Ghost Stories


Active Member
I love a good ghost story. Post your ghost stories here. If it true just say so.

I was on a trek in the mountains with friends. We were about 20 miles into some deep wilderness. We were at least a day off the trail and two day from the road and located in a pretty remote area of the mountains. That particular day we had spent about 8 hours climbing steep off-trail terrain moving higher up the mountain towards the tree line. We all had pretty decent experience doing treks in the mountains. It was the end of a long day and we had all pitched our tents and were all asleep for quite a while. It was about 3 in the morning. I woke up suddenly, sleeping in the tent alongside my best friend Ryan. It was raining outside and then the rain stopped. I was just chilling-out laying on my back inside the sleeping bag and looking out the back of the tent. Everyone else was asleep and the only sound you could hear was the wind and the rain dripping off the trees. The air on my face was crispy cold and I could feel the cold of the night on my shoulders through the sleeping bag. I was looking backwards through the screen of the door. I was observing the silhouette of the blackness of the trees against the lighter shade of the sky. I was staring up in that direction for about 10 minutes just checking out how cool it was the shapes of the black evergreens against the shade of the darkblue sky. After looking around up in the sky for a while I shifted my eyes further backwards towards the trunks of the trees and I saw a man standing about 10 feet away from the tent. He was an old ragged man dressed like a mountain-man from the history books. He was standing there with a giant old braided natural fiber climbing-rope draped cross wise around his shoulder and under his opposite arm. he was standing there with an old climbing axe in his hand and he had a wool had with a brim. He was just standing dead still right there in the middle of the camp. I couldn't really see his face but there was enough moonlight to see the features of his clothes and the rope and the climbing axe. He was looking towards my location across the top of our tent off into the woods. I was scared still and my head was cocked back in his direction. In my view he was upside down which made it even creepier. I stared at him for many minutes through the screen of the tent without even barely breathing. He didn't move. I blinked my eyes and re-focused several times just to make sure I wasn't tripping myself out. I knew he probably couldn't see me staring at him through the screen. Finally, after getting a nice long look at him I decided to close my eyes and pretend I was asleep. After about 5 minutes laying there with my eyes closed, I decided to get my flashlight and shine it on the dude. There had been no sounds of the man standing outside. I slowly reached inside my bag and grabbed my flashlight and turned it on and kept it dark by covering the front with my hand. I slowly moved the light across my chest and pointed it out the tent in the direction of the man. I moved my hand and the whole area where the man was standing became instantly lit up. I had the front of the light pushed tight up against the screen of the tent and was shining it all around the camp outside. The man was no longer standing where he was and I was really freaking out. Thinking that he may have been right next to our tent I figured there was nothing to loose now. I woke up Ryan and told him all about it. We decided I was just freaking myself out and we went back to sleep. For all I know he was standing outside the whole time.

In the morning there was shit missing form the camp. A friend had one of his boots missing and someone was missing their cup. And one of the older guys on the trip was missing his camp hatchet. I didn't tell anyone else about the story just out of fear they'd be fucking with my head the rest of the trip. It took me several days to get any good sleep after that night. I slept with my boots on and had my flashlight ready in my sleeping bag next to my head.

I know there was an old mountian-man standing outside our tent that night because I watched him for many minutes and observed every detail blinking my eyes and refocusing my vision. Every time I looked he was there. No sounds of him moving around the camp and no sign of him when I turned the light on.

I think it was a ghost of a dead mountaineer from some time long ago. I figure he died on the mountain from some sort of foul play. He probably roams around the mountain steeling shit from people climbing his mountain. I swear this shit happened to me exactly like I'm telling it.

The guy without the boot ended up hiking the rest of the trip with a boot made out of a shirt and some folded cardboard all duct-taped together. The guy without the cup ended up eating all his meals out of a recycled Starbucks paper cup. The guy without the hatchet just couldn't figure out what the fuck happened.

Every time I tell this story I fucking get myself all freaked out again just like that night. I never doubt I'm alone in the wilderness from that point forward.


Active Member
camping, hiking and ghost stories. awesome thread.
i have camped in many places that would scare the shit out of anyone
dark thick forests full of legends
cold beaches in the butt of the world
up high in the mountains (not that scary)

but luckily i've never had such an experience
once i was doing vivac in cali, sleeping and suddenly something was sniffing my hair, and licking it. freaking deer.
a couple of pumas too have circled my camp
but nothing like your experience

anyway i frunking love hiking


Well-Known Member
If i would saw some one outside my tent out in the middle of no where i would instantly said hey wtf r u doin and if he diappeared before my eyes. .right then id gotten the fuck outta there.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
This happened on the reservation. Years ago there was an archaeological dig near a farm and the scientists would stay with the family and store their supplies and artifacts on the large porch that ran the length of the house. Knowing the taboo Navajos have about burial sites and the dead, the scientists would hide the artifacts. They actually dug up a complete skeleton and stored in a box on a table. They were transporting it to an anthropology department in Albuquerque. They hired one of the farmer's sons to guard the porch from possible grave robbers.

One night everyone rode into town to shop and get more supplies. The farmer's family and the scientists rode together leaving the one son behind. The nearest town was Window Rock and about three hours from the farm. They wouldn't be back until after dark. Around 9 p.m. the young man started hearing noises coming from the porch. About thirty minutes later he heard what he thought was the sound of someone walking on the porch. He figured the family was home and went out to help unload the supplies. When he stepped outside there was no one there. He figured it was the wind causing the unusual noises and turned to go back in when he noticed the box on the table moving. The lid kept going up and down like something was trying to get out. He was worried that a small animal may have gotten into the box and was damaging the supplies and ran over to free it.

He got close to the box and the air suddenly became very cold. He could even see his breath. Then he noticed the lid on the box was slowly lifting. He was paralyzed with fear. Staring back at him from the box were two glowing red eyes. Then he saw something black slowly reach out of the box towards him. He said it was the darkest black he had ever seen. It was so black he could actually make out details in the darkness. Then it tipped the box over and fell to the floor. Whatever it was raised it's head and let out a moan that to this day he will not describe nor will he let anyone try to reproduce it. He starts shaking like a leaf. It started to drag its body towards him. That's when he broke free from his paralysis and ran into the house. He could hear it at the door scratching and banging. Then he heard is scale the wall and climb onto the roof. It was trying to find a way in.

Several hours later the family and scientists came home and found the porch a mess. Supplies were strewn everywhere. The box with the skeleton was on the ground by the front door. They found the young man in the hall closet clutching a butcher knife. He was terrified and in shock. It took days to get him to talk about it. They moved out of the house and built a new on on the other side of their land. They won't go back to it. They broke out the north wall to indicate it was a ghost house and never went back. They banned the scientists from digging on their land and never allowed them near their house again.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Not exactly a ghost story, but I was there...

A girlfriend and I had visited a friend's farm in the thumb area of Michigan in the late fall, you know that time of year when all the leaves have fallen and they are blowing and swirling across the roads and ditches and collecting along the curbs.

We decided that we'd head home around midnight. Somewhere along the line we became lost we were on a dirt road and the road got narrower and narrower and the music playing on the radio is playing some creeper song about, they're gonna get you, just adding to the tension. Plus, I'm already really uncomfortable then the road narrows again and it make a tight left hand turn and that's when the headlights sweep across a row headstone - that's when we realize we are in a graveyard. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and now I'm looking in all directions.

I'm really freaking out and she's barely in better condition than I am. Somehow she decides it's time for her to pull a 3-point turn. As she slowly executes the turn the headlights illuminate the headstones in front of us, she completes the first turn, no problem, and then there, clear as day, straight across us is a headstone with her name on it! Honest, to God. A person with her name had been buried there about a hundred years before. I can say that I had never heard the stranges kind of cry, gurgling sound she made. But, after a second or two she floored it and I don't think she took her pedal off the gas until we got to where there were streets lights.

Then... ... ... nothing happened. Just a freaky, coincidence that's all or at least I hope.


Well-Known Member
I can't really say I believe in ghosts, but I can say I have seen some shit I can't explain.

I lived in a little duplex on Guadalupe in Austin for five years. Next door was the home of Mrs. Smith, who entered a nursing home right before my wife and I moved in.

Five years on, Mrs. Smith passes away. The wife graduates from Law school and we build a house and move away.

Five years after that, I am divorced and get the opportunity to move back into the same place.

A friend who never left the neighborhood tells me about people, including him, having seen Mrs. Smith. Another friend who works in the house, which is now a business; tells stories of seeing her, smelling baking bread, seeing shadows pass back and forth in the hallway, etc.

One night I am hanging out. Windows open. Late at night. Normally Guadalupe is a busy street, but not so much late at night. I am in a room right next to her house and I see a shadow pass by the window towards the street. A minute or so later another shadow passes in the opposite direction. It was not car headlights causing the shadow, there was no traffic that time of night.

A week or so later I get up out of bed at about 2 a.m. because I suddenly remembered that I forgot to put the recycling bin on the curb. As long as I am awake, I decide to take a couple of hits. Then I proceed to take out the recycling. I open the door and I see her, on the sidewalk in front of her house with a broom in her hand. Two a.m.

The recycling did not get put out that night.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that thinks saliva is lame?
Totally, Saliva is gross, the human mouth is the grossest thng ever! lol. And am i the only one that realizes that he woke up next to his friend ryan in the tent ... in the mountains ... lol. Just messin.

Real story:

Was in 7th grade and my mom was starting to crack down religiously. Went through my sisters and I's shit and threw away all things that could be magical meaning or agains the bible lol. She threw away stuff like those little hair trolls with like pink and blue hair and what not because trolls were magical in nature. My sister had 3 of em. She threw away my No Fear shirts because she said we are suppose to fear god lol. She went crazy. Anyways, she went through our stuff in the whole house for the next week or so and ended up throwing alot of stuff out. We already went to church and what not, but she started cracking down on that. Started going to church 3 times a week. When we weren't at church and our school work was done, we had to study the bible for an hour every night. Started getting crazy.

2 months go by since that whole incident. I find a No Fear shirt in my dresser. It was one of my favorite shirts too. I thought my mom gave it back or bought me a knew one, so i put it on and go say thanks and I'm all happy right? She see's the shirt and slaps me across the face and tells me to take it off and how dare you keep this shirt when she threw it away! I get grounded and she cuts the shirt up in front of me. The next day she is cleaning our room while we are at school and when we get back she is sitting on the couch with one of those hair trolls on the coffee table and tells me to go to my room. I hear her yelling at my sister and she ends up getting grounded too. I'm thinking this is fricken weird. One last little thing was what pushed my mom over the edge. She threw out a bunch of halloween decorations, a box of em. A week after the troll incident, she finds the box of halloween decorations in her bedroom closet. She freaks out and brings us all into the living room, even my dad. She wants to know why we are bringing this anti-bible crap back into this house! It turns into us getting sent to our room and my parents arguing up a storm. Anyways, the final showdown i guess you can call it happened about 3 days later after church on sunday. We came home and the house was trashed. Yes, just like the movies. Not like tore up furniture or anything, just like pictures knocked off the walls, papers and mail thrown all over, the trash looked like it exploded all over the kitchen, all the drawrs were pulled open. Freakiest part was going into our room, all my No Fear shirts were pinned to the wall, 5 of em. The 3 Trolls she had were on top of our TV. Other than that, there was nothing wrong with our room. Everything was clean and no touched. My mom rushed us out of the house and we went to one of her bible study friends house. After that my mom pretty much fell off the whole religion bandwagon and started doing drugs again. She left my dad and they got a divorce. Didn't have any issues until we moved into a house kinda out in the country and my mom was doing some drugs in the back room every no and then. At this time i was about 15 in 9th grade. Things started getting weird again, cat would hide in the dryer vent and only come out to go poop and eat, but when he would walk he would like stalk around low to the ground like he was hunting. Started seeing green eyes in pictures and my sister started getting bruises on her back when she woke up. Moved out of that house after about 2 months of moving in. Not sure where my mom is now, I left shortly after my 18th birthday, my sister was already moved out with her best friend. Last i heard my mom was still a crack head somewhere in Washington.

Haven't been messed with other than that. Doesn't really scare me either, but it's a story for ya!


New Member
I also like ghost stories but I never dream to see any kinds of ghost, it makes me feel tremble. From then on, charge it as your experience. Next time don't get up in the middle of the morning or even at night.. :-)

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I don't really believe in ghosts and have never seen a ghost, but once we went to the cemetary to take pictures and there was orbs everywhere in the pics.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
when i was 15 i was haunted for about 1 year

scarey shit happened to me what ever it was used to touch me on the shoulder from wakeing then pretending to sleep thats not the bad thing i seen it many times no shit i seen it at the end of my bed feet looking over me but mostly just the head poking around the door yes freaky shit I WAS ON NO DRUGS !

but seemed like it was looking over me like an angel


Active Member
You think you're alone and you're not.......who's there....what they going to do to you....


Well-Known Member
I myself havent seen a ghost but i am very interested in them. Mostly the Satanic ones and Demons. I MYSELF WOULD NEVER PRY IN THESE THINGS. But i would love to hear from some Satan Worshipers and hear what kind of shit they see. I had a friend a few years back who was into all that but i never asked much info on it because it scared the shit out of me and i didnt want anything attaching to me. Anyway SATAN WORSHIPERS WHERE ARE YOU?????


Well-Known Member
What if i were to tell you that being a satan worshiper didn't call up demons? What if i were to tell you that angels were the ones that showed up and fucked yer day up for trying to worship their enemy? Yep, you've just been Mind Fucked!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
This DID happen to me, but I'm not sure it did really happen.

When I was a child the foot of my bed was near the bedroom door. In the morning my mom would open the door and lightly pinch my big toe and either sing or say, 'Good morning, sweetheart time to get ready for school.'

After she passed I was taking a nap in the middle of the day and I was sound asleep when something lightly pinched my big toe. It was strong enough that it woke me up. Now, I'm not sure if I dreamed it or if it was real.

Sometimes I feel like both of my parents are here and watching over me.


It ain't a ghost story but its an experience I'll never forget. What happened was me and few mates were smoking a grill at a local lookout. It was a little dirt carpark that overlooks the ocean. It was about 11:00 at night and we were just chillin listening to music in the car, gettin high etc. when suddenly we notice this big fuck off light hovering over the water. So I get my mate to whip out his phone and film the shit. It was a big golden/orange light which extended all the way into shore. It sorta looked like a golden pyramid shape or a buddah with his legs crossed. It sticks around for a while moving around doing its thing and then this is when I knew it was something out of this world for sure. The light stopped, and shot out into space, millions of kilometers an hour, lighting up the sky as it dissapears. No word of a lie I fucking swear on my life. Was some fucked up shit. Am gunna try and get ripped there more often and see if anything else goes down. Also has anyone experienced stars moving around eratically like fireflies up in the sky?