• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Global Warming Update



Anyone else notice that Global warming is starting to parallel the 9/11 "truthers" (oxymoron)?
And this statement gets the irony of the year award! I'm the one that brought up the 911 analogy CrackerJax, remember?

You are the truther. You are the minority. You are standing against the established scientific consensus holding your data for piltdown man.

Show me ONE PEER REVIEWED scientific paper that discredits human activity plays a role in global warming. Explain to me how Carbon is good for the atmosphere. Explain to me why the greenhouse effect doesn't work on Earth. Explain to me why you guys only rely on media sources and skip all the science, because hey, it's politics right? This isn't a scientific issue.

A handful of people manipulating some data is not enough evidence to throw out the entire body of climate records. This is absurd and none of you guys address that either. Could you imagine, again I'll bring in the parallels with evolution and creationism, if because of one of the hoaxes that was accepted by a small minority of what was the scientific community for an extremely small amount of time, they throw out all the existing data for evolution, all 100 years or so of information? This is what you guys are proposing when you oppose the science behind climate change. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad, because this affects everyone.

I've said what I had to say.. nothing is going to sway anyone either way. I just hope you guys don't automatically dismiss everything in your lives if it doesn't fit into your comfort zone.

If any of you want to talk about the science, then let's talk about the science. Enough with the politics, I want to see who can back up the claims they make against climate change. So whose up for the challenge?


Well-Known Member
Enough with the politics, I want to see who can back up the claims they make against climate change. So whose up for the challenge?
Just give me the baseline temp, the worlds average temperature, from which the warming has occurred. Then give me the specific information used to calculate this world average temperature. I can't begin without that info...


New Member
Just give me the baseline temp, the worlds average temperature, from which the warming has occurred. Then give me the specific information used to calculate this world average temperature. I can't begin without that info...
Dude, do your own damn research.

Big P

Well-Known Member
lol liberals are amazing,

when faced with the largest most expensive hoax in world history that would have bankruppted our nataion and the world, you fools are like covering your eyes and humming trying not to hear it lol

i cant believe this !!!

i swear there must be a personality thing going on here,

there gonna be hell to pay for this at the polls,

and this, is gonna sink the ship:


our eyes are watching, and we gonna slap the smug grin off that little bitches face.

because you dont fuck with the american people, I swear this little fucker with his little smirk,

what a disastor for our nation he is.



lol liberals are amazing,

when faced with the largest most expensive hoax in world history that would have bankruppted our nataion and the world, you fools are like covering your eyes and humming trying not to hear it lol

i cant believe this !!!

i swear there must be a personality thing going on here,

there gonna be hell to pay for this at the polls,

and this, is gonna sink the ship:


our eyes are watching, and we gonna slap the smug grin off that little bitches face.

because you dont fuck with the american people, I swear this little fucker with his little smirk,

what a disastor for our nation he is.

Put politics aside and debate the SCIENCE.


Big P

Well-Known Member
Put politics aside and debate the SCIENCE.

the debate is over, we asked the other side for evidence of global warming and they have been supplying it to us for years, to the point where they almost got a bill passed in our beautiful country which would steal my hard earned money over a fucking lie!!!!!!!

now we come to find out the info and the "proof" they were supplying to us all these years is a lie, they have finally now admitted it, saying that in truth global warming has stopped since 1995 and they have been lieing and skewing the data ever since so no one would find out and ruin the cute little transfer of wealth gig

there is nothing left to debate. unless they can now come back with ACTUAL proof instead of madeup proof of global warming the point is mute until then

they say global warming is man made, yet they have no proof the earth is warming, becuase it hasnt been since 1995

its all just an issue that was highjacked by politics and they have inserted the lies when truth & reality failed them,

nothing to discuss here but politics

and pls dont come back and say "oh its not global warming we are saying its climate change"

pls dont say that cuz everyone knows all the environmental idiots have been bitching about our globe warming and nothing else.

cant move the goal post in the middle of the game, how dumb would humans have to be to not see right through that?


New Member
Again, continued assertions about the existence of some global conspiracy theory to take everyone's money, and absolutely no evidence to back it up.

What's funny is that lots of people are making big money by going green. If you invest in a big enough solar panel, not only can you produce enough electricity to power your own house, but with all the excess power you produce that goes back into the grid, the electric company will send you a check every month. But you can feel free to ignore this since it doesn't mesh well with your 'scientists are trying to scam me out of my money' line of opinion.


Well-Known Member
If you invest in a big enough solar panel, not only can you produce enough electricity to power your own house, but with all the excess power you produce that goes back into the grid, the electric company will send you a check every month.
Sure, sure. And if you have a string of good weather, like 25 years worth, and the rig, or your roof, doesn't need replacing in that time, you can break even, financially. But it's not about that. It's about good feelings, which are price-less.



Well-Known Member
^^^^ i agree

Debate has been over.... Anyone who knew a little history could figure out its a lie. The Vikings used to farm Iceland...so the ice sheet was obviously receeding. We havent even reached that kind of temperature, yet look at the mass hysteria... What about the Little Iceage which occurred WAY before the Industrial Revolution and all this "man made" carbon?

Right there are two events in history that show cooling/warming trends are natural and not "man made"... Dont need a peer reviewed "scientific" piece of toilet paper


New Member

Put politics aside and debate the SCIENCE.

Paddy... ur amazing ... what science? There isn't any now that can be trusted son...that's kind of the entire point of the scandals.

This is a black eye for science...a big one.

It's time to get Obama's RESET out on man made global warming. We are in need of real science....so far, there hasn't been any.


New Member
Actually, ChChoda, the person I was referring to in this example has already made money and lives in New Jersey, where it is anything but always sunny. The solar panels create more energy than you would ever use on sunny days, and store that power for use on days without a whole bunch of sun. So much that a lot of it gets sent back to the power grid for others to use. That is how he gets a check every month. They are making leaps and bounds with respect to producing solar panels at lower and lower costs. Suppose instead of paying $150 each month for electric, you got a check for $150. In that case a $15,000 dollar solar panel pays for itself in 5 years, then makes you money for, well, ever. All while weening us off our dependence on foreign oil, which is good practice whether you believe in climte change or not. All this rough math neglects credits you get from the good ol' gov for using renewable energy.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Again, continued assertions about the existence of some global conspiracy theory to take everyone's money, and absolutely no evidence to back it up.

what are you talking about? you cant be this dense, i just posted to you the story about the UN climate body using false and skewd data,



ok now for the money part:

GLOBAL WARMING, they went to copenhagen to make a deal which would sign up america china and india to push cap n trade policies in thier counties that will cost thier people money and job

what dont you see pls explain?
What's funny is that lots of people are making big money by going green. If you invest in a big enough solar panel, not only can you produce enough electricity to power your own house, but with all the excess power you produce that goes back into the grid, the electric company will send you a check every month. But you can feel free to ignore this since it doesn't mesh well with your 'scientists are trying to scam me out of my money' line of opinion.

solar panels dont make you money, if that was a fact we would all get one

on layaway even if needbe


New Member
I'm sorry, are you touting this Fox News story which has since been discredited as your trump card? Climate gate? Is that it? Adding a 'gate' to the end of something does not make it a scandal. And global warming has not stopped since 1995, that is false and provably so.

And by the way, I am not a fan of any way of going green that does not make money and jobs for more people, not less. I know little about cap and trade besides a description of it in an economy class in college many moons ago, I am not really so much in favor of that as much as I favor investment in research and development of renewable/sustainable technologies that advance us in some manner. How about spending some of that stimulus money to find and build the new shit that will ween us off foreign oil.


Active Member
The idea behind cap and trade is that businesses would all get credits based on some baseline level of emissions. If they emit less carbon, they can sell the extra permits, so there is an incentive to pollute less. I would actually prefer to see a straight-up tax on emissions, but we all know that's not going to happen. But the reality is that pollution has a very real economic cost, which needs to be paid for one way or another...having the polluters pay for it directly not only makes sure that the taxpayer doesn't have to foot the bill to clean up their shit, it also dissuades them from polluting it in the first place.

Why are you guys so dead-set on fucking up the environment for no reason though is something I'll never understand. It actually makes economic sense to try to conserve the environment and figure out how to create cheap renewable energy. Why wouldn't you want that? Is it really just because the republican party, their corporate sponsors and their cheerleaders on fox news tell you not to??


New Member
The cap and tax scheme won't work ... end of story. Also the timetables for any effect are so far out.... what does it matter? Unless it's all about wealth redistribution ... which it is. That's not science...that's politics.


Well-Known Member
Actually, ChChoda, the person I was referring to in this example has already made money and lives in New Jersey, where it is anything but always sunny. The solar panels create more energy than you would ever use on sunny days, and store that power for use on days without a whole bunch of sun. So much that a lot of it gets sent back to the power grid for others to use. That is how he gets a check every month. They are making leaps and bounds with respect to producing solar panels at lower and lower costs. Suppose instead of paying $150 each month for electric, you got a check for $150. In that case a $15,000 dollar solar panel pays for itself in 5 years, then makes you money for, well, ever. All while weening us off our dependence on foreign oil, which is good practice whether you believe in climte change or not. All this rough math neglects credits you get from the good ol' gov for using renewable energy.
And the 25 years it will take to recoupe your investment?....I love the technology but until they get the price of the panels down to a buck a watt it is still too expensive.


the debate is over, we asked the other side for evidence of global warming and they have been supplying it to us for years, to the point where they almost got a bill passed in our beautiful country which would steal my hard earned money over a fucking lie!!!!!!!

Explain this in further detail. How does investing in cheaper renewable alternative energy sources "steal your hard earned money"? - Also, disregarding all the evidence in favor of CC, you are aware that burning gasoline and it's bi-products puts more Carbon in the atmosphere, so explain how that is a good thing.

now we come to find out the info and the "proof" they were supplying to us all these years is a lie, they have finally now admitted it, saying that in truth global warming has stopped since 1995 and they have been lieing and skewing the data ever since so no one would find out and ruin the cute little transfer of wealth gig

It has been the second hottest decade in recent history. What are you talking about?


there is nothing left to debate. unless they can now come back with ACTUAL proof instead of madeup proof of global warming the point is mute until then

Admit it, there is nothing you guys would accept as "proof" of CC. You are already bent on "it's impossible", and that's the way it stays in your minds. If that's not true, tell me what it would take for you to accept it?

they say global warming is man made, yet they have no proof the earth is warming, becuase it hasnt been since 1995

Refer back to that picture I posted.


1,640,000 papers. Have fun.

its all just an issue that was highjacked by politics and they have inserted the lies when truth & reality failed them,

nothing to discuss here but politics

and pls dont come back and say "oh its not global warming we are saying its climate change"

pls dont say that cuz everyone knows all the environmental idiots have been bitching about our globe warming and nothing else.

I really don't know how many times I have to repeat this... The term "Global Warming" is MISLEADING. It happens, it's not the end of the world. "Climate Change" is a more appropriate term to use because it addresses the entire climate, not just the warming bit about it. You know all these freak snow storms you guys have been seeing, with record amounts of snow, do you think that's simply a coincidence? Do you know how much 3C-5C is? Do you know the effects of such a change?

It's really that simple... If you don't accept that, I dunno what else to tell you, and it strengthens my previous argument about how you guys won't accept anything for proof, not even the damn name.. It's like calling a ball a "circle" - then later coming back and saying "never mind, let's call it a sphere instead" - because it encompasses the object (or in this case issue) in more detail. Happens all the fuckin' time in science... it's not a big deal. Progression, advancement, that's what science is about.

All while weening us off our dependence on foreign oil, which is good practice whether you believe in climte change or not.
That point couldn't be emphasized more!

But the reality is that pollution has a very real economic cost, which needs to be paid for one way or another...having the polluters pay for it directly not only makes sure that the taxpayer doesn't have to foot the bill to clean up their shit, it also dissuades them from polluting it in the first place.
Great point! Why the hell would anyone argue with that? I'd love for someone to address this point specifically. BigP, IS, Cracker, any of you guys, what do you have to say regarding this point Abe just made?

Why are you guys so dead-set on fucking up the environment for no reason though is something I'll never understand. It actually makes economic sense to try to conserve the environment and figure out how to create cheap renewable energy. Why wouldn't you want that? Is it really just because the republican party, their corporate sponsors and their cheerleaders on fox news tell you not to??
Another point that couldn't be emphasized more!