giving defoliation during flower a try

BUT, according to mr.wonderful, who can NEVER be wrong and knows it all, You can't produce top shelf with cheap nutes and PKing the crap out of your crop. Just from what I know of the 2, I would smoke a joint of RM's weed and would consider making hash out PK's mexican weed that he got a seed out of a baggie of brickweed.

Like I say, it's all in the delivery I guess. I think PK has done his own experimenting and came up with his way of producing mass quantities of bud. The fact that he does all this training and nit picking is because maybe he enjoys his occupation and cares just like the rest of us on producing good medicine. He may be crass but looking at his grow, there is quality there and it looks like he knows what he's doing. All you can do is either take his advice or not. Like changing the channel on the TV.
And I would just like repeat what Brodie said, you all grow very nice pot so you all can stop the bickering. Cheap nutes, expensive nutes, yup they all work! Love the tanning bed Riddler! Glad to see its still running!
No chuck ur lying again. I never said u cant get good bud w cheap nutrients, i said and i will repeat again cuz ur obviously retarded and dont read. I said premium nutrients will provide better results including all categories u want for maximum effectivesness including: yield ( which is my number one category), quality, taste, smell and aroma. For instance those cheap nutrients are derived from cheap sources producing synthetic salts ur growing your plants with. I buy "expensive" nutrients which are proprietary blends of organic and some synthetic nutrients that will harvest larger yields and produce better quality flowers.

If you got good genetics then any nutrient u use will produce quality flowers. Its about yield and how good they look, smell and taste and whats in them that makes a huge difference. Using man made chemical salts is not something I want to smoke or ingest into my body. So spending s few more dollars on higher quality nutrients is well worth the orice. How much u think i spend on veg nutes for a run like one i showed above? I spent 40$ on base nutrients and maybe another 40-50$ on the additives. For bloom for the 6 lights im gonna run will costs me roughly 600$. Im gonna get about 12 lbs give or take so im paying 50-60$ per pound which is 3-4$ per ounce. So please explain how that is expensive i would love to know?
GREAT, you just stole all the energy from your buds. Will you have buds? Sure. Could you have had better buds? No doubt !!!!! Why rape a girl who is already giving you pussy?

Clear and concise!!

He is a god!

If he were to pat you on the back, you would list it on your resume.

Both sides of his pillow are cool.

When in Rome, they do as he does.

He once had an awkward moment... just to see what it felt like.

He can speak French... in Russian

His words carry weight that would break a less interesting man’s jaw.

He’s won trophies for his game face alone.

He bowls… Overhand.

He is the life of parties he has never attended

If he were to punch you in the face, you’d have to fight off the urge to thank him.

Sharks have a week dedicated to him.

Police often question him, just because they find him interesting.

His beard alone has experienced more than a lesser man’s body.

If he were to mail a letter without postage, it would still get there.

The pheromones he secretes effect people miles away… in a slight, but measurable way.

He owns 4 sports cars, and rents 5.

He was the featured man at a bachelorette auction he brought in over 13 million euro, under the table.

His personality is so magnetic; he is unable to carry credit cards.

Even his enemy’s list him as there emergency contact.

He never say’s anything taste like chicken…not even chicken.

His charm is so contagious, vaccines we’re created for it.

Years ago, he created a city out of blocks. Today over 600,000 people live and work there.

He is the only person to ever ace a Rorschach Test.

Every time he goes for a swim dolphins appear... and he can speak to them!

Alien abductors have asked him to probe them.

His legend precedes him, the way lightning precedes thunder.

His reputation is expanding, faster than the universe.

He lives vicariously through himself.

He’s been known to cure narcolepsy just by walking into a room.

He’s a lover…not a fighter, but he’s also a fighter, so don’t get any ideas.

He has won the lifetime achievement award...twice.

He once traveled to and explored the Virgin Islands, when he left they were just "The Islands"

He once brought a knife to a gunfight, just to even the odds.

He can speak braille

If he slept with your would brag to your buddies.

He was once pulled over for speeding, but he let the officer off with just a warning

As a child, when asked by a teacher, "What would you like to be when you grow up"? He Answered, "Myself"

He is always on time... Yet somehow arrives fashionably late

Once, the eye of a passing hurricane winked at him

A movie about his life cannot be completed, no one wants it to end.

He is the only person Chuck Norris has apologized to

He once lapped his opponent in a drag race

He has crossed the point of no return - on several occasions.

If at first he does not succeed, then it is impossible.

When life gives him lemons...he makes Champagne.

The Loch Ness Monster thinks he is a myth.

He once thought he made a mistake, but was mistaken.

His mother has a tattoo that says SON

His to-do list says, "Done."

When he looks into the mirror, his reflection gives him a thumbs up.

He once asked a woman to say 'NO' to him, so he could understand rejection.

He counts his chickens before they hatch...and they always hatch

The circus ran away to join him.

Santa Claus sits on HIS lap.


He has his moments...all the time.

He once went to a sporting event and the players cheered him.

If he were to read the phone book to you, you would be on the edge of your seat.

His word is worth a thousand picture.

Women leave the seat up for him.

He makes the phrase "a whole new meaning" take on a whole new meaning.

He once lead a horse to water, and made him drink.

He considers the practicing of any skill to be a form of cheating.

He is always on the right side of the tracks, even if he crossed to the other side, he'd still be on the right side.

He would take on any challenge, if there were one.

He has never learned from a mistake...because he has never made one.

Sharks have a week dedicated to him!

He once took a knife to a gun fight just to even the odds.

Once he was pulled over for speeding, but he let the officer off with just a warning.

When he was in school, teachers signed up to take his classes

He puts his pants on both legs at a time.

He was voted most popular in a high school he never attended.

The whales want to save him.

He once explored the Virgin Islands. When he left they were just called "the Islands"

People hang on his every word, even his prepositions

He is the Best Man at every wedding he attends.

He never discusses politics. Except when asked for advice by world leaders.

His reputation is expanding faster than the universe.

Thanks for the entertainment.
No chuck ur lying again. I never said u cant get good bud w cheap nutrients, i said and i will repeat again cuz ur obviously retarded and dont read. I said premium nutrients will provide better results including all categories u want for maximum effectivesness including: yield ( which is my number one category), quality, taste, smell and aroma. For instance those cheap nutrients are derived from cheap sources producing synthetic salts ur growing your plants with. I buy "expensive" nutrients which are proprietary blends of organic and some synthetic nutrients that will harvest larger yields and produce better quality flowers.

If you got good genetics then any nutrient u use will produce quality flowers. Its about yield and how good they look, smell and taste and whats in them that makes a huge difference. Using man made chemical salts is not something I want to smoke or ingest into my body. So spending s few more dollars on higher quality nutrients is well worth the orice. How much u think i spend on veg nutes for a run like one i showed above? I spent 40$ on base nutrients and maybe another 40-50$ on the additives. For bloom for the 6 lights im gonna run will costs me roughly 600$. Im gonna get about 12 lbs give or take so im paying 50-60$ per pound which is 3-4$ per ounce. So please explain how that is expensive i would love to know?
r u still going on about your nutes

take a breath man
r u still going on about your nutes

take a breath man

No chuck is tellin people lies. Read the post. He makin shit up saying i told people cheap nutrients dont produce bud. When i never said that. U read above post and my previous posts u will know what im talking about. Tired hearing dudes mouth. Hes a annoying ass wiesel
No chuck is tellin people lies. Read the post. He makin shit up saying i told people cheap nutrients dont produce bud. When i never said that. U read above post and my previous posts u will know what im talking about. Tired hearing dudes mouth. Hes a annoying ass wiesel
dont you remember me telling you there winding you up?
No chuck ur lying again. I never said u cant get good bud w cheap nutrients, i said and i will repeat again cuz ur obviously retarded and dont read. I said premium nutrients will provide better results including all categories u want for maximum effectivesness including: yield ( which is my number one category), quality, taste, smell and aroma. For instance those cheap nutrients are derived from cheap sources producing synthetic salts ur growing your plants with. I buy "expensive" nutrients which are proprietary blends of organic and some synthetic nutrients that will harvest larger yields and produce better quality flowers.

If you got good genetics then any nutrient u use will produce quality flowers. Its about yield and how good they look, smell and taste and whats in them that makes a huge difference. Using man made chemical salts is not something I want to smoke or ingest into my body. So spending s few more dollars on higher quality nutrients is well worth the orice. How much u think i spend on veg nutes for a run like one i showed above? I spent 40$ on base nutrients and maybe another 40-50$ on the additives. For bloom for the 6 lights im gonna run will costs me roughly 600$. Im gonna get about 12 lbs give or take so im paying 50-60$ per pound which is 3-4$ per ounce. So please explain how that is expensive i would love to know?
make up your damn mind
So please explain how that is expensive i would love to know?
Because you can achieve the same, if not more, with less than half of what you spend. And that 5-6 times a year.

And you can angry over chuck's words, it's pretty much what you said, at least what it comes down to. You've done that a couple of times more often, like at first you don't care about ratio, and then in the bloom booster thread you say never said that. This isn't... what's it called... snapchat or something.
Pull the post up if ur gonna reference something ive made alot of posts dont know what ur referring too please fill me in thanks
My wife is one of those tree hugging vegetarians that is all about organic stuff put into her body. She too says she can taste the difference between organic grown and chemically grown weed.

Several years ago I rolled two joints of the same weed...grown in Jacks. I told her one was organic and the other was not. I asked her to pick the organic joint. After hitting on both, she was absolutely sure one of the joints was organic as she pointed out that it taste better and not "chemically".

The point I'm making is that for many the whole chemical taste thing is in their heads. I've got one customer that only buys from me because I grow organically (I told him I grow in organic soil...and he took that as I grow with organic nutrients too). Who am I to disagree with someone that buys my weed because it taste better than chemically grown weed?
He is a god!

If he were to pat you on the back, you would list it on your resume.

Both sides of his pillow are cool.

When in Rome, they do as he does.

He once had an awkward moment... just to see what it felt like.

He can speak French... in Russian

His words carry weight that would break a less interesting man’s jaw.

He’s won trophies for his game face alone.

He bowls… Overhand.

He is the life of parties he has never attended

If he were to punch you in the face, you’d have to fight off the urge to thank him.

Sharks have a week dedicated to him.

Police often question him, just because they find him interesting.

His beard alone has experienced more than a lesser man’s body.

If he were to mail a letter without postage, it would still get there.

The pheromones he secretes effect people miles away… in a slight, but measurable way.

He owns 4 sports cars, and rents 5.

He was the featured man at a bachelorette auction he brought in over 13 million euro, under the table.

His personality is so magnetic; he is unable to carry credit cards.

Even his enemy’s list him as there emergency contact.

He never say’s anything taste like chicken…not even chicken.

His charm is so contagious, vaccines we’re created for it.

Years ago, he created a city out of blocks. Today over 600,000 people live and work there.

He is the only person to ever ace a Rorschach Test.

Every time he goes for a swim dolphins appear... and he can speak to them!

Alien abductors have asked him to probe them.

His legend precedes him, the way lightning precedes thunder.

His reputation is expanding, faster than the universe.

He lives vicariously through himself.

He’s been known to cure narcolepsy just by walking into a room.

He’s a lover…not a fighter, but he’s also a fighter, so don’t get any ideas.

He has won the lifetime achievement award...twice.

He once traveled to and explored the Virgin Islands, when he left they were just "The Islands"

He once brought a knife to a gunfight, just to even the odds.

He can speak braille

If he slept with your would brag to your buddies.

He was once pulled over for speeding, but he let the officer off with just a warning

As a child, when asked by a teacher, "What would you like to be when you grow up"? He Answered, "Myself"

He is always on time... Yet somehow arrives fashionably late

Once, the eye of a passing hurricane winked at him

A movie about his life cannot be completed, no one wants it to end.

He is the only person Chuck Norris has apologized to

He once lapped his opponent in a drag race

He has crossed the point of no return - on several occasions.

If at first he does not succeed, then it is impossible.

When life gives him lemons...he makes Champagne.

The Loch Ness Monster thinks he is a myth.

He once thought he made a mistake, but was mistaken.

His mother has a tattoo that says SON

His to-do list says, "Done."

When he looks into the mirror, his reflection gives him a thumbs up.

He once asked a woman to say 'NO' to him, so he could understand rejection.

He counts his chickens before they hatch...and they always hatch

The circus ran away to join him.

Santa Claus sits on HIS lap.


He has his moments...all the time.

He once went to a sporting event and the players cheered him.

If he were to read the phone book to you, you would be on the edge of your seat.

His word is worth a thousand picture.

Women leave the seat up for him.

He makes the phrase "a whole new meaning" take on a whole new meaning.

He once lead a horse to water, and made him drink.

He considers the practicing of any skill to be a form of cheating.

He is always on the right side of the tracks, even if he crossed to the other side, he'd still be on the right side.

He would take on any challenge, if there were one.

He has never learned from a mistake...because he has never made one.

Sharks have a week dedicated to him!

He once took a knife to a gun fight just to even the odds.

Once he was pulled over for speeding, but he let the officer off with just a warning.

When he was in school, teachers signed up to take his classes

He puts his pants on both legs at a time.

He was voted most popular in a high school he never attended.

The whales want to save him.

He once explored the Virgin Islands. When he left they were just called "the Islands"

People hang on his every word, even his prepositions

He is the Best Man at every wedding he attends.

He never discusses politics. Except when asked for advice by world leaders.

His reputation is expanding faster than the universe.
Ok, fair enough. But, can he get a popsicle stick to root, like I can?
I don't think so! :-D
Looks like lollypopping but more advanced.

Pull the post up if ur gonna reference something ive made alot of posts dont know what ur referring too please fill me in thanks
Frankly a little childish because you, I, and everyone else who read those posts surely remembers, but to illustrate:

Sorry i dont focus on npk ratios period, i read my plants thats why i run complete nutrient lines i dont need worry about any of that bs lol
No prob. All good. Online pics hard to tell. Thats my point about someone judging shit from a picture reslly cant do that.mits a good ref point about overall look but without seeing it and touching it getting sticky dense stink from it u cant tell how good suttin is from a pic online. And those super up close cameras w flashes make bad shit look good. Im using an ipad camera w bs resolution and no flash so just got kp that in mind too.

This is a photo of the WiFi right from seed company I got them from. Obviously done w a really good camera. I took my pic with an ipad with no flash or anything. In person looks exactly like this dead nuts. Bright robust red hairs nice neon green super frosty. Lemme see i can get better pictures in sun.
View attachment 3300437
And this is mine harvested. Looks almost identical. Heres a better pic i put in window sill with natural light. Hairs are really orange not red dont have a flash on ipad so looks darker than they are actually.
View attachment 3300444 Heres better pic put on white paper easier to see too.
If your so successfull at this why haven't you got a quality camera and lighting to take pics? Also if you trimmed bud like that in Cali, you would never sell at clubs for top shelf. Period. End of story. All that stem and leaf sticking all the way around..... It doesn't look bad, but more like outdoor trimmed by teens..... And no it's not the camera.