GML Accusations..

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Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
Sodiums are a good mix of gasses, cmh even better when looking at line spectral emission chart. Much fuller but led has better balance. I'm not expecting you to know the ins and outs of light to this level of detail. It's why the sun has the best emerson effect being a ball of gas.

Led manufacturers can do what they want, if they fall foul it will get discussed, what we're doing so why the constant argument? Are you GML? Probably.
Say you dont know anything without saying it.


Well-Known Member
It's too bad that the cannabis industry is such a pathetic cesspool of crap. I know nothing of this particular manufacturer and the claims against them. All sectors of the industry are rife with lies and outright fraud. From lights to nutrients to pollen chuckers and their seeds. It's pathetic with every greedy bastard doing anything they can to try and grab some of that money. So many growers are willing to just spend without thought on anything and everything with the hopes that they might increase their harvest by .001 grams per watt of light.

I just shake my head in disbelief when someone goes on about how Miracle Gro is the devil and then in another post they'll be raving about Brand X nutrients that claims 30% increases in yield if you use their Bud Blaster Xtra Big which is just MKP and water. Or people bragging about their LED's and quoting manipulated numbers while calling anyone not using their lights a relic living in the past.

People can have that crap. I grow with HID's and use some of the cheapest nutrients available. I've seen enough photos to know that with all the latest and greatest lighting and nutrients many still can't grow a healthy plant from seed to harvest.

I really wish the FTC would crack down on all these companies and their false advertising and fraudulent claims that are rampant in the industry.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what paddy did to piss you guys off but man you guys are vicious
I blame it on low blood sugar. No seriously i never heard of the guy I was just expecting the clean up crew and it happened to be him as predicted


Well-Known Member
Thinking this thread has pretty much shot its load …. Some sorry ass ex associate is wanking , HLG will carry on.

Just as would any company. I Was with them since their COB rigs - pretty happy. Ran tester / proto boards for them.
Gave them my 2 cents on a few things … actually compared to some Atreum boards and Zeus 308 awhile back.

Not necessarily a fan boy ( No T-shirt …. Bastards ) but only stuck with wut worked for me. Their products NEVER FAILED.

So I don’t necessarily am jumping on hype train …. But that guy must be the same one I mentioned awhile back reverse engineering
products with mainland suppliers .

Crooks gonna be crooks - ask Cody or Spammy Cammy.



Well-Known Member
Say you dont know anything without saying it.
LEDs omitted a lot of the spectrum, focused more on blue red and slimmer peaks.

Don't know anything, what's the width of each band on a real light bar chart then? I'll wait since you like putting everyone down and think your the know it all.


Well-Known Member
Mars and Spider Farmer are made by the same company anyway.
While I was researching LED fixtures, I noticed according to the
Manufacture's Listing @ the DesignLights Consortium that:

Mars Hydro is manufactured by:
LG-LED Solutions Limited

Spyder Farmer is manufactured by:
Shenzhen Meizhiguang Technology Co. LTD.


Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
Thinking this thread has pretty much shot its load …. Some sorry ass ex associate is wanking , HLG will carry on.

Just as would any company. I Was with them since their COB rigs - pretty happy. Ran tester / proto boards for them.
Gave them my 2 cents on a few things … actually compared to some Atreum boards and Zeus 308 awhile back.

Not necessarily a fan boy ( No T-shirt …. Bastards ) but only stuck with wut worked for me. Their products NEVER FAILED.

So I don’t necessarily am jumping on hype train …. But that guy must be the same one I mentioned awhile back reverse engineering
products with mainland suppliers .

Crooks gonna be crooks - ask Cody or Spammy Cammy.

This is second time HGL/Scammie's been mentioned in this thread. Dont Candyman summon her by mentioning her a third time, please. This kinda clusterfuck is her natural habitat.


Well-Known Member
While I was researching LED fixtures, I noticed according to the
Manufacture's Listing @ the DesignLights Consortium that:

Mars Hydro is manufactured by:
LG-LED Solutions Limited

Spyder Farmer is manufactured by:
Shenzhen Meizhiguang Technology Co. LTD.

They are from same sources…. I ran a thread some time ago about SAME distribution points ( down to the same city and depot ) - many companies have sub branding ( think chevy / GMC ) .

It pushed a few buttons and had me hand slapped with ruler. I even had screenshots of distribution points one to one.


Well-Known Member
Think Quantum, Browning, Shakespeare, Bass Pro, Lews reels and more, all the same basic frame with custom options on bearings and gears. And of course, badging. All from the same factory in China making “competition” a bit of a joke.


Well-Known Member
I remember when the Area 51 guy (Jeff?) was like a God on this forum. His lights were in demand. He knew it, too and would literally insult people and took every opportunity to be rude if someone asked a question that he thought was dumb. I guess my point is that when HLG and some of the more professionally-minded light builders started showing up, it felt good. It felt good because it meant the end to the monopoly that only a few light builders were enjoying at that time. And it meant that business owners couldn't be publicly rude and unprofessional, anymore, without suffering losing their business to the competition. Customers were so hungry for GOOD customer service that when real, professional companies started providing it, it meant a lot to their success. Good lights only take you so far. Customer relations and trustworthiness are essential, as well.


Well-Known Member
I remember when the Area 51 guy (Jeff?) was like a God on this forum. His lights were in demand. He knew it, too and would literally insult people and took every opportunity to be rude if someone asked a question that he thought was dumb. I guess my point is that when HLG and some of the more professionally-minded light builders started showing up, it felt good. It felt good because it meant the end to the monopoly that only a few light builders were enjoying at that time. And it meant that business owners couldn't be publicly rude and unprofessional, anymore, without suffering losing their business to the competition. Customers were so hungry for GOOD customer service that when real, professional companies started providing it, it meant a lot to their success. Good lights only take you so far. Customer relations and trustworthiness are essential, as well.
So it's precise information about the product I am buying OR someone being nice to me? why can't it be both?


Well-Known Member
While I was researching LED fixtures, I noticed according to the
Manufacture's Listing @ the DesignLights Consortium that:

Mars Hydro is manufactured by:
LG-LED Solutions Limited

Spyder Farmer is manufactured by:
Shenzhen Meizhiguang Technology Co. LTD.


Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
LEDs omitted a lot of the spectrum, focused more on blue red and slimmer peaks.

Don't know anything, what's the width of each band on a real light bar chart then? I'll wait since you like putting everyone down and think your the know it all.
You seem to be talking about lights which nobody but dummys are using anymore. Evrybody left blurple behind long ago cause it compares like shit to hps. And yes, you are right about them, its just that nobody is talking about blurples anymore. Did you mention mono cromatic HPS or did i imagine it ??? Its hard to keep track of what you are actually saying. How does HPS have a fuller spectrum than white led with 2% blue? Have you seen grotbags own built light setup before digging into him?

The sun has the best emerson effect cause its a gas is non factual and sorry it shows you havent read up what it actually is or when it applies. To be clear: emerson effect is negligble at sun light intensity levels, it is only a thing in low light levels. Again your drinking from the hype coolaid with out going after facts.

What is a real light bar chart? As opposed to imaginary ones? are you saying theres like a physical property important to growing plants tied to the scaling of spectrum graphs? Are you talking about the width of the blue / red peaks? It depends on the diode, go look for the datasheet it is there if you need it.

Listen, i might have put you down and im sorry over that, i try to be nice to people everywhere, but there are very few ways of setting straight the things you say which just arent, without it being a put down.
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