Glass bowl cleaning

I just let mine sit overnite in a jar of 91% isopropyl
Yeah no substitution for some good ol' 91% alcohol...for heavy cleanings, I mix epsom salts and 91% rubbing alcohol. Then I shake the holy living hell out of whichever glass peice it is that I'm cleaning for no less than 10 minutes straight. Using the epsom salts, it gives the glass a beautiful glow that most glass peices have when they're brand new.
Yeah no substitution for some good ol' 91% alcohol...for heavy cleanings, I mix epsom salts and 91% rubbing alcohol. Then I shake the holy living hell out of whichever glass peice it is that I'm cleaning for no less than 10 minutes straight. Using the epsom salts, it gives the glass a beautiful glow that most glass peices have when they're brand new.
Yeah, Kosher salt works too in a pinch.