Globilization...The Future!


Well-Known Member
Hi All.......I would like to start a broad discussion on globilization with everyone here on rollitup. Now that Barack Obama has been selected as the new president I believe the U.S. along with many other nations will being to embark on this journey into the unknown. My belief is that you will see a push for new currencies, new government policies(as in one world government), & more military/law enforcement. Do you think this is good or bad? Do you think the world will accept this course without massive wars & civil unrest? If you don't think this could happen please elaborate on your viewpoint as I'm convinced that NWO or whatever you chose to call it is here & will start making it's presence known within the next 4 or 5 years. Barack Obama is the first U.S. president celebrated around the world. Did anyone catch that? I did & I realized that the rest of the world already knows that this is happening & they were pleased to see that America selected a president that would be more caring towards the world overall. It makes so much sense to me know what I've been witnessing throughtout 2008 with the financial system, politics, law enforcement, & so on. They are gearing up & so far the world is mostly cooperating. I just want to get some people's thoughts & reactions.


Well-Known Member
this is bad, it will be like china a police state.. they would probly kill you for weed in the future if the new world order goes through!! but i would not allow it to happen( ill try to stop it lol) hbu guys???


Well-Known Member
Barack Obama will definetly increase the push for a one world government. Which is something I hate. Each country's sovereignty should remain in tact. Yes people argue that "We're all one" and we should all be apart of one society;however where is the fun in that? One world currency, One world law, One world religion. It's tyranny. People will be bound by a set of rules set forth by the true policy makers of our planet. Think about it. Our dollar is the most recognized around the world. We already have established the most powerful military, now we have the most liked president ever elected. His policies will be shrugged because people feel like he's the only president elect that's ever cared, and dogonit...he's all about "Change". Most people will accept whatever he does. But these things have been in place for decades. They were talking about establishing the EU in the 50's. They signed the SPP in 2005. Obama's predecessors have set up a series of laws that will enable him to either continue with the subtle breakdown of individual government...OR...Shoulder the change himself.

We'll see though. The NWO is definetly not NEW in any capacity.


Well-Known Member
all this just perpetuates the end of times prophecies ..
supposedly the antichrist is supposed to help alot of the worlds problems and bring the world together as 1, under 1 religion and currency, then take complete control. within 7 years (2 terms).

dunno what to think about it all. but i'm just throwin that out there .. ;p

it's true that many have been called the antichrist, but the world didnt love them as they do obama.. something isn't right.. smiling faces.. smiling faces sometimes..


Well-Known Member
well maybe someone ought to show god a thing or two and put one into him jfk style just a thought not a threat in case the patriot act is looking


Well-Known Member
well maybe someone ought to show god a thing or two and put one into him jfk style just a thought not a threat in case the patriot act is looking
if it is true, noone can stop the prophecy. so.. one way to find out is to try i guess ;p


Well-Known Member
on a side note, i'd hate 1 world 1 religion 1 currency.. i mean where do you go to vaccation and see diversity? what happens to cultures and societies that have been around for 1000's of years.. i'm not down to have all my weed be 1 strain, 1 pipe, 1 high.. i love to choose, life is about choices, fuck taking them away from us.


Well-Known Member
its weird though having a black guy president. i guess its the first time in us. history that a black man can beat two white women and a war vet and become president for it.


Well-Known Member
its weird though having a black guy president. i guess its the first time in us. history that a black man can beat two white women and a war vet and become president for it.
and the fucked up thing as that people accept him as 'black' he's not even black.. he's half white, half muslim or something. he has no african american in him. that is the point i'm making ;p

and i'll say right now, i know people will say he is, but look at his face, lips, eyes .. he's not african.


Well-Known Member
still thats a good damn joke i made i almost peed a lil lol. and i think hes got black in him at least a lil


Well-Known Member
still thats a good damn joke i made i almost peed a lil lol. and i think hes got black in him at least a lil
that was a good one.. lol i dunno. ppl say he's black , but looking at his features.. i dunno.. he looks arab or something.. that's just what i think.. :P


Well-Known Member
it was the same as the last election you really dident want neither to win. like southpark said its always between a turd sandwich and a giant douche. i bet all supporters for both candidates are either holograms or cg cause they both suck it too much. and im from alaska and think palins hot as fuck i would tear that shit up, fucking ruin her. but i dident want her to win. particularly cuz its much harder to bang a married vp than it is a married gov


Well-Known Member
and people from kenya are, you guessed it black as hell, not quite as black as the sudanese though i work with a couple dudes from sudan. if its slightly dark theyre just teeth and eyes. cool dudes though. they dont smoke though, strait arrows...errr spears!


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't care what happens now. I'm hoping that the world ends soon so that I don't have to pay off my college loans.


Well-Known Member
it will unfourtunatly its called the galactic solstice google it its how well die and it coinsides with the mayan 2012 thing


Well-Known Member
and the fucked up thing as that people accept him as 'black' he's not even black.. he's half white, half muslim or something. he has no african american in him. that is the point i'm making ;p

and i'll say right now, i know people will say he is, but look at his face, lips, eyes .. he's not african.

His dad is 100% african which makes his physiological make-up "Mixed". Islam is a religion....not a race. There are muslims of all different races. White, black, Arab, and Asian. Futhermore if he could score 25 points a game or run a 4.2 40 yard dash everyone would call him black. Funny how when he runs for something of prominence he's only "Half black."