Giving the Finger Poll: Thumb in or Out?

Flipping the Bird: Thumb In or Thumb Out?

  • Thumb In

    Votes: 18 69.2%
  • Thumb Out

    Votes: 8 30.8%

  • Total voters

Total Head

Well-Known Member
good poll. my mother gives the bird thumbs out and i always thought it looked wrong. if you keep the thumb in you can use it to hold down the middle finger than flick it up. more dramatic that way.

meechz 024

Active Member
Thumb in....Because otherwise you wouldn't be giving the finger, you'd be giving fingers. And the thumb just partially distracts the receiver from the big finger anyway.
Lmao always keep the thumb in. Thatd be like flipping them off and giving them a thumbs up at the same time. You dont want to confuse them haha.


Active Member
I usually lighten the mood first ...for example..." Papa's feeling pretty delicious today so heres a finger up for ya in cause your feeling down"

This should be cataloged with all the other 4.1 trillion "out there" questions that get asked on RIU.

Next week we will have " Should I leave my pad in for 12 or 24 hours?"

Your Welcome :)


Well-Known Member

finger in, always. It lets you clench a little more by applying pressure to the folded fingers with the thumb, thereby extending the middle finger a little farther and emphasizing the FUCK YOU just a little bit more. Also lets you sort of clench the whole thing a little more, almost like you're making a fist.


Well-Known Member
Out. The ones I flash to are over the shoulder and so I don't see what it looks like, but I know they're not worth the effort of clenching my fist if I have to resort to such a gesture.


Well-Known Member
Out. The ones I flash to are over the shoulder and so I don't see what it looks like, but I know they're not worth the effort of clenching my fist if I have to resort to such a gesture.
Hahah... I like your logic too... but my logic is, if I'm going to do something, I'm gonna do it fully. ;) I admit that when I flip the bird over the seat to someone behind me in traffic, I go for thumb out sometimes. Something about having your hand facing the other way makes it easier.


You guys have really made an impression on me. I'm glad I created this poll/thread. In fact, I'm going to try out the solo bird (middle finger, only), instead of the full bird, the next time, to see how I like it.

I'm a cyclist in LA, so I get to use it frequently. I like how the single finger looks on its own.

It's like the marines raising the flag at Iwo Jima... the flag would be a lot less monumental looking if there were already another flag raised in the background.



Well-Known Member
i don't give the finger, it's kind of a bitch gesture. man up and just say "fuck you!".

and if they're in traffic, let them pull up beside you... and then say "fuck you!"
Seriously bro? The dude with agoraphobia and social anxiety who can't tell off an old lady in line is going to pull that attitude? Pfft.


Well-Known Member
Alright then, just wanted to make sure you knew you were talking out your ass ;)

P.S. I like you ganjames, you roll with it all pretty well. Online. When there's no old ladies around.


Well-Known Member
All I see is disappointment, right here. It's one of those rare times I'd flash you, ganjames but my paws don't really have a middle digit.

Crypt will leave when he's good and ready.


Well-Known Member
i'm talking out of my ass 99% of the time on here lol.
i think the only time i've told the truth about anything is with the food i post.
Yeah, that dish you had up the other day looked good, except it was in tupperware. PRESENTATION, man, plop it on a nice plate before you take the pic next time ;)


Well-Known Member
ahh yes, disappointment.

coming from the girl who has such low self esteem that she needs to post half naked pictures of herself on an internet weed growing website. just so she can feel beautiful as middle aged men comment, fap, and ask for more...

did i mention the crazy bitch thinks shes a fucking wolf!?
Woah woah I guess I hit a nerve after all, ROFL.


Well-Known Member
ahh yes, disappointment.

coming from the girl who has such low self esteem that she needs to post half naked pictures of herself on an internet weed growing website. just so she can feel beautiful as middle aged men comment, fap, and ask for more...

did i mention the crazy bitch thinks shes a fucking wolf!?
I'm not perfect, whatever made you think I was trying to portray myself as such? It doesn't change the fact you're acting like a total dick and it's beneath you. Well, I used to think it was. Resorting to pulling up my pictures and psychology for personal attack? How about I exemplify you the same way. We have an array: the aforementioned Walmart thread for one. You spend so much time telling these guys to grow some balls when they have bigger than can be stuffed into your pokemon briefs and can still be a gentleman.

Did I not stop posting pictures on request? Did you not tell me to start again?

Did you not ask for such a picture on more than one occasion? Did you not enjoy it? Like the countless girls you seems to idolize so much as to add to your RUMBLR thread which I tried to be conscientious about posting in. If you think they're so pathetic, too, how much more are you for fapping to the fallout of their insecurity.

Yes, this crazy bitch thinks she's a fucking wolf. This bitch also has journeys outside her body in her wolfy fur, howls in the woods at night and occasionally thinks about snapping a neck or two. Don't antagonize this bitch.

To everybody else: I'm tame, don't worry