Girlfriend has drug test in 48 hours


Well-Known Member
Hey all, my girlfriend just found out that she's going to have to take a urine analysis in the next 48 hours. I've been researching proven methods for the past couple hours and need help in the best proven method.

She's having a hard time with the idea of wearing the Whizz kit because she feels she'll be watched and doesn't have it in her to pull it off.

The company testing is Power Wellness, Medically-Based Fitness & Wellness Center Management

she's 5'3" and 128 lbs.

Smoking, I'd say we vape 2 bowls a night with the arizer solo and have for months. One at 9:00 p.m. and the other at 11:00 p.m. right before bed to help with sleeping. (she takes 2-3 hits a session and stops, where i finish the bowl)

Is there an additive she can ingest or put into the sample? Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks blades!

detox pills/drinks. buy them, follow the directions to the T

the directions usually start with "stop smoking weed for x amount of time" , the drinks that coat your insides do anyway. the fake urine will be your only chance .
Last drink I did (which was years ago) it called for 48 hours or not smoking, I went a week to be safe and came up alright. your girl being so small she could probably get by with drinking fuckloads of water and then (if she can stomach it, they're pretty nasty but it is for a cause) one of those inside coating drinks.
Thanks all! She picked up a detox product from the headshop and is planning on using that. I'll report back when I know what she picked up and if she passes.
Unfortunately if she has smoked recently (within 2 weeks) she has only two (2) options;

  1. Get the test date moved
  2. Fake urine

If she has 48 hours and buys the right shit AND knows the exact time of the testing then the "detox" drink should do it. I haven't really kept up on this subject (I refuse to piss in anyones bottle) but know that the people that develop the tests also develop the shit that defeats the test, plays both sides of the fence and cleans up, the dirty bastards.
i know you will not have this store near you, but...

i know people who have used these, and have passed drug tests.

READY CLEAN HERBAL drinks are formulated to cleanse the urine and blood streams of all toxins for up to 5 hours. This fast acting liquid begins working in just 1 hour.GUARANTEED.
Directions: Shake well and drink entire contents of bottle. Wait 15 minutes. Refill bottle with water, shake and drink. Urinate as frequently as possible (at least 2-3 times) over the next 45 minutes. The cleansing process is now complete. The product will last for 5 hours.
Note: Avoid drinking any water after you have completed the cleansing program. Water will dilute the desired results. Eat light meals the day of your desired results.

Note: Avoiding all toxins 48 hours before using this product is essential.
Ready Clean works for people 250 lbs and under.

regardless of the amount of time you have, this is your only shot.
the directions usually start with "stop smoking weed for x amount of time" , the drinks that coat your insides do anyway. the fake urine will be your only chance .

considering fake urine is not an option. detox is the only chance.
not guaranteeing it will work, just if she wants a shot at passing, this and TONS of water are the only option.
if she doesn't smoke anymore and knows when the test actually is I'm sure there's a good chance she'll pass.I have seen some people not pass after the drink. I do know it makes your urine nuclear green, I remember when the tests started failing because there was lack of creatine in the sample, I assume that's been all fixed long ago.
I would sure hope so.

she could just take every drug you can get your hands on, then say the test was fucked up. give her some more time perhaps. ;)
Do the detox but also have her locate some no shit clean urine, Put some in a condom, tie it, and hid it in the Va jay jay. If she is not being watched, break the condom and fill the cup.
i've seen 1 tactic used by a few, 'covering' up the body fat that has the THC metabolites
1 well used strategy is to shrink the amount of THC laced fat in your body, - exercise, oatmeal, no weed
some that will have large fatty meals fatty meals a day or 2 before the test, idea is to make clean fat that will 'cover' the THC laden fat
not clear how well it works, if at all
the detox drinks do work..I smoke a lot and have passed several test,but you must follow directions..Got busted with mj and was tested once a week for several weeks til court date..
Thanks all! She picked up a detox product from the headshop and is planning on using that. I'll report back when I know what she picked up and if she passes.

they don't work I followed the dirrections exactly and failed I've also had a few freinds that tried it and they did not work I actually havent met one person who has passed with those detox products.
they don't work I followed the dirrections exactly and failed I've also had a few freinds that tried it and they did not work I actually havent met one person who has passed with those detox products.

I passed a lab UA without a problem using the detox drink.
i've seen 1 tactic used by a few, 'covering' up the body fat that has the THC metabolites
1 well used strategy is to shrink the amount of THC laced fat in your body, - exercise, oatmeal, no weed
some that will have large fatty meals fatty meals a day or 2 before the test, idea is to make clean fat that will 'cover' the THC laden fat
not clear how well it works, if at all

This is basically what the detox drink does, it coats your insides with a gelatin ,.isolating the thc metabolites in fat cells.They add creatine since when the detox drink first came out the lab didn't test for lack of creatine, when they figured out to test for that it made the detox drink useless until they started adding creatine.