Girl or boy?


Well-Known Member
I know it's tough, but can you zoom in a little closer? I really can't tell from those pics. Do you see any pistols anywhere? I don't see groups of nuts but I don't see pistols either? Are those all the same plant?


Well-Known Member
I'm not seeing any true pistils in the pics. Doesnt mean it isn't female so much as I think its still undecided.


Thank you for your replies. I have attached close-ups of the pix b4. Hope these can provide a clearer view. Thank you.20120925_165200 (2).jpg20120925_165219 (2).jpg20120925_165304 (4).jpg


Well-Known Member
Based on pic number two (is that two nuts?), I'm leaning male. I don't see pistols in any of the pics and the third pic is starting to look like a ball on a stick. Still a little early though. When you see clusters of "nuts" without any pistols, that's when you know for sure. Also, once you see a female with pistols on one of your other plants, should give you more confidence about the males.


Well-Known Member
kinda early
pics bad focus
but i almost thought i saw a set of pistils

to early to lose fath in my game i am sure it is goood
until it is proven to be other
till then my hope an faith is strong


Thanks everyone for your comments and advice. I will post back here in a few days when I am sure. Fingers crossed it's a girl! Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
It's a boy. Still keep it going till YOU know yourself 100% though. Just had 3of5 be male so I know the


Well-Known Member
Congrats! I'm in the same boat. Went to 12/12 six days ago and I'm not sure what's going on. I hope I have the same outcome! I'm heartened to know that lots of people called "Male" when the opposite was true! I have hope!


Well-Known Member
Every time I see what I think is a ball, the next day it sprouts a leaf. I think for newbies it's very confusing that the sudden nodal growth that springs into action a couple of days after going 12/12 looks like little round balls until the leaves pop out. I'm six days after going to 12/12, and I have tons of "balls" in the flowering areas, but they turn into new leaf growth pretty quickly.

I'm just going to not worry about it at all for another week.