Ghetto grow and very creative!


Active Member
Ok so I stole 1 400 Watt MH and a 400 watt HPS like this

I got it right out from in front of a store the plastic and everything! I rewired it using a PC cord and it works great. I got the temps at 75 degrees even. I am wanting to do a DWC grow but need to know how many I can put in my space with keeping the total of watts at or under 1000 watts. I am currently using 621 watt. I already have the PH adjusters and meter along with nutes. I think I am gonna grow either light of jah or maybe the first few grows some good lowriders.

My grow room is L 3 FT x 4 FT w X 8 FT high.


Well-Known Member
Do you really expect to come on here, tell us you stoled your grow lights and get congratulated?



Active Member
I didn't want to be congratulated also do you really think anybody is gonna take you serious with you use of words? DJ TEEREKS: What do you mean by 75 is an odd number?


Well-Known Member
how ironic, your jail cell wont be much bigger than your grow room.....
good luck with all that!
I totally lol'd at this hahahaha! Ya man, why would you steal shit like that? too much can go wrong, you get busted and hey, not only do you have illegal grow going on, but hey, these lights match the description of 2 stolen lights reported last month, or something to that effect. Shame on you man! We growers and stoners want to help each other, these people on this site is a good example of this, we don't want to cause some other grower or grow shop pain and misery!

And uhh, lol at the jail cell again :D


LMAO..WOW KID...Idk.. just read around we arent gonna tell you anything(Criminal Activity-Not Condoned) its plenty of info throughout the site/Forums that you can use..Do your research...nd yeah man stealing is bad and karmas a Bee-otch


Active Member
Then don't go into a shop smelling like weed, dur! I bet you torture small animals that look at you funny dont ya?
N I don't torture animals I find it to be despicable! There's more to it that I'm not gonna go into on here.


Well-Known Member
id rather collect bottles and cans for cash for a couple cfl's than steal some mh flood light. btw just cuz you stole a decent light dosent mean your gunna grow shit! karma comes in the way of mold to growers i know!!!


Active Member
LOL the OP is obviously trolling. No way this shit can be real If so he/she has some pretty fucked up ideas, lol comparing stealing shit and growing/selling weed. One hurts people the other makes them happy.


Active Member
I dont need the help I've already wired them and everything is gonna go great as soon as I get me light of jah seeds


Well-Known Member
mental, jus curious, have you ever had anyone steal some shit from ya? if you havn't i can tell ya it feels really,really fucked up dude, think about it, suppose you get your light of jah all growin and lookin good,and someone rips ya off,or how would you feel if someone ripped your mom off,do what you want,but i can tell you, one day,you'll feel terrible about doin that kinda shit ,no matter what they did to you,jus' sayin' you shouldn't sell yourself short bro, your the one thats gotta live with you


New Member
I would have just gone into the store after eating ALOT of cheese and beans and nasty stuff, and RIGHT before walking in the door, I would also shit AND piss my pants, and pretend (might not be hard?) to be "mental". Then I would just keep walking towards the staff until they KNEW I stunk like shit, and then I'd ask them dumb questions all day about the weather, and "what that smell is in here cuz it stinks like piss and shit?"

Then I'd ask to use the washroom but before finishing the sentence I would suddenly sputter out "OOPS....nevermind"

EDIT : I forgot to mention this will probably get the cops called on you again, but if you manage to sit on some of their seating before they arrive they might have a mess on their hands. When I worked at a grocery store I had to deal with the same retarded dude day after day shitting and pissing his pants (not joking) and cops would do nothing after the 2nd time he wouldnt leave the store I just started pushing him out (with gloves ofcourse)..... maybe you can be "that guy"?


Active Member
What store sells grow lights out front where people can steal them? or was this IN the store..balls for sure..brains, not so much. youll find equivilance a double edged sword..get ready for the backswing.


Well-Known Member
What store sells grow lights out front where people can steal them? or was this IN the store..balls for sure..brains, not so much. youll find equivilance a double edged sword..get ready for the backswing.
so,so,true, i dont know a grow shop out there that doesn't monitor this site,and if they already called the cops on him once,they now know who ripped em',karma comin' up quick!