GIANT marijuana plant?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone,

this is just one of those creative crazy ideas i came up with when i was baked:bigjoint:

but do you think it would be possible(if you had the $ and the facilities) to keep a plant in veg for yrs and yrs until it was as big as a real tree? so that the trunk is like Giant? what kind off buds would that grow? coudnt they turn out to be bigger than a person? youd obviously need some sort of gigantic shed or somthing and of course cops would be a prob but could it be done?

from what i know about growing it seems possible what do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
I hear that it only reaches a certain height and then slowly just starts working on replacing older leaves...unless maybe some monster sativas will grow that big..but idk bout buds the size of humans hehe


I think that if a plant grows to be say 10ft, you pollinate that plant, and all those seeds have the minimum potential to grow to 10ft. Then put a line of say 10 of those new seeds, and I'm sure one will be 15ft. Pollinate that one, then so on and so on. Eventually you might get a 100ft plant like a giant tree. I don't think anyone has that much patience because when a plant is 10ft tall, those nugs are so nice you just can't help yourself...
Ive heard of people having a 15ft tall plant on an outdoor reveg that was about 4 years old....i think its possible to have a 20ft sav plant no prob if you have the right weather conditions abd genetics....ive also heard of some strains that can grow 10ft in one season.


Active Member
I personally have had a 12 ft tall b.c. big bud plant outdoors. Its stalk was bigger around than a soda can. i think it is totally possible under perfect conditions, and with pre-vegging indoors to grow a marijuana plant 20 ft tall outdoors.


Well-Known Member
As long as you were somewhere warm enough that the winter didn't freeze it.
Have you already thought of how to ward off gawking onlookers and the visual thing altogether> I'm assuming you are talking 'legal' grow.
Wow, a member that only grows one plant?????? I wonder if they have any restrictions on plant size, not just quantity.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of people having a 15ft tall plant on an outdoor reveg that was about 4 years old....i think its possible to have a 20ft sav plant no prob if you have the right weather conditions abd genetics....ive also heard of some strains that can grow 10ft in one season.
I have a 6 foot plant in a 6 inch pot.... I would guess that's very possible :P