Glossary of Terms

Haha, yea. I scanned through it yesterday and added some other stuff that went awol on me too :P ... Hopefully it's up to date now! ... If I get a few more things to add in the future I'll have to ask a moderator to let me edit it, cause after a certain amount of time it seems you can't edit your posts or something?

Sounds great, Arrid is working on a new Rollipedia for the growfaqs. Post the updated version here because I have linked him this thread. :mrgreen::peace:
Okey dokey. Sweet! ... If anyone notices mistakes or has suggestions to add to the Glossary of Terms thread, please pm me or reply in this thread and if they're necessary updates, I'll pencil it in to be added in future updates.

This shall be added to the Rollipedia when i get the time. :D

At the moment i'm trying to get my computer fixed. :(

It keeps dieing..

Good stuff anyway dude.
Cheers Arrid. It will be updated in future when I have enough things to add to it, but I'll be sure to have the updates posted here, hopefully in the original post, so it shouldn't be an issue.
***Can anyone stopping by please post anything they would like to recommend to be added, or tell me of any mistakes they've noticed, so I can fix up the Glossary in it's next update. Would really appreciate it. Cheers!***
Does anyone know if the mods ever put this into the GrowFAQ? lol ... Never did hear anything about it after it was mentioned haha
nah man, i just think you're cool ;] And plus, you wrote this very nice glossary, who wouldnt love you? I just want you to know that I love you more though.