Glad to be here


Active Member
hey everyone i just want to introduce myself this is, well what i thought my second thread i had originally created one in the indoors section i had a question regarding lighting but it said since it was my first thread it had to be approved by a mod but yet to seen it.

anyways i plan on growing a plant or two of my own since ive never had the opportunity to see one myself in real life unfortunatly. this is mostly for a first experience/experiment and then take it from there.

hope you guys and gals can lend a hand

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Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU! happy growing, good luck..... do a lot of research before starting, and you'll be much happier with what you get.


Active Member
welcome to RIU! happy growing, good luck..... do a lot of research before starting, and you'll be much happier with what you get.
yes, thanks i like to measure twice and cut once, im all about research i like vbulletin its so organized.


Well-Known Member
good...... lots of research and planning will make you much happier in the long run...... what type of setup are you thinking?


Active Member
i dont know if there is a name to the setup but traditional soil indoors
i did have a question although ill start out with cfl i found this link can it be switched out with a hps ballast with this setup to initially use mh conversion then switch to hps at the appropriate time, i rather build it myself rather than buy the one from htg if mine breaks i can fix it cause i build it

My Happy Place

Active Member
I'm in the same position you are. (1st time grower) Maybe we can help each other out through our cannabis trials and tribulations.