Girls didn't look like this when I was in jr high..


New Member
around here we call the fully develoded girls at 12 years old hormone babies. when we were kids they didnt have those baby formulas that are full of hormones. now the babies who were born in the nineties were introduced to baby formuala with hormones in it. so i guess the newer formulas are to blame. why they do it i dont know. why do they inject co2 into meat before you buy it? i honestly think its the baby formula though. the thing with evolution is you cant see it in a generations time. evolution takes more than a lifetime to see the changes
agreed, evolution cannot occur within a few generations...that "news report" was bogus

and btw they inject co2 into meat to preserve it. oxygen will cause it to spoil, but co2 starves much of the microorganisms that consume the meat, thus increasing shelf life


New Member
good find btw...i'm glad they atleast covered polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB'S) and bisphenol A

the obesity link tho- both a cause and effect of premature development.

the only part which made NO sense, was when they discussed "a growth in boys testis, would be the equivalent to the premature development of girls"...right after they discuss the estrogenic toxins in the environment. this would obviously lead to decreased testicular development due to lack of exposure or decrease in sensitivity to androgens in boys


New Member
excellent article...covers a lot of basics about prevention/protection from exposure to estrogenic compounds in the environment. protect ur masculinity guys, and protect yourself from premature development girls:

Find Hormonal Harmony & Counteract Xenoestrogens Naturally | Print | E-mail Better Nutrition, Lisa Turner
May 01, 2009

Here’s the bad news:

Environmental hormones called xenoestrogens lurk in items you use and consume every day. But looking on the bright side, there are strategies and supplements that can help shield you from their harmful effects. We’ve been fighting for years against nasty ingredients in our foods—voiding trans fats, spurning high-fructose corn syrup, steering dear of pesticides in our produce and antibiotics in our meat. Now we’re facing the most serious battle yet, against insidious toxins in our food that haven’t been measured or quantified; in many cases, they can’t be avoided.

These toxins, collectively called endocrine disruptors, are present in nearly every aspect of our environment—not only food, but also personal care products and household goods. Endocrine disruptors are a broad category of chemicals that interfere with the normal functioning of the endocrine system and can create imbalances throughout the body, particularly in the thyroid, reproductive, and adrenal systems. More than 50 different chemicals—found in herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, plastics, food preservatives, personal care products, meat and dairy, and more—are known 5 to act as endocrine disruptors, says Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, author of Before the Change: Taking Charge of Your Perimenopause.

What Are Xenoestrogens?

Xenoestrogens, one of the more troubling types of endocrine disruptors, mimic estrogens and attach to the body’s estrogen-receptor sites, in both women and men-These xenoestrogens interfere with hormonal signaling and are believed to cause an increased risk of breast, prostate, and reproductive cancers; reduced fertility; early puberty in children; menstrual irregularities; endometriosis; and other disorders. A new area of research is now pointing to the obesogenic effects of xenoestrogens and other endocrine disruptors: chemicals that disrupt our hormones are also making us fat, says Bruce Blumberg, PhD, professor of developmental and cell biology at the University of California, Irvine.

Here’s more bad news: many studies suggest that the most sensitive stage of the life cycle is during embryonic development, says Blumberg. In other words, if your mother smoked cigarettes, ate pesticide-laden foods, and used chemical cleaning agents while she was pregnant with you, it may have affected aspects of your development to some degree; these can lead to permanent changes in your body.

That’s not to say the die is cast. You can’t change your past, but you can change your future. Here’s how. Eliminate! A Whole-House Guide to Xenoestrogens We thought if we kept the Tupperware out of the microwave and used only natural deodorants, we were safe from xenoestrogens. Boy, were we wrong! These toxic compounds are everywhere. Here’s your room-by-room rundown for eliminating xenoestrogens, starting with the kitchen:


Start with your food shelves. Most processed food contains some kind of undesirable material, says Blumberg, either in the packaging itself or the ingredients. Canned foods are usually packed in cans lined with plastic coating that contains bisphenol A (BPA) a xenoestrogen. According to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) study, chicken soup, infant formula, and ravioli had BPA levels so high that just one to three servings could expose a woman or child to BPA at levels that caused serious adverse effects in animal tests. Cut back on processed and packaged foods in general, and choose packaged goods in glass or paper containers. Buy grains, nuts, dried fruits, and beans in hulk, and store in glass or stainless steel containers.


Are your milk and burgers organic? If not, they may contain synthetic estrogens, which are used to make cattle grow bigger faster and to increase their milk production. Pesticides on the food the animal eats may also contain xenoestrogens, which can be concentrated in the animal’s fat, flesh, and milk Produce should also be organically grown; anything that’s not may contain insecticide or pesticide residues, which can have estrogenic effects, says Blumberg. Buy only organic meat, dairy and produce, locally whenever possible. If you can’t buy all your produce organic, check the EWG’s Dirty Dozen list of the most contaminated varieties of fruits and vegetables at and choose low-fat meat and dairy products HDPL and LDPE (high- and low-density polyethylene) plastics, Nos. 2 and 4 respectively, are hard plastics that are used to make milk jugs and some water bottles. These plastics are generally safe and do not react with the contents of the container.


You may already know not to heat food in a plastic container since heating some plastics can cause xenoestrogens to leach out of the container and into the food. But did you know Styrofoam
containers contain BPA and that drinking coffee out of a Styrofoam cup causes the BPA to leach out? The moral: never microwave food in anything other than a glass container or on a paper towel. Another source of
xenoestrogens comes from Teflon-coated nonstick pans, which if overheated can release endocrine-disrupting perfluoroal~l compounds, says Blumberg.


Trash your Tupperware and replace it with glass or stainless steel food-storage containers. Or stash food in small glass or metal bowls covered with a saucer. Some plastic cling wrap is made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which contains several types of xenoestrogens and other endocrine disruptors, says Blumberg, PVC can leach out, and should never touch food. If possible, buy your 2 (organic) cheese cut to order from the deli, and have it wrapped in plain, uncoated paper; most butchers’ paper has a shiny, waterproof PVC coating. Otherwise, shave off any parts that have touched cling wrap, and store the cheese in a glass container or wrapped in paper.


Tap water can contain xenoestrogens from medications and agricultural and chemical pollution. Bottled water isn’t always a good solution, since it’s usually packaged in flexible plastic that contains phthalates, known endocrine disruptors. Most bottled water is sold in No. I, (PET or polyethylene terephthalate) plastic containers. However, FIDPE and LDPE plastics are safe for drinking water. If you’re refilling your hard plastic water bottles at the grocery store, they’re probably made of polycarbonate (No. 7), which contains BPA, says Blumberg. Best solution: buy a high-quality activated carbon water filter, and if you must store your water use glass bottles.


Sadly, one of the most effective ways to absorb xenoestrogens is via the skin. Lotions, creams, makeup foundations, nail polish, deodorants, and other personal care products may contain xenoestrogens in the form of parabens, phthalates, and other compounds. Use only personal care products and nail polishes that are clearly marked "paraben free.” And if you’re using nonoxynol-9 spermicide as your birth control method, find a more natural method; nonoxynol-9 breaks down in the body into xenoestrogenic nonylphenols.


Your toothbrush and bathroom cup are probably made of plastic. As long as you’re not eating the toothbrush handle, you’re OK. But ditch the cup unless it is No. 2 or 4 plastic, and use a glass or stainless steel one instead. As for toothpaste, it may contain parabens and other xenoestrogens. And the soap or gel you’re using to wash your hands and face? You guessed it. Buy chemical-free versions of both.


Guess what? Your shower curtain is probably lined with flexible vinyl that contains phthalates, and may contain mercury, dioxins, and lead. Shampoos and conditioners usually contain parabens and other xenoestrogens; a few are made with added estrogen. Use cloth shower curtains or a sliding glass door, and check ingredients on hair care products.


Children are the most sensitive to xenoestrogens and other endocrine disruptors; sadly, any room belonging to children may be filled with xenoestrogens. Baby bottles can be made of rigid No. 7 plastic that contains bisphenol-A. Flexible plastic bottle liners should be made from No.4 LDPE plastic. Many plastic toys contain phthalates, and flame retardants used in children’s clothing are xenoestrogens, says Blumberg. If you do not know what type of plastic it is, don’t give it to a child who may put it in her mouth. Consider buying wooden, fabric, paper, and metal games and toys.


Dryer sheets are loaded with xenoestrogens that permeate clothing and come into direct prolonged contact with the skin. Same goes for laundry detergent. Buy only the chemical-free varieties. Skip the dryer sheets altogether, and use natural liquid fabric softener in the rinse cycle. Or try adding 1/2 cup of baking soda to the rinse cycle for softer laundry.


Home lawn care products such as pesticides and weed killers may act as xenoestrogens. In one study, atrazine, a commonly used weed killer, affected animals at doses as small as 0.1 parts per billion. Use the natural versions, or learn to live with weeds.

Fight Back with Nutrition

No matter how diligent you are in removing xenoestrogens from your home, you’ll still encounter them in the outside world. Meanwhile, you’ve certainly been exposed to xenoestrogens sometime in your life. The task, then, is to protect the body from their harmful effects. Certain foods and herbs can shield estrogen receptor sites so xenoestrogens can’t attach, help the body metabolize and excrete armful estrogen, and protect the body from xenoestrogen damage, says Jillian Michaels, a trainer for television’s The Biggest Loser and author of Master Your Metabolism. Some of the best: BROCCOLI, CABBAGE, KALE, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, AND OTHER CRUCIFERS are rich in indole-3-carbinol (13C), which the body converts to diindolylmethane (DIM), says Shari Lieberman, PhD, CNS. DIM then induces certain enzymes in the liver to block the production of the toxic estrogens and step up the production of the beneficial forms. The best way to eat them is lightly steamed to protect 13C levels or, better yet, pickled: some studies have attributed the low rates of breast cancer in Polish women to their high daily consumption of sauerkraut. Crucifers are also high in sulforaphane, a powerful breast-cancer inhibitor. Best protection: add steamed broccoli to salads; roast cauliflower and Brussels sprouts in olive oil; try sauerkraut or kimchee, a spicy fermented cabbage. Supplements of 13C are available at health food stores; a typical dosage is 150—300 mg per day.

FLAX is the richest source of secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG), a compound that the body converts into lignans, says Michaels. Lignans are phytoestrogens and help balance the body’s estrogen levels by
binding to the same estrogen receptor sites that xenoestrogens do. When a receptor site is already occupied by a phytoestrogen, xenoestrogens can’t attach to it. However, phytoestrogens may not stimulate the receptor causing a lower estrogenic effect. Lignans appear to be especially protective against breast cancer. One study found that women with the highest amount of dietary lignans had a 17 percent lower risk of developing breast cancer. Best protection: sprinkle ground flaxseeds over yogurt, add them to smoothies, stir them into cooked whole grains.

LENTILS are high in soluble fiber, which works as an estrogen-disposal system, says Michaels. Estrogen and xenoestrogens are normally pulled from the bloodstream by the liver and moved to the intestines. In the intestines, fiber soaks up estrogen like a sponge and removes it from the body with other waste. Other foods high in soluble fiber include apples, barley beans, psyllium, and oat bran. Best protection: eat lentils with curry (it contains extra-protective curcumin), sprinkle oat bran over cereal, serve barley with cooked beans.

POMEGRANATE can help block estrogenic activity by as much as 80 percent, says Michaels, and help prevent several types of breast cancer cells from multiplying; another study found similar effects on prostate cancer cells. Best protection: add pomegranate juice to green tea, scatter pomegranate seeds over salads, or add them to yogurt.

SOY contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones, compounds that mimic estrogen, but in a weaker form. These weaker estrogens then block the receptor sites so xenoestrogens can’t attach, says Michaels, They don’t accumulate in the body like xenoestrogens, and they’re metabolized more quickly. Soy is a double-edged sword, however, says Gittleman. Some studies have suggested that high concentrations of soy isoflavones contribute to breast cancer. In addition, soy isoflavones can disrupt normal thyroid hormone function. Eat soy in moderation, avoid concentrated soy products, such as protein powders, bars, and soymilk, and check with your doctor about soy consumption if you’re at high risk for prostate, breast, or uterine cancer. Best protection: add edamame to salads, crumble cooked tempeh over brown rice, and stir miso into soups.


Well-Known Member
when i was seventeen i was fishing on the peir and a girl came up to me that i had seen before and asked if i wanted to go skinny dipping. shes wearing a budweiser bikinni and had hips like she had a kid already and had jugs that gave her black eyes when she ran she had a little waste too so it made her hips look bigger. so im walking down the peir with her and one of my friends yelled from the end of the pier said how old is she and i said by the way how old are you. she looked at me and said 12 i turned around and went back to fishing. later on that night she came back on the peir with her 20 yr old bf


It's sickening. It's making kids more sexually active at MUCH younger ages.[12,13,14 y/o] If anything, I say it's our governments fault. Just another plan to get us to pay even MORE attention to ourselfs as individuals and not how having kids at 14,15 years old, affects the human race as a whole. Because 14,thousand 15 to 18 year olds, should have some what of an impact on our economy, no?


New Member
i'm not touching that statment or that girl with a ten foot pole.
Why even post then?

Get back with me when she's 17 years and 364 days though ok.
see above

It's sickening. It's making kids more sexually active at MUCH younger ages.[12,13,14 y/o] If anything, I say it's our governments fault. Just another plan to get us to pay even MORE attention to ourselfs as individuals and not how having kids at 14,15 years old, affects the human race as a whole. Because 14,thousand 15 to 18 year olds, should have some what of an impact on our economy, no?
You don't know what a young woman is. :razz:


It's the food.. especially in America where they put allot of hormones and growth supplements in the food and water...


Well-Known Member
Insects are vertebrates? That's news to me.

I don't think it's just the girls, either. I've seen 13 year old boys with full beards who stand 6' tall.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
I read an article about this last year, and the changes were blamed on Growth Hormones fed to chickens.
The article said it is not regulated in Mexico and in Mexico girls and other south american countries, are starting their periods at age 6, 7 and 8 now, because of growth hormones added to chicken to make them grow faster.
In America, the amounts are regualted but are still heavy doses.

I'm 60 yrs old, and when I was in school, girls got breasts and started their periods at age 15 or 16 at the youngest. Now it is closer to age 12 I think.
Close. I am pretty sure the majority of it comes from Beef.
All of the meats we eat nowadays are pumped full of estrogen/growth hormones to speed up their development. Coupled with the explosion of fast food and happy meals, we are now seeing most girls develop around 11/12 instead of into their teens. I have even heard of 6/7 years olds having their first periods.
It's honestly messed up - how can you explain to a 6/7 year old who is still learning cursive what menstruation or uterus means...


Well-Known Member
I don't know if you have this saying in the states but here in the UK "If theres grass on the pitch lets play"

Don't think I can live by that anymore, especially as it does seem girls are maturing earlier. It doesn't help how young girls dress either, Ive seen hookers in Amsterdam windows who cover up more than some teens in England.


Well-Known Member
Another saying that went out years ago "Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed"

Looks worse and worse as girls mature sooner.


its the hormones that they give to cows , some of it is passed along throgh the milk and it been said that it makes girls mature earlier