Give me ideas of how to get back a perv. old man!


Well-Known Member
So there's this pervert old man that's lives down the street from me and every time my girl or her sis skate by the house to go to school he either whisles at em or blows his stupid lil blow horn..

So I really wanna get back at him. Got a few things planned myself but would love to hear ur guys ideas! He parks hiis truck in the street so I've got easy acess to that.

So throw em out there! (Nothing that could backfire on me and get me in trouble tho)

Edit: Messed up the title. It should say "get back at a perv old man". Can a mod change this?


Well-Known Member
I already got a record. Trust me I would love to beat his ass. Im 6'4 220 so that wouldn't be a problem but I really don't want another assault charge on my record. Ones enough..

Ganjames: that's hillarious and smart. Ill keep that in mind


Well-Known Member
find fresh dog crap and put it under the door handle of his truck,just make sure you get a video of him findding it so you can post it for us


New Member
spray paint PEDOPHILE on his house at 3 AM

Then throw a brick into the window. For added damage there are satanic curses you can place on objects, just look it up on google


Active Member
Just get yourself and a couple big black friends, take your shirts off and whistle at him while he walks to his truck.
Just get yourself and a couple big black friends, take your shirts off and whistle at him while he walks to his truck.
LoL, I was going to say practically the same thing. Punishment should fit the crime. Sexually harass the shit out of him! LoL

Now if he were to touch one of them...


El Superbeasto

Active Member
How old is "your girl" and sis? When you mean "your girl" do you mean girlfriend or wife, that's of age? Or your girl, as in your daughter, potentially under age?

Either way, creepy old men are not cool. I'd go knock on his door, and tell him to stop it to his face. Then go from there.


Well-Known Member
find fresh dog crap and put it under the door handle of his truck,just make sure you get a video of him findding it so you can post it for us
Funny u said that because that is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw his truck. Its like pimped out tahoe on a big ass rims and this guy is like in his his 60s. What a lame ass


Well-Known Member
Well you should go tell him shit, but if you wanna beat around the bush you can get a dog and train it to take a crap on his yard every day (maybe even get the dog to shit on his front door step).


Well-Known Member
spray paint PEDOPHILE on his house at 3 AM

Then throw a brick into the window. For added damage there are satanic curses you can place on objects, just look it up on google
Placing satanic curses on bricks?

Most creative answer I've seen lol.


Well-Known Member
Thhanks for all the replys guys.

She is my gf. They are both in their 20s so technically he's not being a pedophile. My girls real tough (notbig or anythiing, shes like 110 lb)
She would kick his ass herself. But if he did lay hands on her, he would definetly be sleeping in the mojave.

I have to pitbulls myself that I could have shit all over his place haha. I would love to sick em of him but that's too much trouble.

I can go talk to him in person but Im afraid im gonna end up smashing his face in because I have a tendency to do that. I think I would get more enjoyment out of watching him suffer day after day and not getting another assault charge.