Glycerin leftovers?

I've been making glycerin tincture and I'm very happy with the results. *

I use about 2 grams of dank bud per 1 ounce of glycerin, I've heard a lot of people suggest a 1:1 bud:glycerin ratio, but 2:1 works better for me, with a pretty high tolerance. A few drops sublingually works perfect and it's great dropped on some bud in the valcano or my vaporizer with a whip. *I would never smoke it with a flame, as that's not recommended to heat glycerin to combustion.

Anywas..after separating the bud from the glycerin and squeezing every last drop of liquid I can, I bottle it up in either 1/2 ounce or 1 ounce amber glass dropper bottles. Then I'm left with an ounce or two (more or less depending on the run) of ground buds (I do not use trim). The buds are still green and under a microscope look like they may still have some trichomes on them. Obviously the vast majority, if not closer to all of the THC has been extracted. But for some reason I've been saving the stuff so I have a decent quantity of bud that has already been soaked in glycerin.

Can I do anything with it, or is it completely trash? *Will all of the glycerin evaporate eventually if it is allowed to dry, or is it "tainted" for lack of a better word? *I would basically be interested in making cannabutter or oil for cooking or having a go at making some dry ice hash with these leftovers but I'm very interested in any suggestions of anything to do with it before I toss it.

Thanks for any input, I'm new to the forum. I hope to contribute just as much as learn.


Ursus marijanus
The glycerin won't evaporate. It has a boiling point similar to that of motor oil.
The cannabutter idea is good ... the wet process will remove all the glycerin into the water fraction and the remaining 'noids into the oily fraction.

The other thing to try is to water-cure the bud ... glycerin will go away and leave a smokable product. cn
Thanks for the fast reply! Excellent idea, I didn't think of the glycerin separating in the liquid, but that's great. If by chance would you or anyone have any idea how much I would need to use for cannabutter? Or about how much I would need per edible?

I'm talking the original weight of the dry bud not moist with glycerin. I was guessing maybe 3 grams per cookie or brownie. Any input on that would be super appreciated.

Also is hash out for sure because of the glycerin, or could I potentially water cure it, dry it out and make dry ice hash?


Old thread I know...but the consensus is that you can use your glycerin tincture leftovers to make butter than?...that is great if it works out. How did it turn out for anyone who has tried it?


Active Member
I would use it for edibles. Who cares if it has glycerin in it. Glycerin is sweet, natural, and good for you. I am saving mine (4 weeks into 8 week soak) and plan on making brownies. If done right though there shouldn't be any trichomes left. I need to buy a microscope!


Well-Known Member
Glycerin is a poor solvent compared to alcohol and slows to a stop as it saturates and the interface between it and the resin becomes dilute.

I extract material two to three times with fresh glycerin to get it all. If you want to concentrate the first soak some, put some fresh material in it and do a second extraction on full potency material.


I think I am going to try some quick alcohol tuincture recipes tonight...I will let you guys know how it turns out...I have tried 6 week glycerin shake method and am anxious to compare results.


1/2 teaspoon of alcohol quick tincture works very good so far body is mellow slight hazy head feel not bad...recipe used was:
1/8oz high quality cannabis
2 oz Bacardi Rum – 151 proof

Process Summary:
1. Chop cannabis very fine (coffee grinder works great)
2. Place in a shallow pan (pie pan with aluminum foil works great) and bake at 325°F for 4-5 minutes.
3. Remove from oven and place cannabis and place in 2 oz of rum (use a small wide mouth mason jar)
4. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Maintain temperature of the rum/cannabis mixture between 150°F – 165°F.
5. Strain the mixture and store.


Ok what a great pain or anxiety issues slept like a rock...hope it was from meds I guess I'll find out over time.