Gnats in hydro

Running 15 drip feed lines into 15 5gal buckets with rock wool as the base the roots hang in the vacume of the bucket and the feed tube is on a 15 min timer.
Interesting. Are you using big rockwool cubes or the little crouton looking pieces? If you're using the big cubes, these things are nice to keep algae off of them. They seem to keep gnats down too.

Interesting. Are you using big rockwool cubes or the little crouton looking pieces? If you're using the big cubes, these things are nice to keep algae off of them. They seem to keep gnats down too.

The small rock wool cubes in a basket with clay pellets.
after dealing with some shit back in the day, i would never use hydrogen peroxide again. It makes things look good for few hours then shit starts to hit the fan again. Gnats, dont know how to deal with them. Used to have some in coco, no big deal imo. But other root problems = use non toxic, helpful stuff like canna zym.