Giant bullshit, need help! (Non pot related!!!)Ladies, look here!


Well-Known Member
just kidding guys, i heard him say non violent! hahaa i personaly am sorry about ur dickhead boss, their r places fer these people. Congrats on the baby tho dood. i great outcome to a bad situation i c tho! babies here...alive....and probaly cuter than hell too!

:clap:CONGRATS DOOD:clap:


Active Member
Shit just keeps getting further fucked up!!!!

My boss just approached my wife, who just had a baby, to have her work during the christmas holidays (NOT EVEN A MONTH AFTER MY GIRL IS BORN!!!) He just completely abused his right as our "home owner" to approach my wife about just forgetting about her maternal leave because some of his staff is going back to mexico (he's into highering illegal workers) and he has nobody to work for him (The help wanted signs outside the resteraunt are just for show, he wouldn't higher any working American Citizen that needs money right now)

Seriously, how can I NOT want to sue this guy???? This, that just happened, is ILLEGAL.

Suggestions? Would it look better for a case if she DID work or if she refused?


Active Member
i think you may have a case but be careful that the lawyer you get doesn't take advantage of you, take your money and walk away with no results.


Active Member
That's funny that you mention that. I was just explaining to my wife (she isn't the brightest bulb in the box...I could see a lawyer taking advantage of her) that we don't want a liar to rape her cash and not do anything. She called today and has a phone interview with an attourney tomorrow at 12:30


Active Member
it happened to my parents and there was nothing they could do about it. just be careful and use good judgement. The lawyer's goal is to make money not to bring you justice.


Active Member
it happened to my parents and there was nothing they could do about it. just be careful and use good judgement. The lawyer's goal is to make money not to bring you justice.

The attourney's that we are contacting are of the kind that don't take payment unless you reach a settlement: Thus why they offer the 15 minute interview to decide whether or not they have a case


Well-Known Member
i think ill moe to oregon. GA is not a right to work state. If your eyes are a lighter hue of hazel one day and your employer doesnt like it you can be fired. If you show up early you can be fired (as i was because i lived 45 miles from work and traffic varied daily and it was his policy that no one is on the property before 5 am. blah blah blah) point being they dont give a damn about us here there are workplace regulations and such and their are housing regulations but if the employer wants to get rid of ya its done.


Well-Known Member
Bryguy - such a drag that a Thanksgiving Birthing Day turned into such a stressful situation. After you find out what you can from an attorney and calm down, enjoy the blessing that your daughter was born healthy and your wife and son are doing okay as well. It's a bummer about the laptop, but it could have seriously been worse. Gratitude, man. Take it easy, love your family up, and take action against your employer (while looking for another job - tough time to be doing that too). Hotel operators often take advantage of their staff, it's unfortunate and unjust.
Best of luck to you and your growing family.
this is the wrong quote i meant to put in paintsprayers first post sorry dawnish

yeah cause duh, CLEARLY babies NEVER arrive prematurely or late. due dates are estimates, they've rarely spot on, and even if they were no doctor would ever try and predict the precise hour the kid's gonna arrive at. get a grip.

and to everything this guy said since, go spray some paint down your throat you ignorant nobody.

Bryguy - congrats on the baby girl i hope baby and mother are healthy and happy.

Same as the others have said, get onto a lawyer and get the best advice you can afford, don't speak to your boss about it, leave all the communication between your lawyer(s) and his. Good luck, i hope he ends up eating his shitty attitude out a trashcan when you're done with him.


Active Member
Yeah and I'm sure that the mother is completely single. I couldn't imagine living with someone that is as uncompassionate as you. I can't stand snobby dope dealers that think that because they have the all mighty grow room, that they can be complete dicks to anyone that isn't flowing in bills. Both of our familes are in Texas while we are located on our own in Oregon. How much further into my business do you need to be in? I was looking for consultation, not retardation. Peddle your ignorance somewhere else.

Edit: My daughter was due Dec 3

There are Pregnancy Discrimination laws in place in the US of A for a reason. Despite that you actually find them to be weak, they are still the law. It is there to protect our Mothers of America.

P.S. Epidural. People will be more willing to take you seriously if you took time to use proper grammar and punctuation. Although I suppose it wouldn't be right of me to hold you against passing the 9th grade.

P.S.S. I just recieved a letter from The English Language. She asked me to pass it to you. It reads:

Dear Spraypaint,

Please, stop raping me.


The English Language


Active Member
suck a bag of dick looser..........get a real job while your at it.

Wow, I learned how to spell loser when I was like 6. If I need to ask someone about nuts, I'll make sure not to go to you. I'd be surpised to find out if you even knew how to spell your name correctly without resorting calling your mom.

Oh, I get your name now! Paint sprayer! You're just into sucking gas. No wonder you're down to a single, working brain cell! Must be tough living in a world that requires a thought process.


Well-Known Member
Back to the topic at hand. I would wait to think about suing. Wait, and get a doctor to diagnose your wife with post traumatic stress disorder, and increased postpartum depression from having to go back to work early. If you rush this you will lose your job and your home. You can still be fired after your employer finds out that you're suing him. Unless you can do your job absolutely perfectly, don't expect to keep it after he finds out because he will be looking for any and every reason to fire you. Good luck.
I agree, you really need to have a bit more than your boss being a dick to sue him. This is unfortunate but true; suing on principle is rarely worth the time or the money. To be honest, you stand to lose more than he does if this doesn't work out. If I were you I would just try to find another way to stick it to him. For example, you could try to find another job (of course the market is tight) and then just bail on him when he really needs you.

You just had a kid, focus on her.

Still, the whole thing is unfair, and I can understand your frustration.


Active Member
According to our attourney, she has found him in violation of at least 5 different employment laws, including Sexual Discrimination, Pregnancy Discrimination, and Herassment. She says that we are easily looking at $120,000 after she takes her cut, but the fight would take at least a year in a half. She says that it would be worth it to us, if we was to stick the deal out all the way and show up to every court date. She also recommended that we change jobs ASAP. I am looking into a 3 bedroom 2 bath, garage and basement for $450 a month, split with a friend that is also medicinal. In the end, we're going to be well off, I would think.


Well-Known Member
PS. before I read anything further, don't mention leaving the 2 year old alone... thats gonna come back and bite you in the arse.


Well-Known Member
According to our attourney, she has found him in violation of at least 5 different employment laws, including Sexual Discrimination, Pregnancy Discrimination, and Herassment. She says that we are easily looking at $120,000 after she takes her cut, but the fight would take at least a year in a half. She says that it would be worth it to us, if we was to stick the deal out all the way and show up to every court date. She also recommended that we change jobs ASAP. I am looking into a 3 bedroom 2 bath, garage and basement for $450 a month, split with a friend that is also medicinal. In the end, we're going to be well off, I would think.
i never doubted you. labor laws are nothing to be fecked with. people don't seem to understand this. hope it all works out for you. :bigjoint: