glass or paper?


okay. i was just sitting here at my computer completely blitzed and was wondering what to smoke next. i have always been a complete glass fanatic, but, alas, as of late i have been craving the blunts and paper goodness. its like a whole different experience, you know?
so anyways,
i was just wondering what your input was.
stay true. stay free.

stay high.
stacey k.

:weed:<3 to the fellow smokers
i prefer glass for the simple fact its not like a blunt/paper an jsut kinda burns away an i can space my bud out an save it yu knoww.


Active Member
paper 100%. joints during the day, a blunt for the night. they leave no trace. and i hate the feeling of hiting a pipe. feel like a crackhead or something. bongs are fun for like partys or with people. but my preference are joints. i smoke two joints in the morning. i smoke two joints at night. i smoke two joints in time of peace, and two in time of war. i smoke two joints before i smoke two joints, and then i smoke two more! and ur right, different ways of getting lifted are different experiences all together.