
OK... know you all prolly sick of this thread but
i think i got 'em licked =)

so i was using the Hydrogen Peroxide, and leaving a small dish of beer next to my stony baby (she has a name now)
3 days between watering, changed beer when watered.
was taking forever but they are finally gone

also, i had started (about a week ago) to play music for my darling
about 2 3hour sessions a day
don't know how much it actually does for the plant, just like the idea
anyhow, within a day or two of starting the tunes, all the gnats = GONE
don't know if there was any connection, or if the other treatments just kicked in
but i think its worth investigating
could the vibrations/noise do anything to deter these pests?

two detachable stereo speakers, stacked, about a foot and a half away from center of plant.
mixed music genres, medium volume, bass on high.
currently on 24hr lighting

once again thanks for all the help.

EDIT: love and +rep, you earned it