giving defoliation during flower a try

So in all your time owning or working at the greenhouse in nopes- ville you mean to say you never tried the pruning and removing of the lower branches to force the energy of the plant to the main shoots in flower?

What's "energy"? Define what exactly you're referring to.

And for the record, there's not much I haven't tried or experimented with regarding cannabis.
you can trim some of the lowest leaves to make airflow.

Doesn't guarantee she still won't have disease (rot) pressures. You can remove 50% of the fan leaves to create this magical "airflow" and still get PM, rot and such if the conditions are ripe for the spores to invade plant tissue.

Time to stop parroting RIU bullshit, don't ya think? Get off this silly site and go to a university sponsored website and study the hows and whys of fungi pressure on plants.

Uncle Ben
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if you're trying to build your arm muscles, you cut off your legs,so all the energy can be put into your arms, Don't you know anything?

Oh, I get it now! It's one of those compensating thingies where when you remove one body part the others grower bigger!

Let me see, if I remove some of this foreskin......
Doesn't guarantee she still won't have disease (rot) pressures. You can remove 50% of the fan leaves to create this magical "airflow" and still get PM, rot and such if the conditions are ripe for the spores to invade plant tissue.

Time to stop parroting RIU bullshit, don't ya think? Get off this silly site and go to a university sponsored website and study the hows and whys of fungi pressure on plants.

Uncle Ben
you sure do hang around here a fuck ton for someone that hates RIU and its members so much... like an old crusty mole on your aunt's neck that won't go away.
I cant keep a green plant yet. I still have tons to learn. Well my c99 wont but hse is reveg and microkote screwed them up. so next round maybe.
I think Uncle Ben hates having to debunk myths all the time, and this site is sure full of them. In his cranky way he's really doing his best to help those that need it the most and that's why he sticks around.

If it were me, I would have (and have to a point) given up on RIU. How he does this day in and day out boggles my mind.
how is trolling threads until they get locked helping anyone? just let people defoliate their plants and talk about it and share pics... goddamn.
image.jpg Thanks for the info. I am admitting to being a newbie when it comes to growing but I have learned a couple of things about gardening. My plants are healthy now and I am just seeking a little reassurance and advice from those that have been at this longer. Uncle Ben, keep up the good work, someone has to keep the B S in check.
yeah, I've seen those type hoods. Notice the small profile? Small hoods are more efficient when it comes to reflectivity contrary to popular forum thought. But then again, what else is new?

I use this one myself:

Also from Gavita, the Tripplestar. I can tilt the sides to change between wide, normal, narrow, and on both sides independently. It's always on narrow except for a day after moving plants to my flower closet. It's the hood profile combined with the surface area and the ideal amount of light per sqft that dictates how high a professional fixture goes. The hood makes it like a flash light (directional), and not like some kids want to pretend an omnidirectional light source. Add to that reflective walls...

I studied detailed papers from the Dutch regarding growing tomatoes and they are so exact, so detailed and for me so confusing I just gave up trying to understand the methods of madness. We're talking adjustments of temps many times per night. They manipulate light and temps to the nth degree.
Coincidentally that last greenhouse image I posted I actually grabbed from a page from the university of Wageningen about a project in which the goal was to reduce energy costs by continuously manipulating the temperature for optimal photosynthesis. They use so much light in the greenhouse area it lights up the sky at night, there are groups against "light pollution", energy is our nr 1 cost. Good means to reduce energy use is embraced and new ways are researched and tested everyday. It's just absurd to see some folks here with little to no education and zero professionalism thinking they are going to improve spectrums and whatnot..

That university, greenhouse industry, as well as more traditional farmers, and many labs work closely together to allow them to compete using the relatively small and expensive space they have available. Still not a particularly easy read, but also "exact and so detailed", a great reference and filled with hard solid facts and test results about nutrients for different mediums and crops: (author is one of the professors)

I bought 2 varieties that came from the Netherlands specially bred and hand pollinated, cost my $1 USD each. 2 years trying with marginal results and mediocre taste, I gave up. Seeds were/are Adamson and Trust. Upon the advice of BHN I've got their BHN 589 growing really well now. If you can get your hands on BHN, try some. The 602 and 589 are excellent in all respects - disease package, taste, texture, no catfacing/splitting, etc.
I love tomatoes, favorite vegetable by far. I can see where the vegetables I eat are grown but can't always see what variety they are (they're all "class 1" nowadays). I will try to get my hands on some BHN and compare.
i really dont get howdebunking myths is uncle bens job or anyones job, he comes back here cause hes addicted to argueing, like hydroburn said if people want to cut there fans leafs off let them and post pics of the outcome dont sit there and call people idiots and shitheads and they dont know nothing about plant biology, that in my eyes is a bully and i cant stand fuckin bully if you dont like def then why come on this thread and talk so much shit on people, i myself def all the time and im happy with the buds i produce, yeah im no fuckin scientist i just knows what works for me so if you dont have nothing nice to say dont say anything at all, pisses me off fucking know it alls, of course i dont know shit about growing cause i didnt go to colleage and i dont have a degree and even if i did i still wouldnt talk down to people no matter how dumb there posts was, i would educated them the best i could and if they didnt want to take in the info oh well there loss i sure wouldnt talk down to them, cracks me up how these people get pats on there back for being rude, just goes to show the world is going to shit
I think there is a time to defoliate a plant and a time not too. If you are learning and have several try it. but if you are growing single bud 20-30 inch plants i would suggest not too. If you are doing scrog nets then i suggest you do it. The only way for me to learn is by doing it. I learn 3x faster that way. This is a weed after all so no way is the 100% right way. I do know my biggest bud plant was defoliated but it was over 5 foot tall and i had to tie the buds up so they wouldn't snap the stems. look at my avatar to the left that is 2/3rds of the bud the top 1/3 had to be cut off so it would fit into my jars. that weighed over 2 ounces dried and cured. so if you want to defoliate do it, but try and have 2 plants similar is size so you can do 1 and not the other so you can see with your own eyes if you like it or not. Also bigger doesnt mean it will be better.
I smoked some of my 4 month old frenchy style blueberry hash. Wow full body high have to be carefull with the expansion is massive. taste is perfumy with a similar taste BB taste is gone and I love it. WowI now am getting the washing machine for sure. @Frenchy Cannoli thank you God bless you. His hash method is by far the best. I cant believe this is my hash its so amazingly excellent. So there are a few experts around at riu. Uncle been is one of them i know(expert) he comes across as a jerk a bit but he isnt like that on my other site. @Uncle Ben i think just is trying to help. I know i listen to him, i may not do it his way this time but I will next time so i know the difference. Try several things and have fun growers, I love my hobby and that i help others. SO i dont care if anyone breaths down my neck I am gonna keep doing what i do but with little tweaks here and there. I come here to have fun and hang out. I hope all are having a great day.
I smoked some of my 4 month old frenchy style blueberry hash. Wow full body high have to be carefull with the expansion is massive. taste is perfumy with a similar taste BB taste is gone and I love it. WowI now am getting the washing machine for sure. @Frenchy Cannoli thank you God bless you. His hash method is by far the best. I cant believe this is my hash its so amazingly excellent. So there are a few experts around at riu. Uncle been is one of them i know(expert) he comes across as a jerk a bit but he isnt like that on my other site. @Uncle Ben i think just is trying to help. I know i listen to him, i may not do it his way this time but I will next time so i know the difference. Try several things and have fun growers, I love my hobby and that i help others. SO i dont care if anyone breaths down my neck I am gonna keep doing what i do but with little tweaks here and there. I come here to have fun and hang out. I hope all are having a great day.

Yea! To not taking things to seriously. I am having a great time with my outdoorsy girls. I like to WOW my grandchildren (all in their mid 20's), by being the coolest Granny in town.
Yea! To not taking things to seriously. I am having a great time with my outdoorsy girls. I like to WOW my grandchildren (all in their mid 20's), by being the coolest Granny in town.

Oh so you are a lady okay I will try and remember that. I am super baked right now. Well Lady Berry you can pm me anytime, i love that you grow.
Oh so you are a lady okay I will try and remember that. I am super baked right now. Well Lady Berry you can pm me anytime, i love that you grow.
"Papa" berry helps out a lot, he is the builder guy. We didn't know they would get so big and that we would need to protect them into frost season. Building a greenhouse over 10 ft. plants was no easy feat. I think we have things dialed in now, if I can just keep the bugs and the mold out.
That last one reminds me of an outdoor grower I follow, not mine either:

Like espalier: