GL80L - Grow Lab/ Eco-Plus Axial fans


Active Member
Anyone have experience with this tent I see mixed reviews. People claim alot of light leaks and bad zippers. Im thinking of grabbing one of these and dont wanna regret it.

Also the fans they looks like PC fans but the CFMs are pretty decent. 4.5" 112cfm 6" 235cfm 8" 647 cfm but very low watt the 4.5 runs 28w.

any experience with either and opinions will be appreciated.


Active Member
well, ill be grabbing mine from my local store, this week so ill give my review since no one has any info to offer.


Rebel From The North
ive got x2 grow lab tents there made by home box and acembled by grow lab and I like mine
alot, there are some light leeks but not bad, hydro hut and I have onr to is totaly light proof
and has better zippers hope this helps


Active Member
I have a GL60 and My brother has a GL120 we both love are tents. Yea there a few light leaks around the zippers but nothing to be worried about. It's not like it completly dark outside anyways, with the moon and street lights unless you stay in the woods, then you still have the moon shining. Anyhow the tents are good you need to make sure you have a exhaust fan and a few clip on fans. I tried to use a pc fan but it didnt provide much airflow. So I upgraded to a clip on fan, my brother running 3 clip on fans in his tent. I have pics of my setup and my borthers in my journal.


Active Member
well its either a GL80L or a Sun hut LG. Im leaning to the GL80L cause of the adjustable socks. sun hut had a steel frame rather than pvc. So im buying tomorrow i guess ill see what come sintonight on here, and see what my local sales man says.


Rebel From The North
the silver edition is the way to go Ive read to much bac about pvc gas from white wall tents.
not sure if by now they have fixed it but to be safe silvers better


Active Member
Ordered my hydro hut yesterday 223 with ship, watched a few videos for the hut and love the extra steps to help prevent light leaks ,now I wait for it and my fan. Then get to temp testing. Can't wait. Then order my beans. Thanks for showing me the hydro hut I feel id feel ripped off if I went for the other tents compared to what it offers for roughly the same price.