giving defoliation during flower a try

Pk is alive and well.. Just workin on the next project while ppl argue about how good bs dyna gro is for their plants cuz they cant afford canna or advanced. One day they will learn, its a simple equation the more money you spend the more money you get back. Its an exponent equation. U buy cheap nutrients u sacrifice quality and yield.

So go buy Canna or Advanced and u can solve the formula for yourselves. Dyna gro should be called Dyna blows
Ya your so full of shit @homebrewer out grows you when he's taking a shit in the toilet ...Using AN labels as Toilet Paper at least he knows where it belong's ;)
Blah blah blah, Avanced Nutrients, blah, blah, blah, I'm the best, blah, blah, You don't know me, blah, blah, Yer all homos, blah, blah, blah, Dyna Gro sux, blah, blah, blah, I can't spell or use proper grammar, blah, blah, blah, I yap on like a 12 year old girl, blah, blah, blah...
Saying "the more you pay for nutrients the more yield you get" is like saying the more you pay for a dollar bill the more money you'll have. A dollar is only worth a dollar no matter how much you got suckered into buying it for. Nitrogen is nitrogen no matter how you bottle and label it kid. Try spending more money on your lights, fans, well on anything but the one control in horticulture. If you can tell me that $30 nitrogen is better than $10 nitrogen and you really believe it boy do I have some shit to sell you. No offense bro but its common sense. Good luck and keep growing and LEARNING!! peace bro
Ur trying to tell someone who uses advanced that it doesnt produce yields or quality by telling me someone who has no experience using AN outperforms me when he cudnt even get a pound a light using such product which is pathetic. Like i said before if i get under 1.75 per light i consider that a fuck up. AN is solid and everyone who uses it and uses it correctly has no problem telling u the same. Like i said before stick to ur dyna gro and mediocre yields ill kp doing me TY
Ur trying to tell someone who uses advanced that it doesnt produce yields or quality by telling me someone who has no experience using AN outperforms me when he cudnt even get a pound a light using such product which is pathetic. Like i said before if i get under 1.75 per light i consider that a fuck up. AN is solid and everyone who uses it and uses it correctly has no problem telling u the same. Like i said before stick to ur dyna gro and mediocre yields ill kp doing me TY
See the thing's not "bad". That's the whole's the same shit just split up in bottles and watered down + marked up...lmao. People are upset with the business model of targeting cannabis cultivators with 'cannabis specific' products that really aren't cannabis specific. People don't like others to advocate something to a beginner that would cost them more money than they need to spend. Obviously you can make a weed grow with nutrients - any nutrients - this isn't rocket science. I've grown like 2 plants n my shit looks like the plant in your d/p. Doesn't take a genius - I promise.

Long story short every company uses marketing and tries to make a profit - otherwise why have a company? You can't really fault their business practices, even if it could be considered unethical, because the big picture is that damn near every company no matter what the niche is, will employ similar tactics to make $. That's business...if you'd like to support AN because you enjoy their products, that's your right as a consumer - but everyone opposing your...ideology... is just trying to say that you could save some $ and get the same results if you'd jump off AN's dick
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Ur trying to tell someone who uses advanced that it doesnt produce yields or quality by telling me someone who has no experience using AN outperforms me when he cudnt even get a pound a light using such product which is pathetic. Like i said before if i get under 1.75 per light i consider that a fuck up. AN is solid and everyone who uses it and uses it correctly has no problem telling u the same. Like i said before stick to ur dyna gro and mediocre yields ill kp doing me TY
No to be honest what I am saying is that its not worth more then a 13 bottle of Dyna and thats about what most other nutes should be sold for as well... As for your yield or results there other variable's then just your solution that play a role as well
No to be honest what I am saying is that its not worth more then a 13 bottle of Dyna and thats about what most other nutes should be sold for as well... As for your yield or results there other variable's then just your solution that play a role as well

No thats not true bcuz i been running same cuts for past 4-5 years and canna and advanced out perform those cheap brands 10 fold so no they shudnt be the same price. Theres a reason why canna boost is 450$ for. 20L bcuz its the bomb. And advanced isnt even expensive their bases are same price as gh. H&g etc..

Problem is that ppl like u who have never even used AN just listen to other people who have never used them and u take their word for it with out trying the shit for yourself

I used to be just like that i always talked shit about AN and as i have said before after my first run i havent gone back the only thing i will use is bio canna if i wanna do all organics bcuz thats comparable result wise. I got plenty of customers who came on these forums when ppl like u told em to use DG they had fuckin terrible results and went back to botanicare/h&g/advanced which ever they used before (some GH customers but they even said the same thing).. DG is cheap synthetic nutrients and u pay for what u get, they will never outperform any of those companies. U pay for what u get.

Telling me DG is better than advanced or canna for 13$ is like telling me a 1000w Hortilux bulb is bullshit and should be same price as a phillips 1000w bcuz they r both 1000w when we all know why they are more expensive.
Advanced and Canna are both top tier nutrients and they will outperform anything DG wishes that it could produce and I stand by that 110%!! Period.
Thats like on of my customers that just left he has 6 tents with a 600w in each room flood tables. All he was using was botanicare base and cal mag, liquid karma and hydroplex and wasnt getting results on chem and white berry i told him i get. So, I finally convinced him to run advanced jungle juice 2 part which is what i use i gave him my recipe (minus a few things he didnt wanna go all in). So i only had him use the voodoo juice, big bud and overdrive and try it on 2 of his rooms. It costs him roughly 250$ Compared to like 100$ from botanicare.

Anyways He just came in today and told me he was getting only about a pound per room previously with Botanicare and this last run on the same strains he has been running he pulled a pound and a half per room which is a 50% increase alone. So for 150$ more on 2 rooms he got roughly an extra pound. So thats not worth the price? BS
Telling me DG is better than advanced or canna for 13$ is like telling me a 1000w Hortilux bulb is bullshit and should be same price as a phillips 1000w bcuz they r both 1000w when we all know why they are more expensive.
That comparison is invalid. More like buying an 1000w hortilux bulb vs. all the pieces involved in the production of a 1000w bulb and then you have to assemble it yourself but you paid more for the pieces than buying the assembled/mfg'd bulb :dunce:
Advanced and Canna are both top tier nutrients and they will outperform anything DG wishes that it could produce and I stand by that 110%!! Period.
Oh shit now I believe you
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No thats not true bcuz i been running same cuts for past 4-5 years and canna and advanced out perform those cheap brands 10 fold so no they shudnt be the same price. Theres a reason why canna boost is 450$ for. 20L bcuz its the bomb. And advanced isnt even expensive their bases are same price as gh. H&g etc..

Problem is that ppl like u who have never even used AN just listen to other people who have never used them and u take their word for it with out trying the shit for yourself

I used to be just like that i always talked shit about AN and as i have said before after my first run i havent gone back the only thing i will use is bio canna if i wanna do all organics bcuz thats comparable result wise. I got plenty of customers who came on these forums when ppl like u told em to use DG they had fuckin terrible results and went back to botanicare/h&g/advanced which ever they used before (some GH customers but they even said the same thing).. DG is cheap synthetic nutrients and u pay for what u get, they will never outperform any of those companies. U pay for what u get.

Telling me DG is better than advanced or canna for 13$ is like telling me a 1000w Hortilux bulb is bullshit and should be same price as a phillips 1000w bcuz they r both 1000w when we all know why they are more expensive.
Im tellin ya I MYSELF have never had problem's w/ DG sorry if I did I would be inclined to agree w/ you ....I have no problem educating myself with this so if you can explain to me what makes your(Lets use) Magnesium for example different then some other companie's I am inclined to hear it? What on a molecular level makes these companies different .... Because I do not agree that magnesium out of the ground or introduced organically is any better then magnesium created in a lab if they have identical structure.
Hey guys I coulda bought a double cheeseburger for $1.00 at McDonalds but instead I went and purchased 2 hamburger patties, a pack of hamburger specific cheese slices, some hamburger specific oil to fry it in, a pack of hamburger buns and hamburger specific ketchup, spent like 10x as much but it was almost as good as the McDonalds burgers are...

btw if you're interested in these products you can get them at
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Thats like on of my customers that just left he has 6 tents with a 600w in each room flood tables. All he was using was botanicare base and cal mag, liquid karma and hydroplex and wasnt getting results on chem and white berry i told him i get. So, I finally convinced him to run advanced jungle juice 2 part which is what i use i gave him my recipe (minus a few things he didnt wanna go all in). So i only had him use the voodoo juice, big bud and overdrive and try it on 2 of his rooms. It costs him roughly 250$ Compared to like 100$ from botanicare.

Anyways He just came in today and told me he was getting only about a pound per room previously with Botanicare and this last run on the same strains he has been running he pulled a pound and a half per room which is a 50% increase alone. So for 150$ more on 2 rooms he got roughly an extra pound. So thats not worth the price? BS
Is this how you feel rite now PK?
Hey guys I coulda bought a double cheeseburger for $1.00 at McDonalds but instead I went and purchased 2 hamburger patties, a pack of hamburger specific cheese slices, some hamburger specific oil to fry it in, a pack of hamburger buns and hamburger specific ketchup, spent like 10x as much but it was almost as good as the McDonalds burgers are...

btw if you're interested in these products you can get them at

This is actually a great comparison to DG and mcdonald hamburgers bcuz they r both made and manufactured in some fuckin lab that use artificial ingredients to mimic real meat. Where as paying money for high quality natural nutrients will cost more and is healthier for u. So thats an awesome comparison i couldnt think of anything better myself so i thank you.

DG = Mcdonald hamburgers
AN and Canna = high quality healthy hamburgers derived from real animals not manufactured in a lab

So theres thats a great example. And exactly why i would never use dg or any other chemically made cheap nutrient or salts whatever u wanna call them. Thats perfect example.
U think the results and end product are good using DG bcuz u dont know any better. I made reference to u guys and the old europeans before the Americas were discovered who thought the world was flat. Until someone went out and tried and research for himself to prove everyone wrong. So until u use advanced and try it and see the difference u wont know. Thats my point. Thank you
Just like when i began i thought GH and botanicare were awesome they werebest products i ever used until i found canna and perfected runs using their nutrients then i thought things cudnt get any better until i used AN and my yield increased when i didnt think it was possible. Proof isnin the pudding they r the number nutrient in the world for that reason and esp in north america, noone comes close, many try to copy and mimic their products and they cant. Same goes for canna boost everyone wants to find out whats in it and duplicate it and noone has even come close. One of best bloom enhancers period.