giving defoliation during flower a try


Well-Known Member
Trimming useless leaves from the bottom of the main stem is considered lollipopping. The idea is that the plant will redirect energy to other useful parts of the plant like larger fan leaves and flowers. Some lollipop the lower flowers as well to focus on the main colas.
Lollipopping has it's place as well. As does defoliating (no more than 70% of leaves) in veg. My glue cuts look much more bushy/ tighter nodes than most of the glue plants out there (except the people that practice heavy pruning/ defol on their plants as well) Cherry pie is another good candidate I hear 8-)


Well-Known Member
Yea the power outage sucked. I readjusted my timer too. What really got me was losing an hour and a half of carbon scrubbing screw the light! I came in like whoah!
Ugh! You got the outage too? This is the 2nd one in 2 weeks here. The last time my ebb system was in full flood mode and each ebb bucket was completely full of water. Had to manually scoop out all the water with a measuring cup, it sucked so bad. At least today the system wasn't flooding. My house started smelling pretty good too lol. Hoping there aren't any more outages for the year, pge already rapes us, they damn well better keep the electric on for the cost we pay

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Trimming useless leaves from the bottom of the main stem is considered lollipopping. The idea is that the plant will redirect energy to other useful parts of the plant like larger fan leaves and flowers. Some lollipop the lower flowers as well to focus on the main colas.
I'm pretty sure it has to do with air flow in most cases. The redirect energy thing is something we think of when were high, then we mentally sell ourselves on the idea that its actually working. Pretty easy to mentally agree with yourself in this game. I've done it over the years. ill admit it.


Well-Known Member
Ugh! You got the outage too? This is the 2nd one in 2 weeks here. The last time my ebb system was in full flood mode and each ebb bucket was completely full of water. Had to manually scoop out all the water with a measuring cup, it sucked so bad. At least today the system wasn't flooding. My house started smelling pretty good too lol. Hoping there aren't any more outages for the year, pge already rapes us, they damn well better keep the electric on for the cost we pay
See..thats why I dont do hydro. At least with soil if the power goes out, Im still good no pumps or automated watering. Even if it.stayed out for days I could supplimemt with sunlight. Hydro crops would be ruined.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it really sucks man, but I am terrible at growing in soils. I'm going to be giving smart pots with drippers a try at the end of the month. Probably use rockwool croutons or mapito or something, so it'll be similar to hydro so hopefully I don't screw it up, I'll see how that goes and if it's good I might switch. At least with drippers, if the power goes out o can hand water :p

See..thats why I dont do hydro. At least with soil if the power goes out, Im still good no pumps or automated watering. Even if it.stayed out for days I could supplimemt with sunlight. Hydro crops would be ruined.


Well-Known Member
Mine get flooded from the bottom unfortunately, if it was a flood table I'd be alright, but flood buckets work a little different. I could probably hand water but then I'd had to drain it by hand :( I'm going to be setting up a car battery system that can run the 15w pumps though, just in case it happens again

No they wouldnt you can always hand water from the top


Well-Known Member
Mine get flooded from the bottom unfortunately, if it was a flood table I'd be alright, but flood buckets work a little different. I could probably hand water but then I'd had to drain it by hand :( I'm going to be setting up a car battery system that can run the 15w pumps though, just in case it happens again
I'm tried the areo still useni
Mine get flooded from the bottom unfortunately, if it was a flood table I'd be alright, but flood buckets work a little different. I could probably hand water but then I'd had to drain it by hand :( I'm going to be setting up a car battery system that can run the 15w pumps though, just in case it happens again
i use areo/DWC for vegg and areo for clone but when it comes to flowering dwc . A lot less forgiving during power outages ..But the battery idea is a smart backup


Well-Known Member
"Continental drift is the movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other, thus appearing to "drift" across the ocean bed.[2]The speculation that continents might have 'drifted' was first put forward by Abraham Ortelius in 1596. The concept was independently and more fully developed byAlfred Wegener in 1912, but his theory was rejected by some for lack of a mechanism (though this was supplied later by Holmes) and others because of prior theoretical commitments. The idea of continental drift has been subsumed by the theory of plate tectonics, which explains how the continents move.[3]

In 1858 Antonio Snider-Pellegrini created two maps demonstrating how America and Africa continents may have once fit together, then separated"



Well-Known Member
"Continental drift is the movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other, thus appearing to "drift" across the ocean bed.[2]The speculation that continents might have 'drifted' was first put forward by Abraham Ortelius in 1596. The concept was independently and more fully developed byAlfred Wegener in 1912, but his theory was rejected by some for lack of a mechanism (though this was supplied later by Holmes) and others because of prior theoretical commitments. The idea of continental drift has been subsumed by the theory of plate tectonics, which explains how the continents move.[3]

In 1858 Antonio Snider-Pellegrini created two maps demonstrating how America and Africa continents may have once fit together, then separated"

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