Give you plant a shower?


Well-Known Member
The plants I gave a shower to are 200% better in taste then the unbathed girls. The unbathed have a grit flavor. The clean stuff tasts crisp. I'm testing on the rockets and friend. (no one knows where it came from) They just go on & on about how very stoned they are and the best they've had. MrsRocket and I just smile. I tend to say "worth every penny". I tell people I pay more then going for good shit. Then no one ever asks me to sell. They can get it way cheeper else were. I've had frieds over that say this is good where do you get it? I can't say you are directly under my farm, so I just laugh and say I'm so wasted ask me later.

from now on my pot gets a shower 1 to 2 weeks before harvest.

also both are = in buzz both are very stronge.