Glass wholesalers?


Well-Known Member
So me and a friend have been searching the internet for days looking to find a decent glass wholesaler. He is looking to get a bunch of glass to add to the collection and sell to people his inner circle at cost.(Screw paying $20-$40 at a head shop) We're mainly looking for spoon bowls, glass on glass bowls and slides, bongs, percs, scales, grinders, vaporizers, ect.. We've found plenty of decent places and most want us to spend a minimum total of about $150 and thats ok I just want to find a good dealer. Anybody have any ideas on where to go or where to look? I dont mind chinese glass but would prefer american made pieces. I guess our main concerns would be water pipes and spoons. Any opinions and suggestions are welcome. is hardly what I would call a wholesaler. But they do have some nice glass. A little overpriced IMO, cause I can get stuff at my local shops (same artists as alt) for about 20% cheaper BEFORE discount. charges 250 for a lurch piece that a shops near me charges 200 for, and I could get them to come down at LEAST 160 on it. Same exact style pipes, same artist.
if you know the blower try getting it from him. someone who is already trying to get in the biz. when you buy from glass sites make sure you know these sites have sold items in the past. go to local head shops and ask around about sources.
Thank you for the advice gentlemen. Ive been asking head shop owners but they dont give me names... Just "my connect" or my "guy".. Ive found a couple sites but was hoping someone on here was involved somehow in wholesale glass.
Any glass blowers trying to get there name/product out?
maybe try reddit? r/glassheads or r/lampworking

other than that, just find blowers on FB. I know Beer does a lot of wholesale