Glass screen for SSV whip?


Well-Known Member
anyone know if there is a glass screen you can buy to fit the whip for the SSV? I'm not a big fan of metal screens.


Well-Known Member
They do have glass screens.

they come in all sorts of sizes. just look them up on google lol.

i only use them in my bongs/bowls but i always throw them away too b/c you get so stoned you forget thier in thier when you beat it out and it falls in the ashtray.

my secrect is to use a glass ashtray so you can hear the "KLING" noize after you beat out your bowl.


Well-Known Member

i can post some for you within the 1/2 hour i hope.

i use the shape " they look like Jacks" you know what i mean.

that OLDSCHOOL game people used to play.


Well-Known Member
damn, i had the choice between flower shape and jack style and i chose the flower shape. Do you think the jack style would work well in a whip?


Well-Known Member
maybe you should invest in both. they actaully both work really well.

thier awsome.

but i did notice with the jack style you can smoke a whole bowl and the ash stayes in the bowl it doest pull threw.