girls that chill with you only for your weed!

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
well put ... this is a rule in my book..
I've never known a girl to hang out for weed, the weeds just an excuse or an extra benefit.

Not sure about coke whores though

Does your mother know you're degrading womankind on a message board, and what would she say if she did know?

I'm not the self appointed protector of women, just a little old fashioned, but I'm surprised the women of RIU haven't chimed in here. Kick some ass ladies!


Well-Known Member
weed and women dont mix well when your "self-employed" is all im saying.. i mom agrees

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
weed and women dont mix well when your "self-employed" is all im saying.. i mom agrees
Someone explain to me how this is applicable to weed.

weed/coke whore 1. Someone who regularly partakes in sex with male strangers to further satisfy her drug addiction.

As far as I know weed isn't addictive

I think guys are more likely to whore themselves out for weed. Women have more important priorities, and objectives, after all they are responsible for the perpetuation of our species. If this responsibility was up to men, I'm afraid we'd all be doomed. I'm talking about human nature here.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, I used to hang out with this guy as a friend when I was about 17.He was in his 30's, and a really smart guy,you could have some good conversations with him.He was ALWAYS hitting on me.I was NOT interested.I tried to steer the conversation away from that shit when he started it,because I was embarrassed.I didn't want to hurt his feelings,I tried to let him down easy.But he became so fucking annoying and persistant about it,eventually I would only hang out with him to get high.I figured if I was gonna have to listen to him nagging me about letting him pop my cherry every time he was around, I was gonna smoke all the weed he gave me and play stupid.
I would never fuck somebody for drugs, though,because I have to live with myself.:peace:
My drugdealer thinks hes so cool because he always has these girls over and they smoke all his weed for free. yeah he has sex with these girls but they might have stds lol. my girlfriends wont let me hang out there because of it. Dont you guys hate when guys think there all that just because there a drugdealer and have sluts hang with them? post your thoughts and random shit.


Well-Known Member
They're out there.

This girl that I used to fuck in high school turned to coke in college and kind of turned into a coke whore. Her dealer was one of those guys that had EVERYTHING like a candy store.

So I am dry, cant get anyone to call me back and I was hanging out with her. She grabs her phone and leaves him a message. I asked if she thought he would call back. She literally said "He'll call; he hooks me up and I let him cum inside of me." I would pay for a picture of my face when why old fuck-buddy revealed that to me. Two hours later I had a 1/4 of free cannabis.

I guess it is no different than guys that have girls because of money, car, motorcycles.


Well-Known Member
yeah. there's this one chick who's always around when I got weed. Her name is Mary Jane. I love mary jane. especially when she's not pollinated. thats the female who has my heart. the rest of them females come a dime a dozen, they act up and break your heart, they show off skin and get twisted when they find out your hormones ain't your heart. but mary jane, she always comes through for a friend in need to make him or her feel better. Until I find my wife, thats(sinsemilla) the only Lady to have my Love.(I come from a dysfunctional family)


Well-Known Member
yeah. there's this one chick who's always around when I got weed. Her name is Mary Jane. I love mary jane. especially when she's not pollinated. thats the female who has my heart. the rest of them females come a dime a dozen, they act up and break your heart, they show off skin and get twisted when they find out your hormones ain't your heart. but mary jane, she always comes through for a friend in need to make him or her feel better. Until I find my wife, thats(sinsemilla) the only Lady to have my Love.(I come from a dysfunctional family)
very witty!


Active Member
did she later develop (or already have a preexisting case) a really low self esteem?
Dont ever date a girl with really low self esteem issues and smoke alot of weed. I used to know this girl that every day you had to just say shes pretty today and then shes happy. that bitch almost found my crop outside so she had to go


Well-Known Member
shit all i gotta say is you wana smoke a blunt to gurls at the bar and that pretty much gaurantees some head