Girlfriend turned off lights!


Active Member
no, light leaks will cause problems,lack of light is fine,I would leave them off until the next cycle though,your causing stress if you turn them back on


Well-Known Member
lights going off is during the light cycle is fine just make sure you dont ever accidentally turn the lights on during the dark period.


Well-Known Member
My g/f turned the lights of durimg 12/12...:fire:.....been off hour or this bad?
IME, an oddly placed lights off is not a big deal. The important thing is to keep 12 consecutive hours of darkness. So a random lights on would be what you really want to avoid. But still, not the end of the world, it happens. My shit timers are always fucking up on me.

Don't be too hard on her. haha.


Well-Known Member
No big deal, I wouldn't worry abt it but yes don't turn on the light 'till it's rgular cycle begins.


Well-Known Member
yep .. no problem ..

my timer have also fuckd with me a few times .. thanks God I have a digi thermo/hygro meter that tells me when my temps drop ;)

but yea as Ppl. say .. its mouch more stressfull if it turns on doing dark hrs .. but still try to avoyd it .. or turn your GF off


Cool everyone.......thanks for the quick help.....glad its not trouble.......everyone would have prob gotten a good laugh off my reaction......:).....a big ol' WTF!


Well-Known Member
My g/f turned the lights of durimg 12/12...:fire:.....been off hour or this bad?
should be fine :) but what isnt good is the fact that your gf knows about your grow i told my ex years ago and she call cops on me and we were together for 4 years she called the cops and told them i had 3 plants. i riped them up and moved :) no smell no sell no tell!!! i wouldnt even tell my own brother but if your legaly growing i gusse it would be ok to tell her :) no offence btw :)


we live together.....not much of any thing a secret......if she gets the right feeling she turns into a nancy f@$ckn drew........ahhh....the old ball and chain is a medicinal reason alone for mary jane...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
beat her with your man stick!
Thank you 400wattsallday for this amazing video :D



Active Member
no problem

my lights went off for 22 hours during the flower period due to some idiot workman chomping through an underground 132,000 volt cable with an excavator, and it took 22 hours for them to repair it.
every body was given £45 ($70) for frozen food compensation, those that lost tropical fish had to claim their home insurance.

anyway my plants were ok, just a little yellow. i just reset my timers and the following day the plants were in great condition, you`re not telling me that in the wild these plants never get submitted to extreme weather cos they do.

if you dont have timers and turn the lights on/off manually at slightly different time periods then this will cause a hermie.


Active Member
Ya I always wondered why people are so paranoid about a small light leeks, Man out side they have a moon clouds lighting thunder elk deer rabbets cold wind heat.. I think just use common since and it will be cool, I'm not Dogging on the OP, its just there is so much BS on the internet about growing,, My plants in May went through a cold spell, the temps dropped to at least 52 I woke up all worried and went to the grow room and my plants were looking better then ever,, I also had a Cow crap right on top of a plant, I thought she was a goner but nope it stalled a little bit and now its better then ever... So ya your cool just go back to your schedule, all will be good...


Active Member
well nancy drew is better than nancy grace. nancy grace is a huge bitch omg
we live together.....not much of any thing a secret......if she gets the right feeling she turns into a nancy f@$ckn drew........ahhh....the old ball and chain is a medicinal reason alone for mary jane...:bigjoint:


well nancy drew is better than nancy grace. nancy grace is a huge bitch omg
That could be true....nancy grace is a full time bitch...almost as big as a bitch as kyle's mom...but we all know that she is the biggest bitch in the whole wide world! :)


Well-Known Member
i dunno why everyone freaks out over this. during veg, lights on lights off, i mean light leaks, not so much a big deal. flowering, i could see ya getting a little paranoid if its just starting to flower, but if its in full bloom, i dont think anything will happen

Ive caused a few light leaks, and accidently turned them on or off before, and never ended up with a hermie plant, or a dead plant, or a plant with no pot. its a weed. its gonna be ok