gnats easiest way 2 kill them +rep for help

Use preditory nemetodes. I had em last year outdoors. they come in a sponge and u just pour em on as u were watering. Fungus gnats show up when u overwater so check that. It will work sure. good luck


Well-Known Member
I am not sure about honey. It might work. Also yeah what doc111 said, cover your soil in sand. A nice blanket of sand should help out a lot.


Well-Known Member
Ummm I really don't know, I haven't used any sand so I haven't really looked into it. Search the forums look for sand and you should fine the answer. I would not use sand you just found it may contain bugs and things you don't want near your plants.


Well-Known Member
use diatomaceous earth. It's all natural. tears gnats up.

can you explain how to use diatomaceous earth with soil? i have the same problem and have been using a pesticide called "Eight" by Bonide at the suggestion of my local nursery store (along with some sticky fly strips). This works pretty well.

Also, make sure you let your soil dry before watering.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
thier like little shells that go on ur top soil
gnats cant go anywhere near them or instakill
seeps into the soil and kills any larvea


Well-Known Member
Ummm I really don't know, I haven't used any sand so I haven't really looked into it. Search the forums look for sand and you should fine the answer. I would not use sand you just found it may contain bugs and things you don't want near your plants.
I would never recomend using sand or any other growing media that wasn't sterilized. You can buy sand at most nurserys that is used for soil amending and it should be sterile. If not put it in the oven at 350 for an hour. That should do the trick.


Well-Known Member
WAIT!!!! Before you use pesticides try this. Pesticides can negatively affect the taste of the weed, so before you use them put a pop bottle, trash bag, or something big enough to cover your plant (air tight) and fill it with CO2 from little cartridges or a paintball tank. This should kill the gnats and actually improve the plants growth.


Well-Known Member
DE comes in at least two grades, one food, one industrial, for filters. I just spoon it onto the soil and maybe use a fork to mix it in a little . . . you're not really going for much depth. It's recommended you use a mask when handling it, I believe. I don't, but use tobacco.
Gnats disappear.
I've also dipped a small, dry paintbrush in the stuff and dusted the stalk, from ground to growth.
Remember to turn off your fan(s) while applying this fine dust product.
I think fungus gnats live 5 days and are a result of not allowing the top of your soil to dry out between waterings. They like to lay eggs under those little pieces of bark, etc. so I'd remove those from the surface.

That's Bonide Eight's good stuff too, IMO.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
u guys gotta see my
makeshift until i get sum neem oil and DE

i used a layer of aluminum foil atoop my top soil
and the dish water soap idea worked perfectly
i just changed the water walked back in 5 mins and already caught3