A thousand sources? Literally? - then why so much trouble finding one?what type scientific data do you want....temps were normal this year? something like that? because we have literaly pointed to at least a thousand sources ofver the months. besides the tons of scientists who have come out against it, all the fake base temperatures (that alone should tell you whats going on). there arent scientists out there trying to prove the earth is changing natural. they dont exist. the science currently being studied is if the climate is changing and if we are causing it. nobody writes/does a study that says, hey everything is normal.
I want scientific measurements, stuff I can CHECK FOR MYSELF, the same thing you should be doing with the scientific measurements I've posted.
Give me ten scientists who are in opposition to ACC.
That's wrong dude, just like I've told you. If you deny ACC at this point, you stand alone.so the bottom line here is what you have from scientists in a nutshell. the climate may or may not be changing, and if it is changing is it normal or is it caused by man....period. there are a fair amount of scintists on both sides.
Go read those articles and stop spreading propaganda.
Have you ever read the legislation? Be honest with me. The bills, the taxes being imposed.. do you know the details or just things you've heard?global warming is more advanced than the others. the reason is that govt has figured out a way to take more money from people so they have given it the utmost attention. i am not williing to go quietly this time. i have a good job and business and i am having a hard time getting by. i am not afraid to work, any work. its hard to come by. and i hae nothing lavish at all. the economy is a total wreck, people are struggling and these bastards want more.
if they take any more of my money i will seriously consider shutin off tv or phone service. its that tight from where i am right now. everyone is on welfare and i am to proud to take handouts so i work longer and harder. i am at my max for my age. i cannot work any harder. and these rotten cock suckers want to tax my energy for some phantom sickness that is strictly a religion to its followers. its a punish big oil scam by fucking the llittle people at the bottom. i ant going away quetly on this one pad. this one is serious for me and the country. and it deserves everyones attention. its a huge money grab for govt of monumental proportion. and it will continue to grow bigger and more intrusive just like the gas tax.
the average gas tax in the us is 50 cents a gal. at every stage in the oil business the company makes about 10 cents. so drillers make 10 haulers make ten, refinery makes 10 haulers make 10 provider makes 10. this isnt exact but its very very close within 10%. so the govt is making 5 times profits, and i might add that these are windfall prophets. i am sure you have heard that term used. the only leg in the game that makes winfall profits is the govt. every one else eans it. yet those same bastards call the oil companies winfall profits but they arent, they were earned. so fuck global warming even if it is happening. in another 10 years we will figure out that nuclear is the way to go on car engines and everything.....problem solved with zero to no pain. the market will fix this pad, the market will fix this.....watch.![]()
I'll reply to the rest of the post after work.