Girlfriend making me choose between her or weed!

Yep sounds like the verdict is in. A long time ago I found out who I am and what a stand for. just as I have to except things about people, they need to except things about me. One of those things is I truly believe in the cannabis lifestyle. I won't push it on anyone as its their choice to make but to be in a relationship where both sides can't come to an agreement on something as small as cannabis I can only imagine what is to come in the future.
I have been dating this girl for a year. I have been smoking weed for the last 14 years, but never more than on the weekends. She noticed me smoking every weekend for the last few weeks and has now cracked it and said that its her or the weed... The thing I don't get is that I cannot see it harming me at all. I do smoke on my own, but Only on the weekends. I have 2 jobs, heaps of cash, grow my own weed, barely get through an ounce in a year, am sociable and very highly qualified (I am a doctor). I just don't see what the problem and am thinking seriously of dumping her and doing weed. It's not that I don't love her, I just feel like she is being unreasonable and if I let her stop me doing this then she will remember and allways know that she can controll me for ever... Anyone else have any advice? I don't know what to do!!!

shit son. shes trying to check her control levels on you.

offer to give up weed if she gives up something equally important, like her bitchy mother, smoking cigarettes, going to clubs, or whatever she values. she wont go for it.

shake her off and find you a better dame, or submit and let her run your life for you till she decides to take half your shit and move on to her next dude.
Hmm I wouldnt quit. I also get deeply attached to women so the break up would probably kill me....
Fortunately Im married. My wife is a total square. Doesnt drink, smoke or drive fast. She's never once even hinted at telling me to quit it. In fact she drives me home from the bar. I have my shit together as well and she knows weed isnt dangorous or anything like that.

Her only rule is dont go to jail because she wont bail me out.

Ive dated girls when I was a heroin addict that wanted me to stop. I didnt dump them because I knew they were right. Like when my wife tells me to go exercise because im getting bitch tits. Thats not a dumpable offence...

What are her reasons for wanting you to quit? Is it illegal where you are? Does she have some "church" stuff hanging over her head? She allergic to it? She wants to go clubbing on weekend and you are to baked to go party? Seems like this is something you should be able to work through with sound reasoning if you really love her.

Sounds to me like you are looking for a way out though.
No I got that.
Whats her reason? I missed that part. The reason is important. Girls told me its me or the heroin. Because heroin will kill you, get you arrested, make you steal shit etc etc. Those are valid reasons for an ultimatum.

Maybe she has some bad information about weed or some other reason why weed is a deal breaker for her.
From both a Woman's point of view and that of a retired Counselor:
If you really are a "doctor" (of what subject?) you know that anyone that says "Give this up or I leave" is not the right person for you, and this is just the beginning of the things she will try to control and change about you.

Now: since you are well educated and well spoken, it is time you gave HER an ultimatum: "This is who I am, you've known it all along, accept me as I am or we are done.".... AND MEAN IT!!!

You would not have asked the question is you didn't want one of 2 answers: "leave her".. or "stop the Pot"...

But that is YOUR choice than no one else can (or should) make for you!
My guess is she is selfish and self centered, any woman in my life has learned to accept the shitty parts of me and embrace the good parts, thats why they say in good times and bad till death do you part. Seems she doesn't get that a relationship is give and give some more, Growing weed is fun, and very rewarding hobby so the weed hasn't asked anything of you and you love it, I think you should smoke a bit more and some one more your style will come along soon, sound like you have created alot of good Karma in your life. No worries Doc..

Ditch the Bitch and celebrate with a fatty and some stoner movies..

Unless say this to her,

"I only smoke weed because I was to shy to ask if I could jerk off in your face", I would really like to spunk in your face but the weed fills that need. so I guess I can quit weed if I can blow my load all over your beak".

hee hee hee
Thanks so much for all the advice everyone. Just to answer a common question, the reason she doesn't like it is because it is illegal and she thinks it will ruin my life. Where I live, if you are caught with up to 50g of pot you may get a fine or warning but it is not a criminal offence and you will not go to court. I never grow over 50g and never sell so I'm pretty much safe. I also never smoke unless I have the next day off work.

I took all your advice on board and told her that I choose to smoke weed and thats final. I explained all the reasons why it's not a big deal but it's like she is brain washed she won't listen. Anyway right when I thought we were about to break up she caved in and said that I could do what I want and she trusts me to not let it take over my life! I am stoked, now I get to keep my girl and I can keep smoking :) I just hope it lasts and she doesn't go back on her word...
Thanks so much for all the advice everyone. Just to answer a common question, the reason she doesn't like it is because it is illegal and she thinks it will ruin my life. Where I live, if you are caught with up to 50g of pot you may get a fine or warning but it is not a criminal offence and you will not go to court. I never grow over 50g and never sell so I'm pretty much safe. I also never smoke unless I have the next day off work.

I took all your advice on board and told her that I choose to smoke weed and thats final. I explained all the reasons why it's not a big deal but it's like she is brain washed she won't listen. Anyway right when I thought we were about to break up she caved in and said that I could do what I want and she trusts me to not let it take over my life! I am stoked, now I get to keep my girl and I can keep smoking :) I just hope it lasts and she doesn't go back on her word...

i predict several weeks or even a few months of blowjobs, meek acquiescence and general tractability, until she trots this issue out again to test her new and improved control levels. expect this issue to keep poppiing up. it's not about dope, it's about findin out how deep she has set her hook and letting you run till you tire yourself out, before she reels you in, gaffs you, has you stuffed and mounted, and hangs you on her wall. at least until she lands a bigger trophy, then youll be dumped in the goodwill donation bin.
i predict several weeks or even a few months of blowjobs, meek acquiescence and general tractability, until she trots this issue out again to test her new and improved control levels. expect this issue to keep poppiing up. it's not about dope, it's about findin out how deep she has set her hook and letting you run till you tire yourself out, before she reels you in, gaffs you, has you stuffed and mounted, and hangs you on her wall. at least until she lands a bigger trophy, then youll be dumped in the goodwill donation bin.

GAH! thats fkin scary right there.

Don't give in! EVAR.
GAH! thats fkin scary right there.

Don't give in! EVAR.

not quite, i could be all wrong, and she really just believes he's gonna get busted.

one of my brothers is deathly afraid of "marijuanas" and was actually under the impression that SMELLING the aroma of cannabis flowers when they are being trimmed would cause him to fail a drug test or give him a "contact high".

i know. it sounds like bullshit but it is 100% factual. many laughs were had at his expense. he's still a little butthurt over the issue. but we did really give him the business. i even went so far as to menace him with a nug. bringing it close and closer to him, chanting "it's gonna get ya!!" until he called me a dick and retreated.

and of course sometimes the only way to win is to give in.

theres one girl for whom i would abandon mary-jane forever. but thats a different story.
I have a good one.(from the other side) My GIRLFRIEND of 5 years tried that once... "stop or else.WHATEVER", (her dad's a retired prosecutor and attorney)and she's a school teacher... her mom works for the feds. Her mind was narrowed and she shunned weed.. I was FRESHLY RELEASED from prison in '08 when we first met, and she had no clue to my real feelings about MJ. Life was perfect without bud! That didn't last long. Through trial and error..and a 6 month DRUG PROGRAM, for failing 1 drug test FOR WEED.. she started to realized that maybe her views were flawed. She is VERY intelligent I must say, she stuck it out and OUR life became much much better. Now she LOVES weed and I FEEL I'm to blame.. :) If I didn't stand my ground and keep true to myself, I would be living MY life, HER WAY.. UNACCEPTABLE to me.. we found our even ground. She loves me for ME and I love her THAT MUCH MORE for accepting me and my FLAWS... hehe Long story short, stand your ground. If she accepts you for have a winner. If not..relieve her of her gf duties... be smooth/subtle and don't think twice about it.. smoke one and keep it movin'. good day
she's treating YOU like a plant.. THINK ABOUT IT.. :confused: First she tries to top you(no homo), missed. Fimmed you, and now you don't know what to do. Waters you down when you need it. Then she watches you to see how you react to this treatment. Makes adjustments to keep from shocking you.. and watches to see how you respond. Your relationship still grows, and she is deciding when to RREALLY switch shit up..(12/12) NOW you're budding,feeling like things are going smooth..all branched out and soaking up her nutes (love). Bud real nice thinking your relationship is great....BAM she chops you down. trims you up, and hangs your ass up to dry!!! (she has her own ideas in mind for you!) In the end.. YOU'RE GONNA GET SMOKED!! Throw her some nanners!! lmfao.. :) Maybe her feelings will change. She might accept your "fault", or she might just decide you aren't for her and keep it movin herself.. Maybe you're not her strain of choice.. (I just woke up, read this thread, and had a thought...this was it. It might be way out there, but it's what I was thinkin):-P
She would be packing her bags if it were me....

cant tell you how many women I've gone through but Mary Jane has stayed by my side my entire life....