Michigan now so no more guerilla growing for me. Now I use 200 gallon cloth pots sitting in my back yard. Instead of getting 8 to 30 ounces a plant I now get 5 to 8 Lbs a plant. Loving it! Good luck with your venture.
Endless sky, or columbian sky, are heavy wieght producers, in my opinion.. Ive pulled 3 an ahalf pounds off of 1 purple pound plant. U can get more from these if grown rite and lots of care..
Anyone have any ideas on how well roots do in a bag of soil? Well they grow out with a rectangular bag or straight down and get stunted. (Bag of soil, holes poked in bottom for drainage, top part cut off leaving about a 2 inch perimeter. Perlite & peat moss added to each bag then the seedling transplanted to the bags. One plant per bag) will it work? Seeds should be here soon. Pics of setup and seeds coming soon stay tuned.
I wouldn't use a bag in the ground, even if they did go through the bag your going to restrict root growth to a degree. If I had that sort of space to grow in id just put them in a nicely prepared hole I made. Man I wish I had the kinda land your able to use. Good luck
Thanks man, ill stick to the holes. Fuck that's a lot of digging tho. 7 big ones and at least 10 small - medium ones. Oh well it'll be worth it. Btw my dealer has some "widow" as he calls it. Decent bud with a nice hybrid high but this is sub par stuff usually a few seeds so Imma grab a few grams and hope I get some seeds then I can germ them instead of the random bagseed. Pics of the widow and construction of the veg box going up tonight. Stay tuned n stay stoned.
after growing with a smart pot and one in the ground side by side the ground is my preference unless you were doing minimum 200 gallon pots
Well an ex-girlfriend dropped the prego bomb on me today so I had to take care of that which is gonna push the box construction to tomorrow, im just too tired and stressed to be Mr. DIY right now. But I did get to grab some of my dealers "widow". 5 grams and no seeds lol I cant believe im upset because the bud was seedless. Either way heres a pic of the bud for you all, like I said its sub par but man this stuff is stinky and sticky. Im gonna roll a fatty,go to the moon and chill out up there for a while. Goodnight peeps, stay stoned.
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8 acres. 9 bags of earthgri soil. Planning on getting some perlite, vermiculite and hopefully some chicken manure if I can tomorrow. I can get more soil if need be and I plan on starting the seeds indoor in a rubbermaid container with 8 cfls each 26 watt (I think). So the big deal is MY GOAL IS 6 POUNDS. Don't stay telling me about how it can't be done or impossible whatever because I won't even respond to your negativity. But anyone who is willing to help me pick the right strain (asap) and steps to do this we can all enjoy this journey together. I know this is doable. I know I just need a lil guidance along the way. So what's up guys and gals you with me? What strain do I need for the 6 lbs and how many seeds you think?

Nigerian Nightmare would a good bet.

Sorry for the delay everyone. My seeds still haven't arrived yet but my box is complete. When the seeds get here I'll post pics of everything.